North Escambia Native Rebekah Bydlak Running For Congress

April 12, 2016

Tuesday, 25-year old North Escambia native Rebekah Johansen Bydlak officially announced her Republican  candidacy for Florida’s First Congressional District seat, following Jeff Miller’s announcement that he will not seek re-election.

Bydlak said she will file her official paperwork to run for Congress withing the next week. She chose to make her official announcement first and exclusively on

Bydlak has served as director of outreach for the Coalition to Reduce Spending, an advocacy organization dedicated to reducing federal spending and debt.

“The First District deserves innovative solutions, not just more of the same,” Bydlak said. “A vibrant, 21st century economy that benefits all demands a federal government that abides by our Constitution.”

“Washington is broken,” she added, “and I have the experience to be part of the solution. Every child born today will face tens of thousands of dollars in debt they did not ring up, thanks to career politicians who have no interest in stopping business as usual. I will fight for my generation’s right to be free from this burden.”

Bydlak said her entrance in the race is sorely needed because voters know that politics as usual will not solve problems such as $19 trillion in government debt.

“Having successfully advocated important spending cuts, pushed back against Obamacare, and built fiscally conservative coalitions nationwide, I’m confident that I have the knowledge and skills to repeal Obamacare, cut spending and debt, protect educational freedom, and take care of our veterans,” she said.

“I think people are ready for new faces in Washington,” Bydlak said. “People are tired and are ready for political outsiders. I can be the outsider people are looking for; there is a real need for new people in Washington.

Bydlak was home schooled her entire life before attending Pensacola State College and the University of West Florida. She holds a master’s degree in political science and public administration from UWF and spent the last three years  at the Coalition to Reduce Spending, advocating full-time for lower spending and debt among the public, elected officials, and candidates across the country.

In what is expected to be a crowded field of candidates, some of which will raise hundreds of thousands of dollars very quickly, she said campaign funding will not be an issue.

“I have the ability to be competitive, especially this year as voters are looking for more,” Bydlak said. “Not more politics as usual.”

Pictured top: Rebekah Johansen Bydlak is running for Congress. Pictured below: Rebekah Johansen Bydlak with her husband Jonathan and family dog Reagan. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “North Escambia Native Rebekah Bydlak Running For Congress”

  1. Jim Speed, CPA (Retired) on August 30th, 2018 6:12 pm

    Do not get disappointed. It was a close race.

    Your TV ads were good and clear. Maybe more house to house door knocking and meeting and making as many civic club lunchoens starting early might help more folks to know you. And fish fry meetings are always good.

    You are a good presenter. Get as much community time as you can – and get back in the game next time.

  2. Rob Hamer on April 18th, 2016 12:21 pm

    I have spent time with Rebekah only once, but she was very impressive, particularly at her age. I am most impressed by the causes she has advocated up to this point…reduced government spending, personal liberty, and adherence to the Constitution. These are causes that should be near and dear to younger generations who will pay the price of their elders (of which I am one) spending profligacy and the ever expanding regulatory state.

  3. joseph Thornton. thornton on April 16th, 2016 11:21 am

    I welcome your interest for this important office. We Vets need some serious help with Vet. ADMIN. I have complained to Miller. All his forms have disclaimer.. can not force anything. Incompetency of organization is beyond belief. Please be careful what you promise voters. Admin. problems will not be solved until people are held accountable, which they certainly are not. Suspect federal union strength. I doubt employees even need to show for work. A your of Pensacola will show over half of stations are not manned indicating wasted money for equipment and long wait times. We need to find a representative that has the authority to get action. MILLER has not shown this autjlhority which is needed. You need to check on the authority you will have BEFORE you promise us for your vote. Currently the admin. will not even acknowledge a formal written complaint. Discusting! I would gladly vote for you IF you can get action. Good luck.

  4. Timothy Yung on April 15th, 2016 12:21 am

    I remember seeing her on Youtube in 2008, making pro-liberty videos. What a long way she has come. If she wins she and Justin Amash will be the most pro-liberty members of Congress.

