Government Aid Not Likely For Century Tornado Victims (With Gallery)

February 17, 2016

Century residents were allowed late Tuesday to return on foot to their tornado-ravaged homes. Many residents in the hardest hit areas found notices posted by the county building inspector informing them that their homes are no longer habitable.

A large number of the residents have no insurance…that’s a luxury they can’t afford in a town that is the poorest in Florida and where over half the residents live in poverty. Several told that there next step is to begin cleaning up and wait for financial help they believe will come as it did after Hurricane Ivan.

But the chance of Century and its residents receiving federal funds are slim to none as the rebuilding process from Monday’s EF-3 tornado begins.

Escambia County Emergency Management Director John Dosh said a federal disaster declaration from the White House would require documented losses of over $25 million in the county. He said it is extremely unlikely for the tornado damage to totals to be anywhere near $25 million.

Without the federal disaster declaration, FEMA funds will not flow.

However, the Town of Century and the county ares working with state and federal agencies to see what other options and other funding pools just might be available.

In the meantime, Century is turning with open arms to charitable organizations such as the Red Cross and local churches that are lending a helping hand.

For a photo gallery, click here. photos, click to enlarge.


49 Responses to “Government Aid Not Likely For Century Tornado Victims (With Gallery)”

  1. Bama on February 23rd, 2016 9:26 pm

    To all those judging the residents needing help, if you don’t think they should recieve government assistance, or you don’t want to help, then you should sit down with a bible and do some self reflecting. I don’t think people should depend on the government but all levels of government spend an unthinkable amount of things that are unnecessary, not wanted or approved of by most citizens, things that are legally and morally questionable, including billions a year for people who are not citizens of this country, whether it be to inmigrants, or to other countries. and no this president was not in office when the 25 mil rule was made, but he does not abide by the law when it comes to something he wants to do, he just does it any way, but funny how him not anyone else in his crooked regime is willing to do so in situations that American Citizens need help. I’m not saying that helping get others is wrong, or that we shouldn’t help non citizens and other country’s but our priorities need serious evaluation. I think everyone on the world should do what they can to help others, but you’ve got to take care of yourself and your families first. You have a responsibility to do that. And yes people who can not afford to replace should have insurance, but the insurance agencies these days are walking a fine line between businesses and organized crime. The premiums aren’t affordable for a lot of people and there are countless reasons why they won’t give you a policy at all. No matter what the reasons are, it should not be a debate. There could be a very simple solution if government leaders had their priorities straight. For those who didn’t have insurance, and need assistance, require proof of income and assets showing that you cannot afford to rebuild or fix your home, and help those people. Those that can afford it, suck it up and do it. Those that can’t, work along with citizens, communities and organizations willing to help, and take care of them. I’m not saying hand them a check to build a brand new luxury home, replace their flatscreen or any other luxuries, but help them get a safe roof over their head and provide them basic necessities if those were lost(food, clothes, etc.)

  2. Rebecca on February 19th, 2016 12:39 am

    You can rest assured the illegal immigrants who have crossed our borders – and will continue to do so – will receive EVERYTHING they need, ask for, or demand at our expense. It is a disgrace how our natural born citizens are treated who live(d), raised families, supported their communities, paid taxes, etc., in time of a natural disaster. Blessings to all who help!

  3. Mimi on February 18th, 2016 9:10 pm

    Sad to see the holier than thou judgment. There are people who are the salt of the earth…the laborers, minimum wage workers who do the work no one else would do. The plants that came and went may not have had the best environmental health so the health of the people is poor with abnormal amount of chronic illness like kidney failure, etc. But the plants/factories used them and then left.
    Somebody once said, “There is a nobility in compassion, a beauty in empathy, a grace in forgiveness.” I pray for those who never learned compassion, never learned empathy and never learned forgiveness so the Lord can be released to have compassion and forgive them.

  4. Phyllis J K Owens on February 18th, 2016 2:52 pm

    I do not see where there should be a set amount of damage for the government to help an area. It would be easy for a city the size of Pensacola to meet a certain amount of damage. But, Century is NOT a city. It is a town. The citizens there pay taxes just like the citizens in Pensacola. There should be help, just like in the instance of a hurricane, for all citizens. Shame on you, Florida. And shame on you folks who are being so judgmental of the area’s residents. There is not a lot of work or business in the area. But, those folks are still Americans!!! Shame! Shame! Shame!
    I went to the office of the Mayor of Enterprise on Monday to see what we could do. Hopefully, his office is formulating a plan to help in some way.
    God Bless all citizens affected by this tornado disaster….and all who help them.

  5. Chrissy Gatorgal on February 18th, 2016 11:46 am

    Trish, your post is right on!!!!!

