Florida Dept. Of Corrections To Hire Over 4,000 Corrections Officers

April 2, 2016

The Florida Department of Corrections announced Friday that the agency seeks to hire more than 4,000 correctional officers statewide before July 1, 2017, to fill existing vacancies and account for projected turnover.

A career in corrections offers the unique opportunity to serve and protect our state and communities while making a positive difference in the lives of Florida’s inmates, the agency said in a news release.

“Properly staffing our institutions is critical to the safe and secure operations of our facilities. To ensure that our prisons are staffed appropriately, the Department is seeking more than 4,000 qualified individuals to proudly and bravely serve our state as correctional officers. Our hiring efforts are focused on recruiting courageous, honorable and hardworking men and women to join our team and take on our mission to provide a continuum of services to meet the needs of those entrusted to our care, creating a safe and professional environment with the outcome of reduced victimization, safer communities and an emphasis on the premium of life,” Secretary Julie Jones said.

Correctional officers are responsible for the supervision, care, custody and control of inmates in a correctional institution or facility.

NorthEscambia.com file photo.


32 Responses to “Florida Dept. Of Corrections To Hire Over 4,000 Corrections Officers”

  1. Dan on April 4th, 2016 7:32 pm

    hmmm this may explain a lot about Chris from molinos attitude towards the department. But no matter to me if he’s been in prison in the past he paid his debt and he square with the house I’m just trying to let people know what we go through on a daily basis and we should be paid better for the job we preform I wish we had a hang around program like the sheriffs department does then maybe the public would understand

  2. One who knows on April 4th, 2016 5:52 pm

    To Dan & proud army parent, I’m not one to throw mud in people’s face about their past, especially when they’ve proven to get their life straightened out, because I for one have a bad past, but if I’m not mistaken, Chris in Molino, has been to prison, & not to work, if you know what I’m saying, sorry Chris, but too much has spewed from your mouth, pipe it down, son.

  3. tlw on April 4th, 2016 4:00 pm

    @ProudArmyParent, you are right on point. @ Chris, you wouldn’t know reality if it slapped you. Until you speak with CO’s or go behind those gates yourself your opinions are a waste of brain space.

  4. Purifoy on April 4th, 2016 12:28 pm

    I have applied for CO jobs for the past 2yrs, no call backs, everytime I called to check on application, I get the same answer each time but they hiring, where,when? I really want to be a CO

  5. chris in Molino on April 4th, 2016 9:38 am

    I still cannot seem to get past “the inmates have all the power”. That just sounds absurd and can’t begin to see how it can be. And suspended for saying a curse word. I know the world and its people are much different (ie; worse) but what you’re saying seems a little hard to believe.
    I see someone standing up saying, No More ! I see walk outs, strikes, or at least some organized push back. If it’s like you say then they may as well go back to letting inmates be gaurds and work the towers etc. I still say it’s a good paying job for the requirements to get it but if what you say is true then it is a sad sad time for Floridas good folks working for the department and will only get worse. Gotta be a way to gain attention and expose it. What happened to an officers word is law ?

  6. David Huie Green on April 3rd, 2016 9:27 pm

    Behave children

  7. ProudArmyParent on April 3rd, 2016 7:07 pm

    Chris in Molino, I stand by what I say, DAILY!

    This “kinder, gentler prison system” is only doing one thing, it is putting Correctional Officers at a disadvantage.

    Momma’s if you don’t want you babies in prison, raise them up right. Crack down on them when you see them going in the wrong directions. And don’t make yourself look foolish by calling the Governor, the Sec. Of the DOC, even the prison where your son is incarcerated because your son hasn’t gotten to go to the canteen or some other trivial thing. Poor boy, he is in PRISON. There might just be a reason, and we aren’t at liberty to tell you, your son is once again lying through his teeth.

  8. Rodney on April 3rd, 2016 5:08 pm

    Many often mention further education when low wages and mediocre benefits are mentioned. If everyone in our beautiful country had a four year degree, these types of jobs would still need to be filled. If your solution to an employment problem is higher education, for all, you had little or no economic courses.

