Proposed Highway To Connect Beulah, I-10, Highway 29 Near Cantonment

April 19, 2016

Plans are underway for a new “Escambia Beltway” — a high speed connector highway from Highway 29 north of Cantonment to a new interchange at I-10 in Escambia County and to West Nine Mile Road in Beulah.

The plan is only at the study and public comment stage today, but officials are hoping for Federal Highway Administration approval by January 2017.

There are seven very similar routes under consideration for the Escambia Beltway with a northern endpoint somewhere along Highway 29 between Barrrineau Park Road and Quintette Road. The beltway will be a four-lane divided highway with controlled or limited access.  Each of the proposed routes is about 11.4 miles long.

Escambia County will hold a public kick-off meeting for the project tonight from 5:30 until 7 p.m. at Plainview Baptist Church at 1101 West Nine Mile Road.

The study is being conducted by the county, in coordination with the Florida Department of Transportation, for the proposed Escambia Beltway and a new I-10 interchange.

This meeting is an opportunity for the public to learn about the project, become familiar with the study process and provide initial feedback on issues of concern. The meeting will be an open house to allow the public the opportunity to review maps and other information on display. Representatives from Escambia County and its consultant for the project will be available to explain the proposed improvements, the study process and to answer questions.

Those wishing to submit written comments may do so at the meeting, via email at or by mailing them to Atkins Project Manager Gregory S. Allen, P.E., 2114 Airport Boulevard, Suite 1450, Pensacola, FL 32504. All comments must be postmarked on or before May 6 to become part of the official project record.

Pictured top: This map shows a proposed new Escambia Beltway from Beulah to north of Cantonment on Highway 29. Pictured below: Seven proposed endpoints along Highway 29 for a new Escambia Beltway. Images fro, click to enlarge.


29 Responses to “Proposed Highway To Connect Beulah, I-10, Highway 29 Near Cantonment”

  1. Mark R on April 25th, 2017 12:33 pm

    Berryhill road need 4 Lanes connect to Quintette road (4 lanes) and connect to Barrineau Park road (4 lanes) to New Bypass Hwy 29 to I-10.

    In Santa Rosa county, Quinetette, Woodbine, Chumuckla, and Berryhill roads need re-do (maybe build the bridge without the traffic light)

  2. Trish on April 21st, 2016 8:10 pm

    I wonder how many people are going to be forced to sell their homes in order for the county to build a road we don’t need?

  3. T Smith on April 21st, 2016 12:21 pm

    They cant keep muscogee rd from beulah rd to 29 repaired!
    I agree with Overpass on 29 and western entrance for chip and log trucks since they mostly come from that direction anyway. Maybe we could get our little town back!

  4. 429SCJ on April 21st, 2016 7:00 am

    Escambia county has never had proper management in the way of zoning and industrial development.’I have been a few places on this old ball and Cantonment is the only town that I have ever encountered, that has a paper mill in the middle of it.

    Build the overpass and move the chip and log trucks of hwy 29 and to the rear of the mill.

  5. nathan on April 20th, 2016 9:55 pm

    how about finishing the other 8 million road projects y’all have started and not finished first.

  6. question mark on April 20th, 2016 3:19 pm

    High speed? Hope not like the Baldwin Beach Express–55mph.

  7. just_curious on April 20th, 2016 9:34 am

    Just curious… is it possible to do this with High Quality work and in a reasonably short period of time? Like less than 5 years to complete? seems like construction around Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties take an Unreasonable amount of time to finish with LOTS of screw ups, and ooops forgot to add that in, type stuff, as if purposely attempting to drag it out.
    Next if they could get a reasonably straight freeway/bypass from here (HWY29 or 297a) to 113 to jump on I65 north, so don’t have to go through all the lil towns if you don’t want to.

  8. jeeperman on April 20th, 2016 8:02 am

    This road project is in the works to accommodate, enhance and line the pockets of the mover and shakers involved in a massive “Town Center” project in that area.
    I am sure it has been reported here by William maybe up to four years ago.
    Major residential and commercial development bordered by Ten Mile, Hwy 29 and Perdido River.
    I tried to search for the name of it but I have not found the right words to use in searching.

