Citizens Join Together To Aid Century Tornado Long Term Recovery

April 8, 2016

A group of about 40 people met Thursday night in Century to discuss long term tornado recovery efforts.  The group included representatives from a number of churches and non-profits ready to work, to tornado victims still facing desperate times.

“It’s still raining in my bedroom,” said Century resident Helen Mincy. “I need a roof.”  She said her tornado recovery had not necessary been limited by money, but by government red tape. Specifically, she pointed to a law that states that unlicensed contracting is a felony.

“All of our lives were have used the a local handyman to do our work. He don’t have a license. Now, the local guys (without a contractor’s license) don’t want to touch it because he don’t want to get locked up. We can’t get nothing done.”

Century Mayor Freddie McCall told the group that many have been hampered by title issues after homes, some 100-years old, have been passed down through generations of family members without property deed changes with the county. Despite the volunteer efforts of Legal Services of North Florida to help, many have had their county permit and aid applications denied, the mayor said, due to improper paperwork.

“It sounds like all of these people are just going to be left out,” McCall said.

Longtime Century area resident Regi Burkett volunteered to coordinate the group’s efforts. Burkett has been chief of the Century Volunteer Fire Department for 29 years.

“I have  huge passion of this area,” Burkett said. “I am sick of what I see and hear. It is time for something to make a difference for these people that are being told no. When they hit a brick wall, we need to help them try again and again until the answer is yes.”

Paula Byrd, who facilitated Thursday night’s meeting, said, “Recovery take a long time. This is a long term commitment to help.”

The group divided into different committees and groups to work toward their long term recovery efforts — beginning with an effort to help those such as Mincy with immediate needs.   The Town of Century will provide the group with office space at the Century Business Center on Pond Street, and a church group will provide a phone. Information on how to contact the group will be published when available on

Pictured top: Citizens came together Thursday night in Century to discuss long term tornado recovery. Pictured inset; Regi Burkett, who will serve as the group’s coordinator, listens to victims. Pictured below: Helen Mincy, left, and other citizens attended to the meeting. photos, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Citizens Join Together To Aid Century Tornado Long Term Recovery”

  1. Citizen on April 8th, 2016 12:18 pm

    The land being passed down with out a will or clear title is a major problem. That is the reason the lower ninth ward in New Orleans was not rebuilt post Katrina. Properties were abandoned and the city is still trying to get them cleaned up. The term is heirs property and to get the citizens to resolve this is an important part of disaster preparedness for the future. It is just a fact that if clear ownership is not recorded and property taxes not paid, they will not qualifiy. Please be proactive in securing clear title as this has far reaching consequences for the individuals and the greater community as a whole.

  2. sam on April 8th, 2016 9:30 am

    i feel for those folks still having problems. if you don’t have homeowners insurance, or the titles to your home you have been dodging a bullet for a long time. have taxes been paid on these properties? if so there is a record of the owner. when ivan came through the non licensed contractors flooded in and a lot of people got burned bad. there is a reason behind not using non licensed contractors. florida is a real pain with building permits. this could have been remedied by FEMA. good ol obamas bunch punted. now the folks that need help can’t get it.

  3. 429SCJ on April 8th, 2016 8:38 am

    Are you of the opinion that outsiders should receive aid before our distressed citizens?

    Century’s needs are tangible, they are there to see, there to touch, they are real.

    Mr Ritt (HUD), Mr Fugate (FEMA) and governor Scott, please help the citizens of Century.

  4. Thoughts on April 8th, 2016 2:46 am This link answers question about unlicensed contracting. Some requirement do not require and some do but note it says For Compensation in the table for licensed.