  9. Dan on April 3rd, 2016 2:43 pm

    @chris from molino
    Once again you think you know everything and maybe I didn’t want to promote that’s my choice and just because you talk like you’ve work in prison before doesn’t mean that you know everything that goes on now how about you come back for about six months big mouth and let’s see what you got now days when the inmates have all the power we have inmates stabbed almost daily now and certainly at least weekly that didn’t happen when you were there because the officers had some power now days say a curse word get suspended don’t believe put in your application bet you can’t make it because you got to be smart now days to survive not just know everything

  10. Penelope on April 3rd, 2016 12:06 pm

    @reality check: you’re a bit ignorant if you think it’s that easy. Try getting a degree and taking care of a family and bills with a poor salary and a schedule that is difficult to work around. Not to mention, if everyone left for a better job, who would be there to protect you from the criminals? It is an important and dangerous job. A small raise each year like most jobs is not much to ask for. Perhaps that could have happened if the new secretary hadn’t spent millions changing the uniforms that didn’t need to be changed. Meanwhile she continues to make six figures for a job she is doing badly.

  11. CO Wife on April 3rd, 2016 9:58 am

    I have been the wife of a CO for 20 years, (he has been in the DOC for 20+). He is constantly stressed due to lack of staff. Our prisons are so understaffed due to multiple reasons. BUT, the CO’s that do show up every shift and do their jobs correctly, DESERVE RESPECT! All of you who are bashing this job, I would love for you to walk out on that compound, you would be running for the parking lot in five minutes! My husband and his co-workers walk out there every shift among 1000+ men who would rather kill them than look at them! Are you that brave? I don’t think so. We have struggled financially due to lack of raises, but we are not destitute. We don’t drive brand new cars or live in a big new house, but we survive. Working for the FLDOC is not a cake walk. They don’t walk through that gate day after day, for minimal pay, because it’s easy. They do it because they have a job to do, protect YOU, (WHO DON’T RESPECT THEM), from those who are a menace to society! Think about that before you disrespect one more of them!

  12. ProudArmyParent on April 3rd, 2016 9:26 am

    Reality Check, finding another job is a great solution!
    Now, what aboutthe Correctional Officers that have put in their time or are close to their retirement and State keeps changing the rules on their retirement. How is that legal? Your Correctional Officer you came under certain rulers, you signed a contract with the state. Then the State changes the rules. You’ve already put in 15 maybe 20 years and now the rug gets pulled out from under you.
    This is what the state calls fair. I call it dirty dealing!

  13. chris in Molino on April 3rd, 2016 9:20 am

    @Esc co Leo

    AMEN !! Finally, someone else attests to the reality. Lots of COs were minimum wage welfare recipients before DOC. And yes, it’s a good deal for a moron with no skills or education. Put it this way, making $10/ an hour is just under $21k probably with no benefits, so 4 months of school = almost $31k is insane. DOC needs to enforce the fitness test cause i’ve seen more obese gaurds than need be.
    @Proud Army Parent—please elaborate on which prison they find shanks “every day” ? In actuality, a CO is more likely to die in a car wreck or win the lottery over getting stabbed in FDOC. The inmates are like cattle and for the most part, completely controlled.
    @Dan– sorry you worked for the same pay for 10-20 years. If you couldn’t rank up in that time it says a lot.
    FDOC should target ex military and retirees. Those are the best gaurds they have. The rest are either overweight slobs, government hoodrat leeches, or morons.

  14. Reality Check on April 3rd, 2016 8:03 am

    I understand that this may not be what correctional officers want to hear, but if you feel that you dot make enough money, maybe you should find a better job. After all, that’s what most people on here say to anyone working fast food and wanting a raise. Get an education and leave Century. Stop complaining, get a better job.

  15. john on April 3rd, 2016 7:51 am

    By hiring more CO’s your foolish if you think it will make prisons safer, your only going to give inmates more targets. You do a study, I guarantee 10 years from now, inmate assault’s on CO’s will be up.

