Couple Cited For Code Violations At Tornado Damaged Century Home

April 20, 2016

The owners of a Century home damaged in a February tornado has been cited by Escambia County Code Enforcement for violations including a roof with a blue tarp and a pile of limbs.

Wade and Mary Barnes own a small wood frame home in the 6900 block of Jefferson Avenue — in the midst of one of the areas hardest hit by the EF-3 tornado that hit Century February 15. The rental house fared better than most in the immediate area, suffering broken windows, roof damage and downed trees and limbs. The roof has been tarped, many of the broken windows have been covered temporarily with sheet metal, and limbs have been placed in a burn pile awaiting a permit from the Florida Forest Service.

Other neighboring homes also have blue tarps on the roof, trees are still down in yards and some of the nearby structures are destroyed, now just piles of rubble.

“We were already going to fix the house,” Wade Barnes said. “But I’ve spent so much of my time helping other people in the neighborhood make repairs that I have not got to my own property.”

The code enforcement violation also cites tall grass and weeds. Barnes said he had been waiting to mow the grass until after he gets magnet to roll over the yard and remove nails before flattening his lawnmower tires.

Escambia County provides code enforcement services in Century under an interlocal agreement with the town. Mayor Freddie McCall said he received a complaint about the tall grass and weeds and about the pile of limbs. The complainant, McCall said, is a nearby neighbor that said the property’s condition is leading to snakes in the area.

“I was told that there are snakes crawling off the property and creating a danger,” McCall said. “So I called code enforcement.”

A county spokesperson said code enforcement responded to the complaint from McCall, and regulations called for the code enforcement office to cite any other observed violations….including the broken windows and damaged roof.

McCall said code enforcement won’t be targeting the blue roofs and other tornado damage across Century. He said he called about the Barnes property because it is a rental, and as such will not qualify for housing assistance funds being made available in the town. In addition, he said the couple has received previous violations.

“We had a problem before because crack dealers just moved in here and damaged the place,” Wade Barnes said. “We did not rent it to them, and we had to get a legal eviction to get them out. Well, they broke a sewage pipe and caused a leak I had to go under there (the house) and fix. That was the violation that we got, but they were not even our renters.”

“The whole neighborhood is full of tarps and broken glass and debris in the yard,” Mary Barnes said. “I feel like either he (McCall) is going after us because he is afraid of the person that called him.” She also noted that their debris or burn pile is not as likely of  a source of snakes as there are acres of woods adjacent to the property.

“If I get called about snakes and overgrowth and debris, I am going to call code enforcement,” McCall said. “They were not singled out. They were warned, and there’s even a big dumpster that we will pick up for free right there in front of the house. They should have used it.”

Then notice of violation gives the couple 30 days to make progress on compliance or face a hearing that could leave them owing $1,100 or more in costs plus possible fines.

Wade Barnes said they will work to bring the property up to code as soon as possible, but 30 days is unreasonable to obtain permits for items like roofing and hire a contractor. In the meantime, he said Tuesday that he would cut the grass and overgrowth on Wednesday.

“But it’s just not fair the way they are doing us,” Mary Barnes said.

Pictured above: The owners of this tornado damaged home in Century have received code violations for debris, broken windows, a blue tarped roof and overgrowth. Pictured immediately below: Owners Wade and Mary Barnes work Tuesday afternoon to pick up limbs on their property and place them in a pile for which they plan to get a burn permit. Pictured below: Other views of the damaged rental house. Pictured bottom: Other homes in the neighborhood are also covered with blue tarps. photos, click to enlarge.


42 Responses to “Couple Cited For Code Violations At Tornado Damaged Century Home”

  1. Rufus on April 22nd, 2016 1:49 pm

    Agree with Peecee. Sounds like the mayor is afraid of someone. These people were trying to help others and the His Royal Highness called Code Enforcement ’cause someone has ’something’ on him! Mayor and Code Enforcement, organize a clean-up group, or use grant money to hire some of the unemployed in your area to help clean up. Remember, there were “blue roofs” in Pensacola for 2 years or more after Ivan. Give these folks some time!