  5. Murray on April 13th, 2016 11:06 am

    Rebekah understand policy inside and out and would be a welcome voice in the Congress. She will represent us well and I am thrilled to support her.

  6. ECSORETIRED on April 13th, 2016 6:38 am

    She is the minimum age to qualify to run for Congress, but there are exceptions to every rule. I am willing to listen to her platform. After all, look at the mess the country is in today with the old farts in Washington who have grown roots so deep that you couldn’t pull them up with a tractor.

  7. chris in Molino on April 13th, 2016 4:53 am

    @Bryan Bethea
    I’m sure she’s not for what you are. Neither are a majority of Floridians. Neither are a majority of lawmakers but they say what they have to so as not to upset anyone. Oh yes, things have changed, people now hide their good morals from those like you who twist and pervert the constitution.
    So go ahead, ask the question of her you really wanna ask.

  8. northend resident on April 12th, 2016 10:55 pm

    {Very few people have the wisdom and maturity at 25 to adequately represent over 700,000 people.}

    So the statement made above is kinda simple minded and unfair. I mean, how has WISDOM and MATURITY worked for us so far, huh? Our Country is a mess and Congress is a mess!

    Maybe getting in some young, motivated, smart and savvy people is exactly what America needs. Besides, it is their generation who will be inheriting this mess from all the old farts who can barely walk to their fancy congress seats and who are too greedy to retire, so we should at least consider giving them an opportunity to make a difference and not hold their age and/or lack of experience against them. (JMO)

  9. David Huie Green on April 12th, 2016 8:40 pm

    “How about telling us what you are FOR instead of the laundry list of things you are AGAINST.”

    FROM ABOVE, She is for:
    “a federal government that abides by our Constitution.”
    “spending cuts”
    “fiscally conservative coalitions nationwide”
    “cut spending and debt,”
    “protect educational freedom,”
    “take care of our veterans,”
    ” lower spending and debt among the public, elected officials, and candidates across the country.” (Whatever that means as stated. If it had stopped after the word “public” I would know, but with “elected officials, and candidates across the country,” added, it’s murkier.)
    “Every child born today will face tens of thousands of dollars in debt …. my generation’s right to be free from this burden.”

    She doesn’t spell out specifics regarding how she hopes to achieve these goals — especially if they are contradictory, but she DOES say what they are.

    David for an even better world

  10. Bryan Bethea on April 12th, 2016 6:58 pm

    I’m sorry, while her enthusiasm might be lauded, she is simply too young to run for Congress. She is the minimum age set forth in the Constitution for a member of the House. Very few people have the wisdom and maturity at 25 to adequately represent over 700,000 people. Perhaps she is the exception, but she is a run of the mill anti-government type based on her quotes in the article. How about telling us what you are FOR instead of the laundry list of things you are AGAINST.

  11. Chase B. on April 12th, 2016 9:47 am

    Awesome!!!! Rebekah is one of the SMARTEST woman I’ve ever had the opportunity to meet, and spend time with as a classmate at UWF. She is truly an amazing person and cares about the people and is a huge supporter of liberty and constitutional rights. She NEEDS to win this election! That would be a huge step forward for the 1st District and Pensacola!

  12. BT on April 12th, 2016 9:18 am

    Good luck. I really hope that someone can get elected to public office by the voters, and not by the handful of political insiders that run the area.

    It is encouraging that NorthEscambia gives equal exposure to all candidates, not just the selected few.

  13. JJ on April 12th, 2016 9:06 am

    Awesome! Now we need everyone to send a message to Matt Gaetz and let him know that he is not entitled to that seat, just because of who his daddy is and the over 1 M dollars he “raised”.

  14. Walnut Hill on April 12th, 2016 8:50 am

    Good for you! Wishing you every success.

  15. melody godwin on April 12th, 2016 6:21 am

    Rebekah Johansen Bydlak – reach for the stars!!! I am so proud that someone your age is stepping up for such an important position.