Residents Report Series Of ‘Explosions’

April 10, 2016

Multiple residents across a portion of the North Escambia area reported hearing and feeling multiple strong “explosions” Saturday night.

The explosions or booms were felt or heard between about 8:30 and 10:40 p.m., with most reporting the largest event at 10:40 p.m. NorthEscambia received the most reports from the Byrneville area, with additional reports from Century (particularly the south side of town and around the prison),  the Christian Home community, Gandyville and Bratt.  In addition to residents, reports were also received from members of Escambia Fire Rescue.

Residents reported their homes and the ground shaking or rattling, items on walls being moved and even vehicle alarms being activated.

Seismic data did not indicate any earthquake activity in the area.

No explanation for the reports was found Saturday night.

Pictured: Most of the reported “explosion” sounds Saturday night were centered in the area of Byrneville Elementary School. photos, click to enlarge.


24 Responses to “Residents Report Series Of ‘Explosions’”

  1. Michael Hutcheson on April 13th, 2016 4:12 pm

    I heard a series of small explosions (similar to the sound of fireworks) last night in the Bellview area. There were 5 explosions exactly one minute apart beginning at 9:49 and ending at 9:53. I started to call it in but since the booms were timed with such precision, I figured it was coming from Sauffley Field which is nearby. Anyone else have ideas??

  2. Clark Kent on April 11th, 2016 3:35 pm

    Having been raised in middle earth we have found that many times unexplained explosions can be explained by something as simple as ogres emitting gastric air.

  3. Jimmy on April 11th, 2016 8:38 am

    After dealing with my neighbor’s bass cannon, I can tell you that there is nothing to be done about noise in the county. Code Enforcement and Sheriff’s deputies have both told me that you can make all the noise you want in the county before 10 at night. No limits. After 10pm and you will get a slap on the wrist.

  4. Lynn on April 11th, 2016 7:41 am

    I have been hearing and feeling this kind of thing for years in Jay. I even called it in to WEAR TV one time figuring they would be able to find out what it is, but to no avail. Good luck finding out what it is.

  5. Melodies4us on April 10th, 2016 7:12 pm

    I’m sure it was explosives. I just wonder what is really going on?

  6. Willene on April 10th, 2016 6:53 pm

    I agree with FedUp, and A thought. These people want be laughing when they get hurt bad from doing this. If something goes wrong it could really hurt them bad. How stupid can you be for thinking something like that is funny, a loud bombing sound. Ever who you are, you need help from a Doctor. There is a lot of old people in the area and you have scared them so bad, shame on you.

  7. metoo on April 10th, 2016 4:47 pm

    There were fireworks of an “industrial grade” being fired during this time at an address on barrineau park road / Jack’s Branch Road close to Barrineau park school road. Percussion could be felt a good distance away. Big party. Drinking. No consideration for community and not the first time.

  8. Aaron Southard on April 10th, 2016 2:38 pm

    Was happening in the Jay, “Berrydale” I would chalk our Explosions and shaking to a gas company possibly Fracking for natural gas in the area. They were going house to house asking for people to place sensors on there property for 20.00 a sensor! Might be of help to some

  9. Think-about-it on April 10th, 2016 2:37 pm

    . Several explosions over 2 hours of time wouldn’t be meth labs. Underground construction wouldn’t be going on during those hours! We heard it, felt it, it was intentional and done for fun. Thinking unsupervised, dangerous fun!

  10. Julie on April 10th, 2016 1:14 pm

    I don’t live in that area, but when I hear loud booms and explosion-like sounds that make my windows rattle – I know it is my crazy neighbor playing with his homemade propane cannon. He tends to do it on weekends and usually after night fall and even very late if he has a party.

    Something similar might be the case south of Century.

  11. Bob C. on April 10th, 2016 12:20 pm

    Sometimes it may be from bombing practice or other military exercises at Eglin and other military areas.
    The concussion from their explosions can carry long distances through the ground and air especially when the air is clear and cool, low humidity seems to make sounds travel greater distances.
    Often you’ll feel the house shake and feel a deep toned Boom

  12. A thought on April 10th, 2016 12:08 pm

    You can quit questioning what it is, not a drug dealer and method lab! If you would read comments, some seem to know exactly where it comes from. Not sonic booms! The authorities need to investigate some of the calls that came in, maybe they have a little more info!

  13. heard it on April 10th, 2016 11:16 am

    Heard a single loud explosion last Saturday night, in Nokomis, Alabama. It was just after dark.

  14. I think on April 10th, 2016 9:53 am

    Maybe Meth Labs…. Just a possibility!!! I don’t know what they are like when they blow up but all the area’s that are hearing this are having problems with meth and drug dealer.just something to look into

  15. anne on April 10th, 2016 9:50 am

    So, what is being constructed underground? I’d place a few bets, but it’s not nice to question those bring multiple jobs to the area. Not problem until houses cave in.

  16. BadMix on April 10th, 2016 9:46 am

    Acetylene + Partying = Explosions And could be death! Been going on for years here at ground zero!

  17. juju on April 10th, 2016 9:12 am

    I live on Barrineau Park Road near Jacks Branch and heard a very loud explosion about the same time…

  18. Andy Shutt on April 10th, 2016 8:35 am

    I live in Gonzalez and have been hearing and feeling this for several weeks. Feels like the earth shakes like a wet dog and even makes a growling sound.

  19. FedUp on April 10th, 2016 8:28 am

    There’s an explanation! It’s called idiots in the neighborhood! We know the sheriff’s dept was busy with a wreck last night, but if they would have came when called, we could have pointed them in the right direction!

  20. Coulditbe on April 10th, 2016 8:00 am

    Could it be Tannerite binary exploding targets? Loud as heck, requires high powered round to be set off.

  21. tg on April 10th, 2016 7:12 am

    Sounds like Pipe Bomb Practice.

  22. Willene Bryan on April 10th, 2016 6:47 am

    This also took place the first of the week but not as bad as last night. It sounded like a loud explosion of some kind like you hear on a war movie, a bomb. I know it is something but what I don’t know.

  23. Puddin on April 10th, 2016 5:51 am

    Any chance the Navy was practicing in the area? I’m thinking sonic booms maybe? They sound like explosions and will sure rattle your windows and walls if they are close enough.

  24. Poplar Dell on April 10th, 2016 4:33 am

    Felt the shaking and heard the noise of
    Poplar Dell rd