  2. Xpeecee on April 22nd, 2016 8:18 am

    Shame on y’all! What ever happened to “Neighbor helping neighbor”? Instead of complaining, y’all should get your butts over there and help these people! You are acting like a pack of wild dogs when they smell blood. Cut these people some slack and quit abusing your power. This is The United States of America!!!!!!! :(

  3. MSHELLEY on April 21st, 2016 11:26 am

    @dagb – Anyone can call code enforcement and make a complaint that they are then required to open a case for. They give callers a choice, provide a name or be annyomynous. Guess it is no suprise that most complaints are given without a name. In my neighborhood we have a few overzealous neighbors who mistakenly have the understanding that we have an HOA and they use code enforcement to harass everyone. As a result, if you are working on your yard, better make sure you don’t have a leaf/brush pile for more than a day, code enforcement will come. Have leaves bagged ready for pickup? Better make sure you don’t bag them more then 2 days before trash pickup… The fact is, code enforcement is a goverment agency being utilized to harass & threaten many communitties. In fact, code enforcement cannot open a case on a property without someone callin in a complaint. Which is why we have so many bad, abondonned overgrown areas that nothing ever gets done about.
    Code enforcement can and shopuld be a resource in ourder to help keep our community safe and free from harm. With the threat of mosquito borne virus, rabies and other threats we face, their funding would be better utilized working towards those issues. Instead they are tasked with making thing pretty when petty people call and whine about something witholding their name.

  4. Mike on April 20th, 2016 9:56 pm

    So sorry about your recent bad luck…here’s a fine to pay to make ya feel better! LOL! :D

  5. Frank on April 20th, 2016 9:34 pm

    @ Citizen, You try living on $12,000 a year or less, as Most of these people do, and try fixing things up!

  6. Citizen (#1) on April 20th, 2016 7:31 pm

    ok @lfish..Thanks…It must be difficult all around. No I would want understanding in a similar situation from all sides. But if someone intends to abandon their property with no intention to clean it up, it is an issue for others and to let the county foreclose and clean up is a valuable necessary evil if you will. This is complex and to be able to freely comment discuss it helps us to be able to reevaluate our opinions such as they are.

  7. Ifish4 on April 20th, 2016 6:30 pm

    @ Citizen
    You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about saying people should be able to repair their damage in two months. I didn’t have but three thousand dollars worth of damage to my house still it took almost two months to have it repaired. Getting a LICENSED contractor to do the work sometimes takes a while, you have to work on their schedule, not yours and most have been very busy with two major tornado’s hitting the area. Some of the people are elderly and need help with all aspects of the repairs including getting the permits. Others have circumstances we know nothing of that may delay their repairs. If you get into a situation where you have a hard deadline to meet but can’t for reasons beyond your control are you going to be willing to give your property to the county. Naw, didn’t think you would want to give your place away because you couldn’t do something due to circumstance beyond your control, try to have a little more understanding.

  8. Concerned Citizen on April 20th, 2016 5:51 pm

    This is an interesting article, one with a variety of interesting responses. What a drama! It includes several different points…

    * One is that with the privilege of home/property ownership comes responsibilities, to yourself, to your neighbors and to the community in general. A property owner is responsible for keeping the property reasonably neat and clean and within established codes. Every property owner, in and around Century and elsewhere has such a responsibility; and, if everyone took this seriously it would be better for us all.

    * This house is in the area most effected by the tornado and certainly those whose homes were damaged need time to clean up and make repairs. Neighbors should be helping neighbors to do just that. Home owners should be doing what they can to take care of their property, not waiting for someone else to do that for them. If you get help that’s great, but understand that it is ultimately your responsibility.

    * No one likes or appreciates a busy body, nosy, bully of a neighbor…in any neighborhood…under any circumstances. Instead of complaining about your neighbor’s property, communicate your concerns to them and ask what you can do to help.

    * There are some comments that mention crackheads. If anyone wants to be a bit nosy and be a good citizen, consider this. Neither Century nor any other community needs, nor should they tolerate, crackheads, drug dealers and other criminals. If you see or otherwise know of such a criminal activity, you should report that to the proper authorities. Help to clean up our community literally and figuratively. Take a stand and help make this a great and safer community for us all.

