Our View: Gov. Scott Should Look Tornado Victims In The Eye

February 18, 2016

Governor Rick Scott was in Pensacola Wednesday, visiting with Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan to learn about the tornado damage in Century.

Really governor? You just can’t set foot in North Escambia? We are extremely disappointed and want to know where is the compassion in that?

We’ve been behind the scenes –  in the command post and  in the midst of the destruction since just minutes after the tornado hit. The Sheriff’s Office has done an excellent and commendable job in Century, so Sheriff Morgan was certainly qualified to relate information about the situation.  We have nothing but praise for the hard working men and women of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and their response to the Century tornado. The Sheriff and his department are not any part of our issue.

Escambia County Administrator Jack Brown, Commissioner Steven Barry, Century Council President Ben Boutwell and very long list of county department heads and key personnel were in Century Wednesday afternoon and could have filled you in , as they did your EMA director that did visit. He took a 25 minute vehicle tour of the damage, but, strangely enough, never stepped outside the vehicle in the damaged area to speak to a single victim.

But to not set foot in Century was, in our view, inexcusable for the top leader of our state that was instead inside an office just 45 miles away. The “at a distance” meeting was nothing more than a slap in the face to those in their  time of suffering.

Let us remind you, that according to 2008–2012 American Community Survey data from the U.S. Census Bureau, Century is the poorest town (over 1,000 population) in the entire state. Century is anything but a poster child for your “Let’s Get To Work” campaign. But this should not have been about politics, political parties or political ambitions.

This is about the elderly lady that lived near Jefferson Avenue. She worked hard, very hard, for 60-70 years for what she had until Monday’s tornado. She begged us Monday for information about her home, but we had been unable to reach it. On Tuesday, we climbed over downed trees, and power lines and fences to get pictures of her home. We found her later in the day helping her neighbors and were able to show her photos of her destroyed home. We held her as she cried.

This is about the Healthy Start office that was flooded due to roof damage. We stopped by and helped them pour water out of their computers. They don’t know how they are going to provide WIC services next week for the babies they serve.

This is about standing in the shadows of the Lord’s house…the historic Methodist Church moved from it’s foundation. This is about talking to church members and learning that the wooden building may be off its foundation, but the church — the people — remain firm in their foundation and praise for the Lord.

This is about walking the streets and seeing the magnitude of the destruction and understanding that pictures, or a briefing from officials is not the same. But you know that Governor, from your visit last month to see the Siesta Key tornado damage, like a roof ripped off a condo building by the EF-2 tornado. For those that don’t know, Siesta Key has an average family income four or five times that of Century.

It’s about the people in Century who don’t know what they will do without state and federal aid as they look at their homes in shambles, their belongings scattered everywhere. Many of them honestly didn’t have much in this old world. But sometimes when have very little you treasure it more.

This is about the lady with no insurance on Pond Street who now has no home. Yes, she could have done the responsible thing and purchased insurance, but she chose to work the best job she could find and use the money on other things…like food for her children. Oh, and by the way Governor, her little kids are still looking for their beloved cat. He’s a grey tabby with “big and sad” eyes, and the kids are more worried about him than they are their home with no roof.

Those are just a few of the things you can learn walking through the destruction in Century.

Governor, Century is not just your state’s poorest little town. It’s a place full of people rich beyond belief in their love for their little town and each other. Perhaps you have to deny them assistance  under existing state and federal regulations, but the least you could have done is stood with them and looked them in the eye.


59 Responses to “Our View: Gov. Scott Should Look Tornado Victims In The Eye”

  1. Mark T on February 20th, 2016 9:50 pm

    I still can’t believe Rick Scott was elected Governor, not once but twice.

  2. TUMom on February 20th, 2016 10:33 am

    I totally agree with you Betty Killam. I thank God above that there was no one killed by this tornado. Even though there is no money to replace the homes and buildings lost, they CAN be replaced and the good people of Century WILL rise above the blow they have been dealt and will rebuild because they look out for each other and will help each other to get back on their feet, HELP or No HELP from the government, Century shall overcome this bump in the road of life. God Bless you people of Century and surrounding areas devastated by the storm. YOU SHALL OVERCOME!!

  3. mq on February 20th, 2016 9:40 am

    With permission from William, of course, this article could be printed in its entirety and copies made and signed by the residents of Century and MAILED to the Governor’s office, with a personal note of their own if desired. The Governor could not ignore letters sent to him. I no longer live in Century, but it saddened me when I saw what happened due to the tornado.
    Good Article once again William.
    Repostiing Northender43″s post of the Governor’s address. TY for sharing this.

