Voter Turnout At 48.75%; Almost Half Of Voters Skipped Local Precinct

March 16, 2016

The overall turnout for Tuesday’s Presidential Preference Primary in Escambia County was 48.75 percent. Among Republicans, the turnout was 56.43 percent. Among Democrats, the  turnout was 38.97 percent.

Almost half of all voters skipped the polls on Election Day in Escambia County. Of all voters, 55.3 percent voted on Tuesday, 26.3 percent voted by mail, and 18.3 percent voted early.


5 Responses to “Voter Turnout At 48.75%; Almost Half Of Voters Skipped Local Precinct”

  1. anonymous on March 17th, 2016 1:16 pm

    My daughter registered for the first time AND on time. She picked her party affiliation (I saw her form), and it came back NPA??? WITH a letter stating she can not vote in the Presidential preference primary? Not happy with this… but nothing can be done about it… until the voting comes out again. We HAVE to pay attention to HOW our voting system is managed… changes need to happen soon. Hopefully, our current leader will clean it up.

  2. boss on March 16th, 2016 10:19 pm

    I haven’t been asked for my voter’s registration care in 7 or 8 years. It is not a picture ID.

  3. Bob C. on March 16th, 2016 3:29 pm

    @ Ann … may I add to your note that several people I talked to went in to the precinct to vote only to come out saying, “I CAN”T VOTE” Yep they were NPA / No Party Affiliation / Independent No Party.
    Some were beyond frustrated and a bit angered by that situation.
    When asked if they’d been informed about Fla being a Closed Election and what that meant they usually replied they did not remember.
    One person said she’d told the SOE office she is Republican yet had NPA on her card.
    Folks just have to learn to check things and ask questions…most government employees are very courteous and highly trained…however. we gotta look out for ourselves too.

  4. scott on March 16th, 2016 3:23 pm

    About not voting — NO EXCUSES.

  5. Ann on March 16th, 2016 12:43 pm

    A lot of people did not take their voter’s registration card with them… Did not know their precinct….. had no clue….. thought Early voting places where still open… how very sad….. just stating the facts….. READ PEOPLE….