  9. Frank on April 20th, 2016 7:39 am

    Govabuse… 9 mile in the works starting Fall 2016 is what I remember previous articles???

  10. gregg witherspoon on April 20th, 2016 5:32 am

    There are a few projects that need to be taken care of like the CSX crossing but that is a county issue not a FDOT issue. I welcome this since it will eliminate some of the Hwy 29 congestion and yes, maybe one day someone will think outside the box and ;

    1) Connect I110 to I65
    2) Create an on/off ramp for 9th Avenue of I10

    Regardless of how things have been, for a county to survive, progress must be achieved. Navy Federal today )and the near future) is what the old Monsanto plant was too so many of you 30 years ago, the leading job supplier. Everyone complains about a lack of jobs and a lack of good paying jobs but we have an answer. To keep the jobs coming, we need to advance our roadways and a little sacrifice will go a long way. Taxes aren’t being raised and there is money flowing back into the community so its a win-win for the local community.

  11. govabuse on April 20th, 2016 12:00 am

    I took a closer look at the very poor imagery (provided by the people proposing this) by comparing it to Google maps. Of course the image provided here isn’t precise, I can see where they are going approximately. A lot of privately owned homesteads WILL BE affected. Looks like Mathison Rd is a hot spot and Barrineau Park Rd as well as Jacks Branch Rd, River Annex Rd and Beulah Rd.

    Eminent Domain:
    “… The property of subjects (ALL OF OUR PROPERTIES can be subject) is under the eminent domain of the state, so that the state or he who acts for it may use and even ALIENATE and DESTROY such property, not only in the case of extreme necessity, in which even private persons have a right over the property of others, but for ends of public utility, to which ends those who founded civil society must be supposed to have intended that private ends should give way. But it is to be added that when this is done the state is bound to make good the loss to those who lose their property.”

    So, you and your family may have paid state and government taxes for the many years your family has owned and cared for and perhaps even farmed for a living said property, it can be taken from you. Others who may be new residents in these areas are not excluded.

    Why not continue with the Nine mile 4 lane expansion where property has already been set aside? I drive that expanse from Beulah to 29 daily. That would alleviate a lot of congestion without taking people’s homes from them at the most minimal compensation the State would be required. And steps have already been put in place. Much of this stretch is already primed for 4 lanes.

    I am not one of the people in the path of this proposal though I do travel 9 mile and 29 daily.. I just do not see the benefits.

  12. Teeman on April 19th, 2016 10:22 pm

    What sense does this make fund this project? I-110 EXTENDED To I-65 is much better idea. You all needs to fund upgrading U.S. Hwy 29 @ the CSX crossing. You guys are not showing no concerns for your local citizens . If somebody gets sick EMS has to travel out area routes delaying their arrival time. This project would be an absolute waste and should never be funded! Give Belauh an exit and forget the western beltway!!!!!!!!!!!! Connect I-110 north to AL I-65

  13. Carolyn Bramblett on April 19th, 2016 8:14 pm

    That statement from 429SCJ is totally on the mark.

  14. A Alex on April 19th, 2016 7:50 pm

    This was not any type of meeting. JUST A SHOW with no presentation or forum. Another County scam. What a joke. Showing Quintet Rd 6 out of seven routes. No construction till at least 2024. By then, maybe 9 mile will be started

  15. chris in Molino on April 19th, 2016 6:51 pm

    Exactly ! It sickens me to no end the “little town” I live in just twenty years ago has traffic and people out the wazoo. That northerners, yuppies, and hippy liberal cry me a river types are now a strong voice making changes to my once small conservative town. If not for cell phones and intranet I guess it’d still be that way. I’m thinking I’ll be in Alabama also. Definitely can’t be near one of those controlling cookie cutter neighborhoods.

  16. Eric on April 19th, 2016 5:15 pm

    I moved north end of the county to get away from this kind of stuff. Why on earth would anybody approve this and have the county take away people’s land. Just not good if you ask me. This is for the navy federal credit union.

  17. MM on April 19th, 2016 4:16 pm

    Route 5 looks most feasible and is not through my front yard like #2.