    Here is contact info for Governor Scott:

    Office of Governor Rick Scott
    State of Florida
    The Capitol
    400 S. Monroe St.
    Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001

    (850) 488-7146

    Email: http://www.flgov.com/sunburst

  4. Stanley Beech on February 20th, 2016 7:51 am

    I lived in and worked in Century back during the oil boom back in 1972 and met some of the greatest people in the world. Even though it’s been 46 years, I’m still in contact with some of them. I’m from Mississippi and I just got back from a tornado ravaged area that wasn’t near as big as the damage in Century and there wasn’7 homes damaged, yet our Govenor didn’t hesitate to declare that area a Federal Disaster area. My question here, You good people of Century need to call your Govenor and ask him why a small rural town, population maybe 50 if everybody’s home get’s Federal Aid and Century gets left to fend for themselves. These people pay taxes too you know.

  5. Betty Killam on February 19th, 2016 11:12 pm

    We all need to get on our knees and thank God that lives were not lost. It is absolutely disrespectful that the governor of our state chose not to come to Century to see for himself the damages done by the storm.

  6. P.A. on February 19th, 2016 7:35 pm

    O.K. republican voters this is what you want–less government. So stop polishing your guns and use that red state anger energy and clean the mess up.

  7. Brenda B on February 19th, 2016 7:16 pm

    I’m gobsmacked by the people who think that the governor’s lack of consideration for the victims in Century is ok. I pray you never go through what these people are dealing with now. It doesn’t matter if it’s 1 house or 1,000 houses, ALL are important. He should have made some effort to show compassion and support. He made sure to make his way to Siesta Key in order to survey the damage they took! Of course, there are plenty of photos to show that visit. Century should get the same amount of attention as Siesta Key.

    As past experience has shown, he is not interested in the people. Instead his interest lies with the money and what he can get from the situation.

    I was employed by Columbia/HCA back in the 90s when the Medicare / Medicaid fraud was found out. He apparently didn’t suffer or learn his lesson. He managed to worm his way into a political office to his benefit and the detriment of others. Those that suffered from that incident were patient’s (both past and present), employees not involved in the fraud (past and present as well), and the healthcare system in general. I hope everyone will remember all of this in the event he decides to run for governor or another office in the future. Yes, he’s use his two CONSCUTIVE terms, but he can always come back.

    I hope and pray that help from other sources will be enough to cover the loss the people affected by this storm have suffered.

  8. Bill M. on February 19th, 2016 7:16 am

    William, I’ve been reading your articles for a long time and you’ve always seemed objective in your reports, even when I was calling Scott the Flim Flam governor because of his Medicare fraud. I applaud your neutrality and feel you were correct in bashing Scott in this instance. As Jinx has told us, she worked for his company and saw the way he runs things. She has warned us many times about The Flim Flam man and unlike George C. Scott, there’s nothing funny or talented about Rick Scott; unless you consider stealing Billions from the American taxpayers a talent!

  9. JJ on February 19th, 2016 7:06 am

    Posted by “john”:
    “Reading this article is proof that I suspected that NorthEscambia.com has political bias in their news reporting and it is shameful you see this in many other outlets as well.”

    This is such a sad post by this fella. It’s NOT a politically biased article. It is a direct and valid response to typical politician who disrespected a small town on the Alabama line that happens to be very poor and has very few voters.

    We need more journalists who actually practice the original concept of journalism. William wrote an excellent response to Rick Scott’s lack of response.

    John must be a big Rick Scott fan to come up with such a stupid comment!

    Stay on ‘em, William!

  10. Willene & Preston Bryan on February 19th, 2016 6:48 am

    Wonderful article William !!! God bless you for telling this for The North End.

  11. jr on February 19th, 2016 5:54 am

    Two facts: 1. Rick Scott needs to apologize to the people of Century. 2. How is it that the federal government can send millions of dollars in aid to other countries
    but won’t help its own people? Pathetic! Just think how much money and help the government would be sending if Century was a Muslim community.

  12. Katie draughn on February 19th, 2016 5:27 am

    William, best thing written on this Web page ever! I wish there was a way to get this article picked up on a national level. It’s about time a news reporter actually gave voice to the people’s sentiments.
    Shame on Scott! You are right, if there were money in Century the politicians would have been all over it like flies on stink.

