Lawmakers Want More Recess Time For Elementary Students

February 19, 2016

The Florida House wants to give schoolchildren a little more time to go outside and play. House members voted 112-2 on Thursday to approve a bill  that would require elementary schools to provide 100 minutes of recess each week — at least 20 solid minutes a day.

But the proposal might not get out the door in the Senate, where it has not been heard in any committees with only three weeks left in the legislative session.

Republican and Democratic House members praised the bill, with Rep. Joe Geller, D-Aventura, saying children are not “little learning robots” and need recess.

“It has a huge impact on our children, and we need to make sure they have that free time,” said Rep. Bob Cortes, an Altamonte Springs Republican who helped sponsor the bill. Only Rep. Michael Bileca, R-Miami, and Rep. Richard Corcoran, R-Land O’ Lakes, dissented Thursday.

by The News Service of Florida


5 Responses to “Lawmakers Want More Recess Time For Elementary Students”

  1. patti on February 20th, 2016 10:41 pm

    If they only have 20 minutes to play games, run & have fun, does that 20 minutes start when they leave their class room door, or when they get outside? You’ve got to admit, 20 minutes isn’t long. I know times change, but I remember when our children were in school, school started at 8:00am and was out at 3:00pm. They children had time for P.E. and lunch. When school starts at 8:00 and gets out at 2:00, there isn’t much time for them to run & play to release some of that energy that young ones have. The teachers still put in time as if the day ended at 3:00. There aren’t as many teacher’s aids as there use to be. The only help most teachers get in our grammer schools are folks who volunteer to help. We have some GREAT teachers in our area!

  2. Melodies4us on February 20th, 2016 8:07 pm

    It is essential for good mental health and emotional well being.

  3. Anne on February 19th, 2016 9:36 pm

    Red Rover, Dodge Ball, Crack the whip, marbles ( probably can’t say “shooting marbles” anymore as PC Police are listening ), Tag – just running like the wild things we were, time to be outside and get a bit dusty and some grime on us. The Good Times.

  4. Melissa on February 19th, 2016 3:05 pm

    Children are only in school for six hours a day. We need to focus on physical activity and health across the age range. Students are only given 23 minutes to stand in line and inhale their lunch. They are only ‘required” to take physical education until tenth grade. Yet, as a society we are screaming about an obesity epidemic. Many of these children go home to have no adult interaction and solely rely on video games and electronic devices to entertain them. Education is a business funded by taxpayers. Why, as taxpayers, are we paying teachers for eight hours of work when children are only at school for six hours per day? Shouldn’t this be treated as a business? Extend the school day and add two hours? Give the children time to eat a healthy lunch. Give the children time to get at least 30 minutes or more of physical activity. Why are we short-changing the future generation?

  5. Robinhood on February 19th, 2016 7:58 am

    Back in the day (60’s and early 70’s) when I was in school we went out and played at least 30 – 45 minutes a day every day of the week and we learned what was needed to learn and did not effect our grades by having PE. Why did they quit PE is a question I have to ask???? Children need to get out and play and burn some of the energy they all have. Helps the teacher out too.