Man Allegedly Beat With Logging Chain After Petting Dog; One Charged

March 23, 2016

A Century man has been charged with allegedly beating a man with a logging chain after he petted his dog.

Sim Brown III, 21, was charged with felony aggravated battery causing bodily harm. The victim told Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies that he met with Brown on Bonwell Street in Century about selling some vehicle speakers. When he arrived at Brown’s residence, the victim said he reached down and petted a dog that chained in the front yard. Brown then told the victim not to touch his dog, leading to a verbal altercation that turned physical, according to an arrest report.

Brown then allegedly struck the victim with a logging chain in the head, back and arms. Several unknown black males also jumped on the victim before Brown wrapped the chain around his fist and punched him in the mouth, rendering the victim unconscious.

The victim was later treated at Jay Hospital for his injuries.

Brown was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $50,000 bond.


22 Responses to “Man Allegedly Beat With Logging Chain After Petting Dog; One Charged”

  1. Ugh!!!! on April 2nd, 2016 12:02 pm

    Why does it matter where the money came from. People never seem to amaze me with that question. Some people do have family that could easily post that bail, and if not he could’ve had it. It was only $5000 that had to be paid up front, not $500,000. He could’ve been asked to pay $500 up front and people would’ve been asking the same question. At the end of the day, its not my business how he got the money and its not yours.

  2. Just someone on March 25th, 2016 7:00 am

    I agree who cares where he got the money from. Maybe his folks had it. I’m not bragging I’m 23 years old and have been working my butt off since I was 12 and I have atleast 30000 dollars sitting in my bank account. Just cause we are young with money does not mean we are drug dealers or we get our cash in a illegitimate way.

  3. citizen on March 25th, 2016 5:19 am

    Dog fighting just because he don’t want you to pet his dog lol. I have 2 dogs and I don’t want people petting them. So does that mean my dogs fight no. It means I want my dogs to protect my yard and the only way he will do that is if nobody pets them but who lives at my house. From raising my dogs like this they always let me know when a outsider is close by

  4. abcdef on March 24th, 2016 9:12 pm

    People so quick to judge people. Why is it any bodies concern about how he got the money? People need to learn how to sweep around they own front doors.. Every black person in america or in this century area is not broke.. It saddens me to get on here and read all this judgmentalness from people . you don’t know what this young man do for a living and its really none of your concern’s. You really need to sit back and examine all these other cases going on around the world the police killing the BLACK teens because they look like gang members. you don’t comment on that or comment how wrongful it is to give them a slap on the wrist.. Not all blacks are gang members nor is all black selling drugs,r

  5. Just someone on March 24th, 2016 6:42 pm

    I see it like this sim told the man don’t touch the dog the man apparently argued with him on sims property. His property his rules who is the other man to argue over it. Now was the assault uncalled for definitely but people should respect what others say especially if they are on their turf.

  6. lone chief on March 24th, 2016 5:07 pm

    I’m with Tammy on this one. You tie a pet with a logging chain? You can’t pet a pet? Yup, dog-fighting. Just another stellar citizen, and seems his friends aren’t much better. Our current judicial system seems to be VERY broken.

  7. Scott on March 24th, 2016 12:05 pm

    This is why we carry guns. It’ll be a lawless society soon…already is in Escambia County it seems

  8. Waterlady501 on March 24th, 2016 8:20 am

    @ cspot: Some may have jumped to conclusions about his financial resources, but it wasn’t a very big leap.

    A bigger question is: Why was he allowed to bond out when he was already out on bond for a felony charge from 2/2/16 for battery with a deadly weapon?

  9. Facetious Bob on March 23rd, 2016 10:11 pm


    ” is it not unheard of to have money the legal (? ) way.” What is the legal way.? I hope there are no entitlements involved here. Entitlements involve my taxes, which I have just contributed to, again, for over 50 years. I like animals, and, hate abusers.

  10. Tammy on March 23rd, 2016 3:58 pm

    I would say if the dog is chained. …and the owner wants no affection shown to the dog…..he may be raising fighting dogs! NEEDS TO BE LOOKED INTO ASAP!!

  11. cspot on March 23rd, 2016 3:35 pm

    This definitely got out of control and I hope during the complete investigation that the criminal will be punished according. BUT ON ANOTHER NOTE: WHY JUMP TO CONCLUSION’S OF HIS FINANCIAL STATE? IT IS NOT UNHEARD FOR A 21 YR OLD TO HAVE MONEY THE LEGAL WAY. OR FOR HIS FAMILY TO BE ABLE TO AFFORD TO BAIL HIM OYT! I’M JUST SAYING…….

  12. Andrea Jansky on March 23rd, 2016 2:23 pm

    First address a chained dog in the front yard (guessing silently the breed) but what a disgrace that this guy was allowed to bond out and re-enter society.

  13. what!!! on March 23rd, 2016 10:15 am

    Shouldnt it had been attmpeted murder..i mean a logging chain and he was knocked unconscious…why a bond?!?!?! And how did he pay it?!?!?! I dont want him in the community…this is an example of a slap on the wrist..lock his butt up already. Serve justice and stop letting thugs out. Thats contributing to our areas excessive crime rate…smh…i have zero faith in our justice system

  14. NWFLA Linca on March 23rd, 2016 9:48 am

    Bet there’s a good chance that is a fighting dog the speaker purveyor doesn’t want treated as a mere pet. Methinks this logging chain assault/five fighting compatriots (who just happened to be on site)/speaker sales incident is the tip of a festering Century iceburg. When it melts, wonder where it will spread.

  15. Billy D on March 23rd, 2016 9:41 am

    Niw we’ll have to hear about how it wasn’t his fault that the victim couldn’t didge that swinging chain or he wouldn’t have gotten hit……….that his buddies just happened to be there and jumped in to defend the dogs virtue and how the bictim must have deserved a bully beatdown. Chain lives matter! Thug life logic……….

  16. Russ on March 23rd, 2016 9:24 am

    And he will put all of this behind him with a slap on the wrist. I urge all citizens in the area to watch the judges who continue to give these lenient sentences and vote them out come election time.

  17. elizoria on March 23rd, 2016 9:03 am


  18. bewildered on March 23rd, 2016 8:48 am

    A 21 year old has $5000 cash readily available to bond out! Seems logical that he is selling other stuff than speakers. How come the IRS does not look into these folks’ finances???

  19. dman on March 23rd, 2016 8:33 am

    He was released on $50,000 bond? After beating a guy (with weapon) over petting a dog? Nice. Perfect. Let’s just pat him on the wrist. Or better yet, just make him go stand in the corner.

  20. PetLovr on March 23rd, 2016 6:02 am

    Poor dog! Caught in the middle.

  21. Don on March 23rd, 2016 5:37 am

    Ahhh…another typical day in the life of our upstanding tax paying citizens….

  22. Ponch on March 23rd, 2016 5:12 am

    seems like a bit of an overreaction