    * Perhaps some of the comments pertaining to code violations are correct. Perhaps it would be better if code enforcement was ongoing and proactive. There are plenty of places in this area where code violations are likely to be found. No one will like it and most will gripe, but in the end, the area will look better.

    * There is an old saying…”You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.” This is especially true for all elected officials. A number of the comments seem to be anti Freddie McCall. Some of you want his head, or at least want him out of office. Most of you probably have no idea what all he has to deal with as mayor. In reviewing the comments, I saw no constructive criticism and no reasonable solutions to Century’s problems. Some of you don’t want him for mayor, but are YOU willing to run for mayor in the next election? Can YOU do any better under the same circumstances? What will YOU do to make Century a better place for all of its citizens? You would quickly find that being the mayor means dealing with a lot of responsibilities for very little compensation, and never being able to please everyone no matter what you do.

    Man up, folks. This is our community and it will be only as good as what WE make it to be. Lead, follow or get out of the way.

  9. Citizen on April 20th, 2016 5:49 pm

    Look at the comment on previous article that many will not qualify for housing assistance. There is a comment from@neighbor that I think may be under the misguided notion that the reason thier house didn’t miraculously get repaired is blaming it on this unoccupied home owner allegedly attempting to get in line for the benefits. Point your finger..try it…you have three more pointing back at you. Quit whining and clean up your own slum. Elected officials have to rise above and use codes and laws already in place. Who wants Century…Slum and I will elect someone who keeps it this way…Feel lucky someone even takes the job..

  10. Citizen on April 20th, 2016 4:54 pm

    Ok. So people lose everything they have and now we are going to cite them. What a Christian attitude.

  11. my thoughts on April 20th, 2016 4:42 pm

    Wow. Talk about kicking someone when they are down….

  12. Legend on April 20th, 2016 4:38 pm

    I can understand they need to cut the grass and clean up the yard. The house don’t look that bad to me. New roof cost $6,000 to 10,000 plus new windows it’s going take time to come up with that kind of money.

  13. c.w. on April 20th, 2016 2:47 pm

    This s a case of blatant harassment. century needs a new set of officials. These (Mccall) has been there to long. Sickening!

  14. Dennis HE Wiggins on April 20th, 2016 2:42 pm

    And some people wonder why we outside the city limits have never been in favor of being annexed by Century. SMH.

  15. Lone chief on April 20th, 2016 2:34 pm

    ? What in the world is this REALLY about? Snakes? That’s just stupid, should have made the story about RATS (not saying there are rats), would almost have been plausible…almost. Ever really driven around our county, even in “town”. Most abodes could be used for a horror movie. I am assuming these folks aren’t part of the “clique” up your way. By the way ,we need more snakes (real ones, not human type) in this county. Humans tend to kill them off, they are terribly beneficial!!

  16. Citizen on April 20th, 2016 1:50 pm

    I think after two months, people should have found a way to clean and and repair their homes occupied or not or either surrender it to the county to be cleaned up. I think it is precisely what the town officials need to do to move forward. They have coddled to people and have been patient for years and decades, centuries. I believe choosing to act on an unoccupied rental home is a good choice. The rest should soon follow then all up and down the highway to business. Be a good mayor not an Enabler. We support you Freddie McCall but it is important to have them come in across the entire town. Thank you and God Bless

  17. Wade barnes on April 20th, 2016 1:00 pm

    we found a piece of cardboard in the yard,no snakes,one lizard,one cat. my wife and I are repairing the roof. I will sell the house for $10,000.00 cash as is,and walk. Ten years of harassment is enough. my # is on the house. A simple phone call from the Mayor is all it would have taken, it’s all good. anyone want to look at the house,feel free,we’ll be there today and tomorrow. previous violations on the property were 1-old fire pit on the back of yard,shoveled out the coals,fixed. 2- kitchen sink pipe clogged, cleaned out pipe fixed. I’m so bad.