  13. shiloh on February 19th, 2016 3:48 am

    Does anyone remember the name painted on the welcome to Florida sign on 29 at the state line? There is now proof that whoever painted the name knew what they were talking about. William, you make us proud. Keep it up!

  14. Jamie S on February 18th, 2016 9:06 pm

    This is one of the most powerful articles that I have read in a long time. I work in Pensacola, and was on my way home on the interstate when the storm hit. I was heartbroken when I read online about the response, or lack there of, for the residents of Century. They are indeed a town that struggles financially, but they are a town rich in love for each other. I hope this article is shared around Facebook as much as possible, and that this is read by everyone in this county and in the panhandle.

  15. Bob C. on February 18th, 2016 8:16 pm

    Rick Scott is a Coward.

  16. Lisa Watson on February 18th, 2016 8:06 pm

    Rick Scott doesn’t care about the people of North Escambia. He’s not going to help them. He doesn’t care. He only cares about lining his own pockets and punishing democrats by cutting anything they support, even if it meas starving little kids and hurting the disabled.

    He won’t help the people affected by the tornado. THey aren’t wealthy enough for his liking. There’s no money in it for him.

  17. troubled on February 18th, 2016 7:35 pm

    I grew up next to Century and Gov. not stopping by was a big SLAP in the face. I won’t vote for him again. I hope this all goes to his office.

  18. Lisa Day Ahn on February 18th, 2016 6:57 pm

    This is a Governor who ran a race with disabled adults and children in the morning and that evening cut their funding. He has no heart.
    I am from Century it will always be home. It’s the place I can go to find peace. The community has taken my son in and holds him in their arms. Century deserves help from State and Feds.
    We need some good ideas to find money that will stay in Century and that will help family’s rebuild. Grants, Habitat, maybe churches and organizations adopting family and providing help they need. I am willing to volunteer. I’m sure many others will to. We need to push for help.

  19. Terri Sanders on February 18th, 2016 6:36 pm

    RED CROSS—–THREE DAYS MOTEL VOUCHERS—– you people remember this when the Red Cross comes begging for donations…..and be sure to research just how much the CEO of Red Cross makes per year and the percentage of donations that actually get given out to those in need…it is a sham…to say the least…

  20. Just Saying on February 18th, 2016 5:33 pm

    @Kyle and others who do not understand,

    First, it wasn’t 40 to 50 damaged homes. It is 110, more than double your estimate.

    Second, someone who hasn’t even been there…cannot accurately state what is needed. Why? Because they don’t know. Individual needs vary based on life circumstances, and the survivors must be spoken with individually to understand that.

    Third, the Red Cross only helps for three, yes, THREE days. Hotel vouchers for three nights, less than $100 per person for shoes, clothing and hygiene products, and a small amount for food is all they will provide. Yes, that is a huge help, but then you’re on your own and still in the same predicament.

    Fourth, Hurricane Ivan was nothing compared to this because we had days to prepare. There was practically no warning for this.

    Century is my hometown. I no longer live there, but my heart is breaking for my former neighbors and friends. Life will never be the same.

    Awesome article, William! Keep up the good work. Thousands of us stand behind you and all that you do for the overlooked residents of the North end!

  21. Trudie Johnson on February 18th, 2016 2:07 pm

    William, I hope you will email a copy of this article to the Governor’s office. Great job expressing everyone’s grief and frustration, and our will to pull together to do whatever we can to help our community and our neighbors.

  22. James Broel on February 18th, 2016 11:03 am

    William this is one of the best editorials I’ve read in a long time. I stand tall with you on what you said and what you wrote. Now let’s get together and help these people who so desperately need it.

  23. Nancy on February 18th, 2016 11:01 am

    William thank you so much for your article, you said it best. I am from Century, but I live in Pensacola. On my way to Century yesterday I heard on the news that the Cowardly Governor might not visit Century. I called his office immediately had to leave a message. I expressed how shameful it would be if he did not visit Century. I just sent an email to his office, I hope all of you will do the same.

    I agree with Pam that we need to raise money that doesn’t go through the United Way or any other organization. WEAR and Cat Country are having a fund raiser on Fri. it will go through the United Way. Willing to help get something going. Contact 850-221-4902

  24. Sam on February 18th, 2016 10:37 am


    You are a complete idiot. I am sure with your speed of thinking or lack there of is obviously why you are not a politician and if you were I’m sure you wouldn’t make it your full term without making some idiotic remark like you just did in your post. The point is that as a governor you have an obligation to YOUR state. It doesn’t matter the size of the town or city. As the article says he toured 40-45 homes in Siesta Key, but won’t even come to Century to even “just look around” as you stated. The best thing for you to do is get all your facts before making a complete idiot of yourself. Oh wait, too late you already did.