  16. john on April 3rd, 2016 7:40 am

    I never made sense to me why we keep murderers and rapist alive, they need to be executed, and also make it if you have a go at a CO, than that person needs to be executed. If I were in full control of our prison system, I would not take joy, but would righteously execute certain criminals in there, and make the rest fear me, and fear the repercussions of messing with my officers. You see the our judges, and politician’s in tallahassee are weak in dealing with criminals, we need Men real Men in tallahassee to make some changes not just at the State level ,but at the federal as well, the problem is there aren’t any MEN leading us!!!

  17. One who knows on April 3rd, 2016 6:56 am

    cw, your speculating buddy, used to be that when you hired on, with DOC, you signed a waiver that if you quit after they put you through schooling before 2 years is up, you paid back the schooling. to esco Leo, not being ugly or judging you, & maybe I took it wrong, but you act like your extra 2 months is better than correctional 4 months, plus training throughout the years, it doesn’t stop with just the 4 months because one can cross train for like 2 more months of their schedules allow for such, but ours hasn’t yet, so we can’t be goody goody like you but if that’s the attitude you have maybe we’re better off with our loved ones 4 months, pay raise has been the same unless you promote, you get extra but even that is the same, the others haven’t gotten any pay raises either, our loved ones may not get shot at but they’re still in danger, unlike you, ours can’t accidently bump someone’s head or face into a car while putting them in. Get my jest, if you don’t maybe you aught to become a co like the rest, just funning with ya man, I think I’ll go get a doughnut wait no, our loved ones can’t do that they’re locked behind a gate with their criminals & shanks, it also puts more @ risk, when the women that work in a men’s population instead of a women’s prison, because there are certain things that women can’t do in a mans prison & that puts the men co in an even higher greater risk, a few months ago there was something actually snuck in by an old man visitor but they caught it, thanks to the lord, somebody was actually doing their job even though they only had 4 months training. Carolyn Bramblett, you sound like you may have @ least 1 in prison, not judging but maybe you should have disciplined yourself & you wouldn’t have to be getting upset that someone else makes your loved one walk a line now, sometimes one can do all they can but you sound like the first. Why shouldn’t a co make one obey, it might just be the first time inmate has had that type of interaction, my loved one deserves the right to get to come home, same as the rest of the co, maybe you need to start talking to the rest of your kids or grandkids if you have any, don’t do anything to get sent there in the first place. I’ve vented some now I’ll stop, have a good day, I plan to

  18. Facetious Bob on April 2nd, 2016 9:55 pm

    @ ESC CO LEO…Ironic, you and I, accepted LEO jobs that offered a modicum of income, and, eventually a decent retirement. Although some of us did better with college education through raises, I hate to mention “entitlements,” but I have forgotten the acronym for that. We served, as we swore to do. We were looked down upon by “educated” liberals, taught by “educated” liberals. Many of these people, gathered huge student debts, only to find their chosen occupations had been exported overseas, or, had been replaced by robots. Many people with mediocre college degrees would be better served to have learned an occupation as a welder, electrician, plumber, etc….or, a LEO.

  19. Puddin on April 2nd, 2016 9:06 pm

    My son was a CO for several years while he completed his schooling. After what, he told me, goes on in the Esc. Co. Jail. I wouldn’t consider working there. The inmates are allowed “hot pots” to cook noodles purchased at the Commisary. Any idea what boiling water can do to a human body? Think of what the heating elements and other parts could be used for. Along with that, he was spit on, hit, and had urine poured on him. If he had an issue, he was scolded for “Picking on” inmates. New jobs are great. These men and women who take it on deserve tons of respect and huge sums of money.

  20. DAGB on April 2nd, 2016 8:34 pm

    They could also join you Esc. Co. Leo understanding the qualifications to enter the vocational school “without education and training ” is the same . If one so chooses a career in Corrections I can assure you DOC is by far, not the best deal around.

  21. Carolyn Bramblett on April 2nd, 2016 7:27 pm

    The Department of Corrections does not arrest anyone. They handle the people who have been sentenced or are awaiting sentencing.

