Disaster Relief Distribution In Century

March 4, 2016

The Century Church of Christ at 430 East Highway 4 will be providing disaster relief for tornado victims through the weekend.

Distribution times will be Saturday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Sunday 1-5 p.m.

If you know anyone in need please call  (850) 256-2588 or stop by during distribution hours. Items on hand include food boxes, infant boxes, personal hygiene boxes (anything needed in a bathroom), cleaning buckets, and more. Future support is planned as the needs of the families change.


One Response to “Disaster Relief Distribution In Century”

  1. Thoughts on March 4th, 2016 4:43 pm

    Thank you. I am moved by your swift heartfelt yet very practical aid being made available to the community. It is a collective loss and so many emotions connected but as recovery continues and the needs adjust a clear set practical approach will be a blessing. A light of hope to show the way by you and others as we learn together. One positive action is like a pebble cast in still waters. The ripples spread to encompass the entire pond. I believe at this point perhaps knowledge in how to access other funds being made available are important in the rebuilding and recovery process.