  25. Youget what you vote for on February 18th, 2016 9:12 am

    Yes, Century is the poorest county in the state of FL and most of the people in century voted for the governor, and he want even come to see if they need any help. But he wanted their and said I’ll treat you right, liar, liar your pant and house is on firer. Governor! get off your rear-end and visit century to see what “YOU” can do for our people, Now!!!!

  26. William on February 18th, 2016 9:09 am

    >>Reading this article is proof that I suspected that NorthEscambia.com has political bias in their news reporting and it is shameful you see this in many other outlets as well.

    You are darn right. We do have a bias, and I’m sorry you suspected it. I would hope it was clearer than that. We have a bias toward the people that live in the North Escambia area and are proud to stand up for them.

    It’s not a bias toward or aganst Republican, Democrat, left wing, right wing, black, white, Indian, or alien. It’s a bias toward North Escambia.

    The governor was not called out due to his political party. He was called out for not bothering to stand face to face with our residents in their time of need.

  27. Tarrance on February 18th, 2016 9:06 am

    Thank you for your words on Gov.Scott the guy that should never been elect for office. How can you not visit or look at the people of Century in the eye and tell them that you care. It only shows a person that has no compassion for anybody. I think it will be hard to get funds when we have Gov. Scott that tried to use state funds to build golf courses in state parks. Shame on you and I think he should be kick out of office as we speak.

  28. William on February 18th, 2016 9:04 am

    >>>Seriously, in a state that now has the 4th largest population in the country, everyone blasts the governor for not taking a tour of 40 to 50 damaged homes?

    No, as far as I know one blasted him for touring 45 damaged high-end properties in Siesta Key that were damaged last month near Sarasota by and EF-2. He did what a governor should and met with those people, including those that lost their condo roof.

    He’s being blasted for not visiting the 110 homes destroyed in Escambia County by an EF-3. But there were no condo, no quarter million dollar homes.

  29. southerner on February 18th, 2016 8:53 am

    Dependence on government often leads to disappointment.

  30. david dixon on February 18th, 2016 8:50 am

    Gov. Scot really, You just showed the people of Century just how much you care about us and we will not forget that. Just because we are not a million dollar town does not mean we don’t deserve the courtesy and respect of You to come to our town and see for Yourself the damage and what this town needs. You should have meet with Mayor McCall not David Morgan who himself has not been to Century. It seems to me that the Federal Government and the State Government are more worried about taking care of the Refugees than the People of America Citizens. Just my opinion.

  31. Kyle on February 18th, 2016 8:48 am

    With as many people who appear not to like Gov. Scott, I have a feeling he would have been put on blast for actually going to Century.

    I can see it now: accused of gawking at other’s suffering, or worse yet, disrupting the recovery so that he could “just look around.”

    Seriously, in a state that now has the 4th largest population in the country, everyone blasts the governor for not taking a tour of 40 to 50 damaged homes?

    As a survivor of Ivan, I understand what Century is going through.

    Governor Scott did exactly what I would expect someone with his leadership style to do:

    He drew near enough to meet with the people actually doing the work of the recovery, heard their input, and asked one simple question:
    “What does Escambia County need to recover?”
    And then he left to go back to Tallahassee and make sure we get it.

    The man came to speak to the people who know the answer, and everyone who is unfamiliar with how government works gets upset.

    The simple fact is, this weather event did not approach the level of statewide disaster, but was severe enough to warrant the Governor checking in, and that’s exactly what he did.

    So dear editor, you should have waited to see what Governor Scott was going to get us before you put him on blast.

    Every one else on here: If you were affected, my hands and my church stand ready to help, and we are doing just that.

    If you were not affected, get a grip.

