Healthy Start: Signs Of Recovery In Century

April 27, 2016

Contractors have started work on tornado repairs to two buildings in Century used by the Healthy Start program.

The roof of the Healthy Start building  at 511 Church Street was damaged during the EF-3 tornado that tore through Century on February 15. The county-owned building was cleaned, dried out and temporary tarps were put in place. The tarps were no match for Easter weekend winds and rain, with water once again pouring into the building.

Healthy Start moved next door to another county-owned building at 501 Church Street, a building that Healthy Start had already leased but had not yet been renovated. The building is former location of the Health and Hope Clinic.

Century site manager Laura Nelson said all Healthy Start services, including WIC and patient visits by Jay pediatrician Marian Stewart, have continued at the new location.

Tuesday, contractors were busy removing water damaged furniture from the Healthy Start building at 511 Church Street, while additional crews were hard at work putting new roof on the former Health and Hope building at 501 Church Street.

Pictured: Contractors were working hard Tuesday at two county-owned buildings used by the Healthy Start program in Century.  Photos for, click to enlarge.


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