Rep. Jeff Miller Endorses Trump For President

April 29, 2016

Thursday, House Veterans Affairs’ Committee Chairman Jeff Miller (FL-01) endorsed Donald Trump for president.

Miller has represented Florida’s 1st Congressional District since 2001. Prior to being elected to represent the people of Northwest Florida in Washington, he served in the Florida State House. Since 2011, Miller has served as chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, and in 2014, he negotiated a sweeping VA reform law that included his proposal to provide accountability by empowering the VA secretary to fire poorly performing managers.

“Donald Trump is the only person who has what it takes to shake up the status quo and entrenched bureaucrats in Washington D.C.,” Miller said. “I am more and more convinced that he has the ability to reach in and right the wrongs in the Department of Veterans Affairs once and for all.

“America needs Donald Trump and his conservative agenda to shore up and secure our borders and to rebuild our military,” added Miller. “I stand today with Donald Trump, and l support his candidacy for President.”

“Miller is the kind of results-oriented person we need more of in Congress,” said Trump. “He has uncovered scandals within the VA and the poor treatment of our veterans, and I applaud those efforts. But our veterans deserve better than an agency that has failed them, and I look forward to working with Jeff to make sure every veteran gets the kind of care they have earned and the kind of care they deserve.”


9 Responses to “Rep. Jeff Miller Endorses Trump For President”

  1. Gary on May 3rd, 2016 6:40 am

    Trump is the best thing we have had in politics since Ronald Reagan. Not a career politician, not taking money from special interest groups that ALWAYS buy Washington. Since 1988 we have been governed by career politicians so lets give an outsider a chance. Darn sure better than Obummer…..

    Thanks Jeff Miller and I will be at the polls doing the same.

  2. FromTexas on May 2nd, 2016 9:31 am

    Trump sucks, he’s awful, he’s a scam artist… Trumpkins are being brainwashed much like Obama’s “low information voters.” I guess Trump now has his own following of “low information voters.” If he gets elected, sit back and watch the fireworks as this is the death of America as we know it… Cruz 2016!!!

  3. Bill on May 1st, 2016 8:10 pm

    Ms Betty,
    I’ve seen family members, loved ones and those I served with die before the VA acted…….I feel you pain and I am very sympathetic to your needs, God Bless

  4. Betty H on April 30th, 2016 10:51 am

    Maybe an appointment to head the VA is in Jeff’s future if Trump is elected…Our military is in sad shape for sure. Soldiers who risk it all to protect our Nation have to live in poverty and have benefits denied and stolen from them. Seeing my husband lose benefits promised in writing for his Vietnam service is shameful and needs to stop. Our military and our Veterans always get the short straw…

  5. Bill on April 29th, 2016 3:20 pm

    Mr. Miller…
    If for some unholy reason u think that youself or Donald Trump alone can fix the VA, u are horribly wrong. That system is so broken is must be repaired from the ground up, and that doesn’t include anyone at your level or higher.

  6. Walnut Hill Roy on April 29th, 2016 9:55 am

    The problem is that Mr. Trump will not get to work with Jeff Miller, Jeff is getting out as Mr. Trump is going in (maybe).

  7. wendell on April 29th, 2016 9:17 am

    Well I have lost all respect for Mr. Miller. It’s a real easy choice; there’s only one conservative running, and one big business insider. How hard is it?
    We have been mad about Republicans we elect not being conservative, but I don’t think that excuse works anymore if Trump gets the nomination.

  8. Ponderosa hill on April 29th, 2016 5:40 am

    Didn’t he endorse Marco Rubio a couple months ago ? What’s changed ?

  9. Linda Hester on April 29th, 2016 12:54 am

    Here’s another conservative, Christian that I trust throwing his weight behind Donald Trump. I truly believe Mr. Trump is the man to take Washington by storm and begin to fix what’s broken. Which is just about everything. I believe that Smalls Trump is putting together a team with strengths where he is lacking and respect for We The People to Make America Great again.