  32. chillywilly on February 18th, 2016 8:27 am

    Thank You Escambia.com for being a voice for the residents of Century Florida. We commend you for telling it like it is. What perplexes me is when Gov Rick Scott ran for re-election he
    carried 75 % of the vote in the panhandle of Florida. It’s not about politics the man has no
    morals, character or integrity. His company HCA plead guilty to the largest medicaid fraud case in the history of the United States. Gov Scott and his wife attended a special Olympics event for disabled children and the same day went back to his office and signed legislation cutting funding by 40 % to disabled children. This is the same Gov that tried to put disabled children into senior nursing homes by cutting funding for in home care for disabled children. Thankfully the courts stepped in and stopped it. What kind of a man would do such a thing. He used his veto pin to veto all state project improvements for the panhandle. Gov Scott cannot help Century but he approves 2 million dollars of tax payer money for a sea wall around a golf course in orange county. South Florida. Gov Scott spends 1.3 million tax payer dollars to settle lawsuits against him for violating Florida Sunshine laws for open government. Remember the fiasco firing of Gerald Bailey Head of FDLE. Slim hope for a state disaster declaration from the Governor’s office. Gov Rick Scott was in Pensacola Wednesday for a meeting at NAS and a meeting with Sheriff David Morgan.
    Gov Scott did not have the decency to drive up to Century and check on the residents
    and meet with them to offer assistance . Corrupt and incompetent politicians are destroying
    our country and our state. I pray the voters have good memories come election time.
    He needs to be impeached.

  33. Ben on February 18th, 2016 8:15 am

    Well said, but I suspect that your words of shame fell on deaf ears. It has been obvious for a very long time to many of us that this man has no shame.

    I do hope that your editorial is picked up by news outlets in Florida’s larger media markets. This message needs to be heard statewide.

  34. Bama girl on February 18th, 2016 7:59 am

    Well said! Thanks for keeping our communities informed! North Escambia is the best source for fast and accurate news!

  35. sam on February 18th, 2016 7:56 am

    the governor was wrong for not showing up. being a politician and looking at the numbers he knew he was going to be asked for help. the feds aren’t going to get involved. not enough homes,(voters) and the dollar loss was minimal to them. their thinking is homeowners insurance should cover it. the fact is Century is the poorest town of over a 1,000 people in florida. to the governor knows the news cycle will be done in a day or so. why worry. as usual WE will take care of it ourselves and the state WILL take our taxes. thanks for nothing governor.

  36. Bob on February 18th, 2016 7:53 am

    This is called compassionate conservatism. Keep voting republican up there! Maybe some of those tea party crazies will part with some of their gov social security checks to help you all out!

  37. JJ on February 18th, 2016 7:50 am

    Just look at him in the above picture. He looks like he hates that he’s having to sit there and listen to Morgan. He would rather be anywhere else than in that chair.

    His face tells the story and that is proof that he disrespected the people of Century!

  38. Century Resident on February 18th, 2016 7:49 am

    I live in the affected area, and I am very disappointed at our Governor. I think everyone from our little community, and even family and friends of the affected people should all write letters too the Governor and let him know just how we feel.

  39. JJ on February 18th, 2016 7:47 am

    I was in attendance at a mandatory meeting at one of the States largest agencies. It was right after this idiot took office. All of the employees were called into the front of the building, where they awaited the king. There were approximately 600 people jammed into the area. He showed up about 45 minutes late. When he did, he took the podium and gave a feel good speech about all of the wonderful things he was going to do for Florida. The day before, he laid off about 250 employees from that building, alone and an additional 1200 from other agencies.

    He had the gall to come into their workplace and tell them how great things were going to be. Then, he opened the floor to questions. His very first question was from a long time employee who scolded him for coming, after what he did. The entire crowd boo’d him and he tried to give some BS response. Then a second person jumped him and without answering, he turned and rapidly exited the stage. Everyone was angry and clapped when he left.

    He has no soul, he’s creepy looking and acting. I never voted for him and I can’t believe we have that many people in Florida that did, even after his Medicaid fraud was exposed. Shame on Florida and shame on the rich donors who pander to this inhuman scumbag!

  40. Bugsy on February 18th, 2016 7:45 am

    I don’t really see how he could of had time to visit Century. Cutting taxes for the wealthy seems to take up all his time and attention.

  41. Lewis T on February 18th, 2016 7:15 am

    Well, if Cenury had a beach the beaurcrats would be concer more about the money, opps, I mean the people. Just give them what they want, your vote.

  42. Bill M. on February 18th, 2016 7:06 am

    How many millionaires and billionaires are there in Century? Well, that’s the answer to why Gov. Flim Flam isn’t visiting the area of destruction. If only there were rich people there, so he could give them a tax break!

  43. SWS on February 18th, 2016 6:39 am

    Scott can’t run for re-election as Governor. He will probably run against Bill Nelson for US Senator, or if Nelson retires, whoever the Democrat is who will be trying to replace Bill Nelson. I hope the people will remember his actions when this happens.

  44. john on February 18th, 2016 6:35 am

    Reading this article is proof that I suspected that NorthEscambia.com has political bias in their news reporting and it is shameful you see this in many other outlets as well.

