Jeff Miller Won’t Seek Re-election

March 11, 2016

Congressman Jeff Miller has announced that he will not seek re-election. Here is his statement, in his own words:

Fifteen years ago when Vicki and I were praying about running for Congress, we could have never imagined what may lie ahead. As we made our decision, we knew there would come a day when it would be time to pass the torch. That day has come, and I am announcing I will not seek reelection to Congress.

I am deeply humbled that the good people of Northwest Florida have chosen me to be their voice in the halls of Congress for nearly a decade and a half. The confidence and support the voters of the First District have placed in me are honors I have never taken for granted. I will be forever grateful for the trust, encouragement, and love my constituents have shown to Vicki and me.

As the first Republican Member of Congress to take the oath of office after the tragic attacks of September 11, 2001, the safety and security of this country have never left my mind. I sought positions on the Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs Committees – two places where I felt I could best represent my district and make a difference for the entire Nation.

I’ve been blessed with many successes during my time in Congress. There are now two “new” VA Clinics serving the veterans of the First District, including the Joint Ambulatory Care Clinic, which was the prototype for many others around the country. After a host of powerful storms, including a 2004 Hurricane named Ivan, we worked together to rebuild our community time and again. When the Deepwater Horizon disaster affected the Gulf of Mexico and its surrounding communities, we passed the RESTORE Act, which will help our community recover for years to come. And after exposing VA’s delays in care and accountability crises, we wrote and passed the most significant reform bill in the history of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Some of our greatest successes, however, are unknown to most. Things like cutting through red tape to help a widow, assisting a veteran with a disability benefits compensation claim or mediating a bureaucratic dispute for a constituent rarely make front-page news. But they are important responsibilities every member of Congress has a duty to fulfill. Thanks to my dedicated staff, a group that has always understood the importance of providing first-rate constituent services, we have made a positive difference in the lives of thousands of our neighbors.

There is still more to accomplish before I depart. I intend to complete my tenure as House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs chairman while maintaining the same robust oversight of VA that has defined my chairmanship. As we approach the markup and consideration of the annual Defense Authorization Bill, I will do everything in my power to ensure our Armed Services remain the finest and most equipped fighting force in the world. And in an ever dangerous world, I will continue my service on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

When it comes time to elect a new U.S. Representative for the First District, I have every confidence that Northwest Floridians will choose someone who embodies the integrity, optimism, and values of the people of our great community. And when I return home to Chumuckla at the conclusion of my time in office, I will do so with a deep love of this Country and a strong belief that her best days are not behind her, but yet to come.


16 Responses to “Jeff Miller Won’t Seek Re-election”

  1. JJ on March 12th, 2016 10:38 am

    In ref to Tallahassee rumor mill that has Matt Gaetz running; that does NOT need to happen. Nothing against Matt, but we do not need to continue down the road of family legacies and career politicians, anymore. Stop the madness!

  2. Patti on March 11th, 2016 3:41 pm

    Jeff & Mrs. Miller, THANKS for serving your country and our area as you have. I say thanks to Mrs. Miller because she’s stood by your side all the way. We hope you both have a great life ahead! Hope we get a GOOD replacement!

  3. Bob C. on March 11th, 2016 3:25 pm

    Congressman Miller, SIR….Thank You for your years of Dedicated Public Service and especially for your unwavering support to we Veterans.
    Your presence at Honor Flights and your Leadership for our Young US Americans has been without question most honorable and you are Greatly Appreciated.
    Thank YOU….Please don’t get too far away.

  4. Northof9mi on March 11th, 2016 2:05 pm

    Maybe the Congressman could take his accumulated campaign funds and donate those funds to the needy and deserving in Century still suffering from the tornado.

    That gesture would put his donations where they would do the most good…helping
    those in a justifiable need.

    It will be most interesting to see who wishes to qualify for our US House Representative from FL 1.

  5. nod on March 11th, 2016 2:03 pm

    I like jeff and I think he has done a good job. Thank you for not running. Now if we could get the other 434reps and 100 senators replaced, we could start washington with a clean slate. Thank you for your service Congressman Miller. May God bless you and yours and whatever you do in the future.

  6. jeeperman on March 11th, 2016 9:24 am

    Tally rumor mill has Matt Gaetz running with one million $$ collected so far to run for the position.

  7. Sedition on March 11th, 2016 8:31 am

    Too bad.
    He was one of the VERY few politicians I considered a good guy. He will be missed.

  8. JJ on March 11th, 2016 7:39 am

    Oh yes, Greg Brown would be an excellent choice. I met him a few times and he is a real down to earth kinda guy. Very humble and NOT pretentious, like most politicians.

  9. Jackie Johnson on March 11th, 2016 7:06 am

    Congratulations to Congressman Miller and everything he has done for each and every family personally. He honored our brother’s family with an American Flag that flew over the White House after Robert’s death because Robert had served as Fire Chief of the Walnut Hill Volunteer Department for many years. Congressman Miller come back home and work within your community and you along with your wife enjoy the time ahead.

  10. Scobie Wilcoxon on March 11th, 2016 6:41 am

    Thank you, Congressman Miller for your service.

    Maybe, I will take this moment to announce that I will not seek, nor will I accept, my party’s nomination…unless you insist.

  11. Jan on March 11th, 2016 5:30 am

    Thank you. We will miss you.

  12. Bill Grantham on March 11th, 2016 5:05 am

    Greg Brown from Santa Rosa County would be an excellent replacement. Smart, Honest, Hard Working and Truly Cares Folks.

  13. Jeff on March 10th, 2016 11:05 pm

    Hmm..maybe Doug Underhill?

  14. BT on March 10th, 2016 9:09 pm

    Emergency meeting at the Fish House to select his replacement!

  15. JJ on March 10th, 2016 5:08 pm

    I wonder who the candidates for his position will be. I am sure we will see family legacies try out; like knucklehead Buck Lee, Gene Valentino, the Williamson boys from Santa Rosa. They are all a joke. We need a regular person who’s not afraid to stand up for us and actually do it! No more PC tip toeing around.

    And def not a dang out of work lawyer!
    Jeff Miller was great. Sad to see him go!

  16. Matt on March 10th, 2016 4:53 pm

    We will miss you. You seem like one of the few Congressmen around that care about the people.