FDOT Meeting To Address Mobile Highway, Beulah Road Intersection

April 13, 2016

The Florida Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting concerning proposed improvements at the intersection of Mobile Highway and Beulah Road.

The meeting will be held Tuesday, April 26 from 5:30 until 6:30 p.m. at the Beulah Senior Center at 7425 Woodside Road.

The FDOT proposes to design a new traffic signal and add or extend left turn lanes to improve safety and operations at the intersection. Mobile Highway and Beulah Road will be widened and resurfaced as needed to accommodate the additional turn lanes. Additional right-of-way will be required for this project. This project is funded for construction in late 2017, with construction scheduled to begin first quarter of 2018.

The meeting will be an open house type format with no formal presentation. Representatives from the FDOT will be available to explain the proposed improvements, answer questions and receive comments.

Written comments may be submitted to: FDOT General Consultant Project Manager, Tommy Johns, P.E., at 1141 Jackson Avenue, Chipley, Florida 32428 or via email to tommy. johns@atkinsglobal.com.

Pictured: A Monday night crash that injured six people Monday night at the Mobile Highway and Beulah Road intersection. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “FDOT Meeting To Address Mobile Highway, Beulah Road Intersection”

  1. Beulah land resident on April 15th, 2016 8:36 pm

    I have lived I Beulah for over 45 years. That intersection has always been dangerous.
    We have tired for many years to get a red light. We thought we would get one when 9 mile and Beulah got theirs. But we did not, this is I hope and pray a false rumor that I have heard for years. We will get one after so many deaths. Now it seems we may get one. We had a fatality in January now this terrible one the other night. Now we have to wait till 2018. I read some of these remarks I guess I think different. People are people we are all human we make mistakes I know I have and will probably make more. These are called accidents because that is what they are. I do not believe any of the ones I had seen or heard about over my 45 years here set out to cause the accidents that happen. Especially the ones that causes death or permanent damage.
    DOT is fixing 9 mile for Navy Fed traffic. Well what do they think we are getting on Beulah Rd and Mobile Hwy. people are coming this way to avoid the bottle neck on 9 mile. Thank DOT for finally getting us a light but it needs to be a lot quicker than 2018
    It needs to be in 2016. Thank you a concern Beulah Resident who calls all family members when we hear there is another accident. Please hurry before another injury or death.

  2. jeeperman on April 13th, 2016 6:59 pm

    I drive thru that intersection 500 times a year. Yes 500 times.
    There is no blind curve, overgrowth or missing signs.
    There is more traffic because of Navy Fed but all other problems are the result of the drivers not driving.

  3. Joseph O'Neill on April 13th, 2016 5:38 pm

    I’ve used this intersection for over twenty years. For almost all these years rumor had it a light was coming to stop the crashes. Now I see might happen in 2018. Seeing will believing on that… But back to the problem, this crossing due to the angle of the roads makes it difficult to view on coming east bound vehicles. The unwanted growth in the Beulah area has caused the ever increasing amount of traffic passing through this major access to and from 9 mile rd.. What is needed is a traffic light (not a flashing light, but one that also controls turns) Until that is accomplished its with wishful thinking that drivers begin to use their directional signal, and that impatient drivers wait their turn in crossing.

  4. William on April 13th, 2016 4:28 pm

    >>Is it me or do more see this. Dozens of fatal or near fatal accidents have happened here and nothing is done. It takes a Deputy getting seriously hurt for D.O.T. to get off their butts and do something.

    Wrong. FDOT has been working on this intersection and plans for a long time (remember the failed roundabout idea)…nothing to do with Monday night’s wreck.. Government does not move fast enough to plan an entire intersection improvement between Monday night and Tuesday.

  5. Puddin from Beulah on April 13th, 2016 3:46 pm

    Is it me or do more see this. Dozens of fatal or near fatal accidents have happened here and nothing is done. It takes a Deputy getting seriously hurt for D.O.T. to get off their butts and do something. This says alot about who matters. I am very sorry that the deputy and others were hurt but enough is enough.

  6. Dennis HE Wiggins on April 13th, 2016 3:26 pm

    Many times drivers ARE the problems, but one cannot rule out faulty designs in intersections. I ran a stop sign once. Fortunately it was at about 1 in the morning and no one was around . . . except a Bay Minette City Police Officer. He cited me, but I wish I had fought it. The intersection was dark – no WORKING streetlight. There were no “warning signs” (stop ahead), and the trees in the area had low-hanging branches, so seeing the stop sign was next to impossible until you were right up on it. Beulah and Mobile Hwy is different, but my example/experience is proof that drivers are not always the cause of such incidents. PEOPLE (designers, etc.) may be, but drivers not necessarily.

  7. Mom of Three on April 13th, 2016 2:57 pm

    I agree with Mary Clark. This intersection is a very dangerous one. My teenager could take Beulah Road to school each morning and it be a shorter distance, but there is WAY too many vehicles attempting to navigate this intersection for me to allow her to go this way. I am not for putting red lights at every intersection, but this one needs to be improved.
    In some cases it’s a lack of focus by the driver, but as a result of explosive population especially on that side of town, there are tons more vehicles trying to navigate these intersections that quite frankly were designed to handle a much smaller traffic flow.

  8. Local Resident on April 13th, 2016 2:47 pm

    @ Pat

    It’s the drivers but mostly at that intersection it’s the high volume. Beulah has become extremely populated. With 9 mile and Mobile Hwy being the most used in and out for Beulah, they need something at that intersection. I live right by it and there’s 3-5 accidents there every month.

  9. john on April 13th, 2016 2:46 pm

    I have seen in areas where there are too many lights or when they are red they stay red for about 4-5mins. And people blatantly run them because they know they will have to wait for long periods of time if they get caught by a that light. They push the envelope to the max every time. What we really need is tougher laws aimed at getting bad drivers off the road!

    We must target bad drivers and get them OFF the road, If you cause two accidents in a year, your on the bench for at least 2-3 years.

  10. Mary Clark on April 13th, 2016 11:31 am

    This intersection is very dangerous especially since many housing units, schools, and Navy Federal has been developed. The traffic can be horrible and very dangerous. I understand that another middle school and sub division will be built close to this intersection as well. Not only that, there is no other alternative to get to Nine Mile Road from Mobile Hwy but to go through Beulah Road. The only safe way to assure safety on Beulah and Mobile Hwy is to put a full traffic light here. Please do not even consider a blinking light. It has to be a full green, yellow, and red traffic light. I am always scared when I have to drive through this intersection. Please decide on the safety of others and put this light here.

  11. jeeperman on April 13th, 2016 8:11 am

    Glad to hear that FDOT gave up on the silly “round-a-bout” plan.