  18. Crazy on April 20th, 2016 12:43 pm

    Leave these people alone. Have some compassion and I agree with other poster, clean up the whole town before picking on someone. Is the Mayor looking through rose colored glasses? When I drive through the town, it appears the whole area needs code enforcement.

  19. Chris on April 20th, 2016 11:51 am

    This is profoundly disturbing – this struggling town has been dealt a severe blow – if our elected officials aren’t going to help us at least they can stay out of the way and give us time to do it ourselves.
    How is $1000 fine going to help anybody cleanup their lawn? That could even bankrupt a struggling citizen – in a town where many have trouble affording the groceries. Next time those goons from “Code Enforcement” come around, give them a shovel, a rake or hammer and tell them to help us! What the heck are they doing up here [from Pensacola] anyway?
    Now, Mayor McCall, you need to personally apologize to that homeowner. You should consider resigning unless you can show more compassion for our struggles.

  20. anne on April 20th, 2016 10:35 am

    I couldn’t believe my eyes! These people haven’t had enough time to recover. Just for the record, you can walk to Walmart from my house in the city and we always have snakes and turtles in the neighborhood. They are more afraid of humans than we are of them and after reading this report you can understand why. God bless these people, don’t let a citation ruin your day.

  21. Carl on April 20th, 2016 10:23 am

    Get ready Freddie, next election I hope you are gone.

  22. Puddin on April 20th, 2016 10:11 am

    How sad. These people have been through enough. Common sense should prevail in matters like this.

    Whom ever called this in, this is your neighbor. Instead of being nasty, how about helping them out.

  23. ohcomeon on April 20th, 2016 9:26 am

    Looks like there’s going to be a new mayor in the place come next January!

  24. bartender on April 20th, 2016 9:00 am

    good lord give these people time to clean up.everyboby aint got money to fix things up like the good ole boys.shame on you.everybody needs to remember this at election time.we need people in there that has compasion for people,not try and bring them down.the commissionery is a piece of the good ole boys him out.the north end has always been left out of everything,even when hurricanes come.if they all had money up that way you would see better roads being done.and yes what about the old broken down buildings along highway 29.pick on thoses people.

  25. DAGB on April 20th, 2016 8:42 am

    I believe it is public record to know who made the complaint. I would request such from Code Enforcement and see exactly where it started. I agree with others as this house/property looks better after the storm than many did before . Mayor you are ultimately a public servant, and as I see this you have failed the people you serve as they recover from something out of their control. Also “lol” don’t think you realize the can of worms you have opened with “neighbors vs. neighbors ” disputes. Have fun

  26. southerner on April 20th, 2016 8:17 am

    What happened to freedom?

  27. No Excuses on April 20th, 2016 8:16 am

    @ Mary – you have my sympathy! Take the high road as you are doing. I had a similar occurrence after Hurricane Ivan while living in Pensacola. My house was destroyed on the back side, but looked normal on the front. I had a code violation for a carport I had put up to keep the pine sap from ruining my vehicle. I promptly called the number on the notice and informed the code inspector who had left it of my situation. He was apologetic and told me that I still had to remove the carport, but that I had more than 30 days to do so since I was dealing with other issues concerning the properly at the moment. In fact, he told me where I could put the carport on my property so that I didn’t have to park my car where it would get ruined. I still think, in the circumstances, that Mr. McCall should not have called code enforcement. Poor relational decision as far as the citizens and city government is concerned.

  28. JJ on April 20th, 2016 8:14 am

    Wow, at first I thought this was about Pensacola’s Mayor!

    Typical local politician playing the good ol boy game. You folks need to can his butt next election.

  29. Sam on April 20th, 2016 8:13 am

    Another crazy decision by our wonderful mayor! I have lived in century for many years and there are a lot more important issues with this town than so over grown grass and debris pile. If they burned the pile guess what…. they would have been fined because they don’t have the permits. Remember this at election time.

    Hey Freddie: I have a complaint. I feel that all the old abandoned houses and businesses on Century Boulevard are definitely a snake hazard. I think you better call code enforcement! Also, I think the 8 feet high grass down the public road on Jefferson/Alger/Hecker are a snake hazard. Lets call code enforcement back please! I am a citizen and want action taken!