  18. dman on April 19th, 2016 12:20 pm

    Hmm…this could be a good thing. Certainly there will be some NIMBYs…that’s going to happen no matter what. I will say that I agree with the others on here about a new corridor opening up the western side of the county to more development. There’s a lot of pristine, untouched wilderness that will be going the way of the dodo. I’m glad I live on the sparsely populated north eastern side of the county…for now. It looks like no matter what, it’ll only be a matter of time before us hillbillies will have to move further north, even into Alabama, to stay in the “country”.

  19. Chuck on April 19th, 2016 11:06 am

    Survey and clearing has already been conducted to extend West Quintette Road.
    beyond Hwy. 29 toward Beulah. Why spend countless dollars for a new route when one already in progress exists?

  20. Jim K on April 19th, 2016 9:53 am


    Viewing the PDF on the MyEscambia Website which has the same map shown here, end points #3 and #4 ROW come together crossing completely over an active firing range, Pensacola Rifle and Pistol Club. The arrow for #3 on the map just about points at the club range.

    End point #7 ROW proposes using half of the club’s north 40 acres and much of our west 60 acres buffer area while also taking out our access road.

    Directly to the south of the club’s firing range is undeveloped property that could be used such as endpoint #5 and #6 on the map.

    Pensacola Rifle and Pistol Club has been in that location since 1980 owning 140 acres keeping most of that as a conservation and good neighbor buffer.

  21. Ridiculous on April 19th, 2016 9:53 am

    And yet no one is concerned about the amount of people who will lose property that has been in their families for 100+ years. I being one of them.

  22. Blue on April 19th, 2016 9:34 am

    I agree 429SCJ. Wondering how much more traffic will be effected by the train crossing at Hwy 29/Muscogee Rd. I like the idea of accessing I-10 faster, but what good will it do if WE are caught again by the train stopped on the tracks? Perhaps this will be covered at tonight’s meeting, I don’t know. I can’t tell anything from the teeny tiny map.

  23. PracticallySpeaking on April 19th, 2016 9:02 am

    Looks like a great project to alleviate traffic in the 9 Mile corridor. I wonder who will be the first to claim the NIMBY position?

  24. Kimberly Blackman on April 19th, 2016 8:52 am

    Is there a larger more detailed map that we could look at? One that has the smaller roads marked clearly. It’s obvious these roads are going to go through some private property and I’d like to know ahead of time how it is going to affect mine.

  25. Rick Schultz on April 19th, 2016 7:54 am

    When this was first proposed; it was stated this was for.a hurricane evacuation route. When I pressed our County Commissioner to explain why you would want to dump all the traffic on already congested Hwy. 29; he seemed aggravated with me and stated that if I didn’t like change, I had better move out of Beulah. Wilson Robinson has nothing to loose as he is not going to run for reelection. If you look at the proposed location of the new road, it will run right through land that has no road access and open it up for developing. Makes those of us in Beulah wonder if Wison is pushing this project for that reason and not because of traffic. Widen 9 mile Rd. from Mobile Hwy. west to Hwy. 29 and then do your studies. My home is on Beulah Rd. built on an 80 ft. set back permit; I stand to loose my home or have a major hwy. with a proposed 1000 ft. right of way right at my.front door.

  26. My two cents on April 19th, 2016 7:29 am

    Need to plan more for the future!!! Need to plan on moving the entrance north of Highway 97. Escambia’s growth is North of highway 97 or Highway 97. Think about it.

  27. David on April 19th, 2016 6:46 am

    It makes sense. Congestion on hwy 29 is beyond rediculous. People will speak out against this part, but, make it a $1, no more than $1 toll road and it’ll pay for itself in a few years.

  28. Doug Moesta on April 19th, 2016 6:25 am

    Love the idea. The sooner the better,

  29. 429SCJ on April 19th, 2016 6:22 am

    The thing that we need is an overpass at the Cantonment red light, to pass over the CSX crossing and red light. The mill traffic also needs to be routed off from highway 29. The mill traffic should enter from the rear of the mill, off hwy 297.

    Far less real estate to purchase.