    Having said that, praying for the people of Century.

  45. proudArmyParent on February 18th, 2016 6:18 am

    Tom, explain Obama if I remember correctly he is a democrat!
    A benefit needs to be put in place. Something like the Sausage Festival. Maybe contact a group like the Florida/Goerga Line! Maybe if they actually knew NO help was coming from the stat or federal level they’d be willing help. Just a suggestion.
    It would nice if the Governor would at least send in the guard to help with the clean up!

  46. Northender43 on February 18th, 2016 6:17 am

    Here is contact info for Governor Scott:

    Office of Governor Rick Scott
    State of Florida
    The Capitol
    400 S. Monroe St.
    Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001

    (850) 488-7146

    Email: http://www.flgov.com/sunburst

  47. jinx on February 18th, 2016 6:00 am

    This person has always been a sorry excuse for a man. His bottom line has always been money……or I should say money in HIS pocket. He is rather heartless unless you are someone that can get him somewhere. He is the type of person that doesn’t really care because in the grand scheme he thinks this will not effect him in anyway. BTW I did not vote for him and never will. I knew what he was like after working for Columbia….you know that company he ran that defrauded medicare and medicaid….yeah. He is just a peach of a man.

  48. Pensacola pete on February 18th, 2016 6:00 am

    Maybe his new official motto will read “COWARDICE, APATHY AND INACTION!”

    Thank you William, for saying what needed to be said.

  49. Jane on February 18th, 2016 5:52 am

    Very disappointed in Gov. Scott for not going up to Century. Why even go to Pensacola? BIG MISTAKE on his part….he lost a lot of voters respect on this one!

  50. Jan on February 18th, 2016 5:35 am

    Amen to that

  51. Proud north Escambia resident on February 18th, 2016 5:34 am

    Very well said!!
    Thank you for having the guts to put this in writing. Hopefully gov. Scott will see it (along with the rest of the state of Florida) and be ashamed as he should be.

  52. Mom on February 18th, 2016 5:27 am

    William can you please provide any numbers, emails, etc so everyone can start hounding this sorry excuse for a governor. Even if you were not affected by this tornado the people of our community need to rally together to get our voices heard. This tornado missed our home by 1/10 of a mile. It could have easily been my life and many others touched by this disaster. Everyone needs to stand up for others all across North Escambia.

  53. Kim on February 18th, 2016 5:18 am

    Very well said! I hope he never gets another vote from anyone on the Northemd again. A sad excuse for a Governor. It just proves how heartless he is.

  54. Tom on February 18th, 2016 5:10 am

    The man is a hypocrite bottom line, I pray for those devastated by the natural disaster events that took place in Century. I will say this though in times like these when relief is needed especially to poorer communities you are much more likely to get assistance from a Liberal or Democrat in office. I say that only because they are much more likely to fund Social and housing programs that would be of great help right now in Century.

  55. Pam on February 18th, 2016 5:00 am

    Don’t re-elect him. So sorry for all the loss. We want to help. Not through the United Way as you can’t trust anyone to do the right thing anymore. Directly, so that all the United Way staff, buildings and utilities don’t get paid with our contribution. We need names of people and their losses and how to contact them – in Flomaton as well. We need to form a local group of people and organize something to help every affected person. We need more info in the paper and on TV about how to help directly, not through another organization. If all the homes damaged were worth a million dollars each, we’d get federal aid. Something’s wrong with that and I wish legislation would be passed to change this for poor communities. That’s something Rick Scott could do, but he won’t because it doesn’t do anything for him or his family. He’s a real sicko.

  56. Dan on February 18th, 2016 4:45 am

    That’s the way rich people in power are if it don’t benefit me or if it’s not going to help me in the future why do it. Prick Scott has always been slimy and a poor excuse for man and never should have been govenor. He actually should be in prison for all the Medicaid fraud he was involved in but that’s another story.

  57. catman on February 18th, 2016 3:58 am

    Thanks for hitting the nail on the head William. I never have and never will vote for this man. It’s all about him and his good old boy’s. God bless you and the victims in Century.

  58. c.w. on February 18th, 2016 3:47 am

    This move shows the whole state that scott has no compassion for anyone that’s not wealthy. He has as much use for Century as he does the correction officers, NONE.

  59. bigbill1961 on February 18th, 2016 3:10 am

    This lack of compassion shows that he’s simply a politician, not a governor. There is a difference. If this had been Miami, he probably would have camped out with the victims to show how much he cares.