  30. poohbear on April 20th, 2016 8:10 am

    Snakes are going to crawl from one place to another……I keep my grass mowed and no debris but still have seen a snake crawling across the yard. Freddy didn’t even go down Front Street right after the tornado and only did go when the Governor came to town. Freddis is being a big disappointment to the people of Century.

  31. Friction Against the Machine on April 20th, 2016 8:05 am

    Small town government to the rescue. In the midst of such destruction you would think common sense would prevail and this could have been worked out without the need to call in the attack dogs of local government.

  32. jeeperman on April 20th, 2016 7:43 am

    Code Enforcement is reactive, not proactive.
    Ask them and that is what they tell you.
    Reactive = they wait for a complaint to come in.
    Proactive = they see a violation and they act on it without a complaint.

    And The Mayor may not have received a complaint from a neighbor.
    He might just have a personal feud going with the owners and wants to pile up roadblocks so the owners will give up and sell out.

  33. Seems to me on April 20th, 2016 7:38 am

    This certainly sounds like selective enforcement, or a singling out to me. Since, as the article states, Freddie said he called code enforcement because this home is not eligible for assistance being made available in the town, it seems like he is really trying to give them a hard time and possibly trying to push them out even though it also seems like they are doing what most have, can, and would do in that situation. This situation does not sound right! If in fact this couple/homeowners have been helping others and others who ARE going to get free “assistance” made available to the town,it seems to me the right thing to do would be to come together as a community and help them out! And not by giving them a hard time! Have you ever tried owning a rental in a crack infested area?! If I were them is make the repairs and try to sell the house. And a busy body bully neighbor is just about as bad as a crack head!

  34. Frank on April 20th, 2016 7:33 am

    Mrs. Barns need only take pictures of her neighbors, and talk to her Lawyer. Sounds like a case of Abuse of power.

  35. Danny on April 20th, 2016 7:31 am

    We the voters will remember this come election time. Let’s vote this guy out.

  36. Mary BARNES on April 20th, 2016 6:58 am

    I have have had really bad renters at that location and have had to legally put them out. But what can I do about a home owner that bullies all the neighbors and threatens all of them with petty lawsuits. This is just another way for her to harasse the very people that helped her when she had no one else. I’m just blessed my house is still standing. And wish her a very blessed day

  37. Just thinking on April 20th, 2016 6:46 am

    Well….Lets think back to a line from the ” Forrest Gump” movie…Yep..stupid is as stupid does…..I couldn’t have said it better…..

  38. Buddy on April 20th, 2016 6:44 am

    Hello. I’m from the guvmint and I’m here to help you…The scariest words any citizen can hear.

  39. Pensacola pete on April 20th, 2016 6:43 am

    The article mentions other homes with violations. Surely code enforcement had to see them. If those violations weren’t cited then the property owners ARE being singled out. (Picking one from a group is kind of the definition of “singled out”.)

    The only question now is, why?

  40. poohbear on April 20th, 2016 6:29 am

    What are things coming to in Century? If you are going to cite one person for code violations you should cite all of the ones that are looking the same way. You are always going to find one bully in the neighborhood that tries to rule everyone’s life, Freddy McCall was wrong on this call in my opinion.

  41. M in Bratt on April 20th, 2016 5:37 am

    Hey Freddie; How about the ramshackle, abandoned eyesores up and down Century Blvd? They were there long before the storm, and are in far worse shape than the one you cited. Sounds like selective code enforcement to me. All one needs to do is ask; Who’s friend to they belong to?

  42. Christine on April 20th, 2016 2:29 am

    This is idiotic. Does McCall have zero compassion or common sense? Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor. He got a complaint, from an area heavily damaged. Of course there’s going to be violations. DUH. That doesn’t mean you call code enforcement.

    The excuse about previous violations- what does that have to do with an area damaged by an EF3 tornado???? McCall needs someone to loan him a crowbar to pry his head out of whatever fantasy world he’s living in and back to reality.