Open Carry Gun Bill May Not Get Senate Hearing

February 9, 2016

Senate Judiciary Chairman Miguel Diaz de la Portilla may not bring up a controversial open-carry gun measure in his committee during this year’s legislative session.

The move would effectively stop the proposal (SB 300), which is strongly backed by Second Amendment groups, including the National Rifle Association.

Diaz de la Portilla, R-Miami, told reporters on Monday that he has grown uneasy with the proposal. The House passed its version of the bill last week after adding an amendment that would allow state lawmakers to carry sidearms into legislative meetings.

“I am concerned that it may become a vehicle for some very, very bad amendments. I think that’s what we learned last week,” Diaz de la Portilla said. “Because of those concerns, I’m very, very seriously considering not hearing it at all.”

Diaz de la Portilla said he’ll decide later this week if the bill will be heard by his committee. The bill would allow the nearly 1.5 million people in Florida with concealed-weapons licenses to openly carry guns in most public places. The House voted 80-38 to approve its version  last week.

by The News Service of Florida


12 Responses to “Open Carry Gun Bill May Not Get Senate Hearing”

  1. Rooster Wilkins on February 11th, 2016 9:16 am

    I agree with Ray. What the hell is this country coming to when one idiot can hold up the vote on something as important as this is. Portilla reminds me of another senator by the name of HARRY REID. Seems to me this representative of the people held up more bills in congress than Jesse James did trains. How is it that this countrys government is set up so that one A-Hole can stop a bill from being voted on. Right or wrong it should be voted on! Maybe the congress needs a little rebuilding?? Wonder if HIS MAJESTY PORTILLA would let that be voted on.

  2. David on February 10th, 2016 5:14 pm

    SB 130 should be vetoed. Gov. should not allow it to be used to limit our freedom without also allowing an opportunity to sign Open Carry & Campus Carry.

  3. ANDREW on February 10th, 2016 3:50 pm


  4. Gary on February 9th, 2016 5:02 pm

    Texas now allows open carry and I read a story yesterday which clearly showed all the panic in the streets never happened. No shootouts, scared tourists or Wild, Wild West type fear.

    All is functioning as before and the anti-gun folks are now looking at other things to panic over.

  5. Bob C. on February 9th, 2016 2:52 pm

    Simple, just embed the Open Carry into one of the Pork Barrel wants by the big dogs in Miami / Orlando area and it’ll slide thru with no problems.

  6. kyle on February 9th, 2016 2:26 pm

    @Kate @Tom

    The Founding Fathers put forward their input on why personal ownership of firearms is so important, and remains so to this day. (that input is called “The Federalist Papers.” 85 essays by Madison, Hamilton, and Jay)

    It essentially comes down to one question:
    “Will there ever be a generation of men capable of leading government in such a way that no citizen needs to fear those who are in charge?”

    We know that the answer is “No, there will not be.”

    To that end, a formula was developed:
    Take 1 percent of the citizenry and put them in the service of the Federal Army.
    Take 5 percent of each state’s residents and put them into the State Militia.
    Then make sure that 25 percent of all citizens are armed.

    In this way, you had the minimum numbers necessary to ensure that the Federal government would need the assistance of several other state legislatures in order to force any one state to do as the federal government wishes.

    The upshot: The 2nd amendment is part of the system of checks and balances which the Founders wrote in order to guarantee that no one person or small group of people could take liberty from the people.

  7. Really? on February 9th, 2016 9:51 am

    What’s more important than protecting the unborn and yourself? Pretty selfish statement in my opinion…but march on!

  8. Kate on February 9th, 2016 8:21 am

    Someone in the Florida Senate with sense. You got to be kidding me. That’s what Florida needs a bunch gun slingers that will be great for bringing in visitors. They will be going to the Bahamas, its cheaper anyways.

  9. Ray on February 9th, 2016 8:15 am

    I suppose this is Democracy at it’s best.
    One man “dictating” what can be voted on or can’t be voted on.. BRILLIANT!
    I know one man that did that for longer than any U.S. President held office, and so does Diaz de La Portilla. His fellow countryman, THE DICTATOR FIDEL CASTRO.
    Simple facts.

  10. Tom on February 9th, 2016 7:55 am

    God help us all, I happen to live in the only western industrialized nation in the world where guns and abortion continue to dominate the politics of this country. There are more important things we could be doing, The middle Class is shrinking suicide rates are up poverty is increasing ever so with are debt. But please continue these foolish adventures while the rest of the world looks on and sets there on long term goals with out us.

  11. Concerned Citizen on February 9th, 2016 6:33 am

    If Senate Chairman de la Portilla fails to hear the bill in his committee, maybe his constituents and his party should fail to hear his bid for re-election. Just saying.

    Concerned Citizen

  12. chris in Molino on February 9th, 2016 5:42 am

    I knew it was too good to be true. Thinking to myself, how could Florida possibly be doing this when federal government are doing the extreme opposite. How could this be ?
    The I thought, well, maybe their just testing the waters to see what they have to do in the coming years. More public massacres, maybe some extreme situations by registered gun owners so they can say told you so. Whatever the case I’m co.vinced the govt cares about us in the least. Their agenda and our well being are opposite which is why I blindly thought this law would pass if only to stage a major incident with it later. Oh well, wishful thinking.