  22. Dan on April 2nd, 2016 6:31 pm

    @esco Leo
    That’s the same thing I was thinking 20 years ago when I hired in with the state and my pay has been the same almost every since then. has your or anyone else you know worked for the same pay for ten or twenty years

  23. Dan on April 2nd, 2016 5:20 pm

    I’ve not heard of any terror attacks in Florida but they still spend millions of dollars to prevent it. Would you like a bunch of murders and rapist to riot and kill innocent people or better yet escape and hurt your family before they spend the money to make Florida prisons safe for employees as well as the inmates

  24. ProudArmyParent on April 2nd, 2016 5:01 pm

    ESC co Leo, are you kidding me? Are you some kind of a Morton? Correctional Officers knowingly walk into a prison everyday, knowing it is not a play ground. They risk their lives to keep the dredges of the world behind those fences. They TRAIN all the time. Their train does not stop when they graduate the academy.Let me tell you, everyday shanks are found. These shank are madeby prisoners to inflict harm, deadly harm! These are NOT choir boys that are locked up. These are ccriminals, murders, pediphiles, many of these men I would hope will never see the streets again!
    Then we have Officers, yes OFFICERS that knowingly walk through the gates of HELL for the kind recognition you just offered. These OFFICERS have not had a raise in 9 years, they have had their retirement, and health insurance cut, but brilliant Secretary of the DOC thinks a better use of state funds is to change the color of the DOC uninforms and DOC seal. She doesn’t think the money would be better spent in the pockets of her OFFICERS.
    MAybe if the Governor and Madame Sec. would stop taking the CLS of mom a who cry about their baby being locked up and starting listening to needs of their OFFICERS. This KINDER, GENTLER PRISONER SYSTEM isn’t working. All it is doing is giving inmates the upper hand.
    CORRECTIONAL OFFICER are keeping us safe from those the courts have deem guilty! CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS are only following courts orders, CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS do not impose the court orders they merely follow them.
    CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS want to be treated fairly by the state they work for!
    Think about that!

  25. Esc co Leo on April 2nd, 2016 2:19 pm

    I agree that DOC needs a raise, but let’s keep this in perspective… Where else can you go to a vocational school for four months, and with no college education or experience required, start working at over $30,000 plus benefits?

    Working for DOC is still the best deal around for people that don’t have a lot of education or training, even without raises.

  26. jeeperman on April 2nd, 2016 1:36 pm

    I have not heard of any riots or jail breaks in/from any Florida state facilities.
    So maybe more are not required after all.
    How many more officers above current amount is the state going to add to the payroll?
    I can read the article and assume that it will take 4000 new officers to replace 4000 officers that have and are are expected to leave by 07/01/2017.

  27. John on April 2nd, 2016 1:12 pm

    Department of corrections is so quick to arrest someone now days how about you arrest the people who knowingly break policy every day by forcing there employees to work in unsafe conditions starting with the govenor and then Julie jones and so on.

  28. Dan on April 2nd, 2016 11:08 am

    Obviously this means our institutions are not properly staffed and have been that way for quite some time. I would tell anybody looking for a career in corrections to run to the nearest Pizza Hut and get your sign on bonus corrections is not something you want to do for a career I promise

  29. JJ on April 2nd, 2016 10:04 am

    Let me get this straight; Gov Idiot Scott laid off thousands of CO’s when he first got elected and now Idiot Scott wants to hire thousands of CO’s.
    Anybody see a problem here? This is a perfect example of how that crooked man runs things. He’s incompetent.

  30. Recruitment on April 2nd, 2016 10:02 am

    Recruitment 850-256-6411.

  31. Aaron on April 2nd, 2016 8:32 am

    Maybe they could hire some of the inmates at minimum wage.
    Already have medical and there seems to be a little thought they run the institution

  32. c.w. on April 2nd, 2016 4:59 am

    Will they be paid a decent salary? If a large raise is not coming, people will quit faster than we,”the taxpayers” can pay for their training which cost around $3,000.00.