  6. Ruby on February 18th, 2016 8:23 am

    Well,the State of Florida has plenty of money to plant all the palm trees to welcome people to Florida but the Governor will not come and see the damage to the people who live in Century!! What a shame.!!! If you have money for Palm trees help the people recover!!! Welcome to Florida is a disgrace if you do not look after your people in need!!

  7. Tammy Amison on February 18th, 2016 7:47 am

    Nobody is Century expects a handout for those of you who think like that. The people in that town have worked their entire life to have what they do. My uncle worked his entire life and unfortunely he couldn’t afford house insurance, the insurance companies make it to where you can’t afford it. Also homes can’t be covered if they are over a certain age. I am from Century born and raised, I love that town and the people in it. What sickens me most Is knowing that if that tornado had hit a neighborhood in Pensacola the governor and FEMA would have been there that afternoon. It has always been like that for those of us in Century. Unless you have lived in Century or actually have family there don’t judge people and assume you know how they spend their money. Most of the people there have been there since the day they were born and most will likely die there as well. So just because you pass through a few times a year please don’t judge. Until you can walk a day in the shoes of a Century resident don’t judge. Instead of judging why don’t you go and try and help someone clean their yard up, you may not know them but I can promise they will appreciate your help and you might actually learn something.

  8. Trish on February 18th, 2016 7:42 am

    Insurance companies turn people down all the time. They also do credit backgrounds on applicants. No credit history or bad credit history then no insurance. There is no law requiring homeowners insurance.

  9. Frankie Morris on February 18th, 2016 7:03 am

    I grew up in the historical district in century, I have a lot of good memories from the town of century, it breaks my heart to see all the damages done to my hometown, I pray the town receives the funds and help they so desperately need

  10. JUANITA WATSON on February 18th, 2016 5:29 am

    Homeowner, Please read my statement so that you may begin to understand that historic homes are not privy to insurance like modern built homes. Your knowledge of the area is that “You are from Pensacola and you drive through 5 times a year and do not stop.” WOW, I guess being a military wife, I am familiar with most of the country. I base this on the fact that I have driven through numerous towns on various routes, at least five times a year… I’m not sure who you know, but please don’t speak about the majority of a town when you know only a minority.

  11. Joelynn Daw on February 17th, 2016 11:07 pm

    I will gladly help in any way I can or donate what I have or have the ability too !food clothing or a place to stay!

  12. Shell on February 17th, 2016 9:03 pm

    Number 1. This has nothing to do with President Obama. It is the FEMA Law. Number 2. Human suffering of any type should never be taken lightly by humanity. Number 3. I bet every house on PensacolaBeach is insured by a hardworking productive citizen, not just someone born wealthy. So let’s not blame them either. Number 4. No adult should ever think anyone owes them a dime or anything else, because to do so only leads to dependency, disappontment, and the lack of self reliance. Number 5. Disasters are a time when communities come together to help without judging, and religious groups have charitiable opportunities staring them in the face… no need to travel out of the country to do a good deed.
    I pray for the recovery of all people hurt in anyway by this terrible event.

  13. Homeowner on February 17th, 2016 8:43 pm

    I feel horrible for the huge loss the residents of Century has sustained! I cannot imagine their loss, whatsoever! I do wonder though, what happened to property owners being mandated to provide property insurance?! If one has to have vehicle insurance, why not property insurance. If home is paid for, one should surely be able to afford insurance……unless, theyd rather go buy their booze, smokes, etc… I am from Pensacola and am very familiar with the area. Everytime i drive through (avg 5xs annually at the least) i see the town getting more run down than the last time i came through. Its to the point that i refuse to make a stop in the area! I know alot of folks that drink, party, etc. in a weekly basis, but when something happens, they are the first to put their hands out for a “handout!” All year they know birthdays, christmas, etc. is coming, yet they do not curtail their partying then make lame excuses about how they dont have any money. If one owns their home and has no mortgage, the they should for sure have money for insurance, i would assume! I know this is not the case for every homeowner that lost in Century. Yet this is also not the only tornado taht has come through the area. We all know that this part of Florida gets them quite often but, damage or no damage is the question each time. Also, if someone is renting their home out the “legit” way then there should be insurance. Renters, i definitely recommend “renters insurance!”

  14. gatorbait on February 17th, 2016 8:09 pm

    Slim hope for a state disaster declaration from the Governor’s office. Gov Rick Scott was in Pensacola Wednesday for a meeting at NAS and a meeting with Sheriff David Morgan.
    Gov Scott did not have the decency to drive up to Century and check on the residents
    and meet with them to offer assistance . Corrupt and incompetent politicians are destroying
    our country and our state. I pray the voters have good memories come re-election time.

  15. Trish on February 17th, 2016 7:26 pm

    People don’t stop to think of real life problems. It is really easy to say they should have insurance, or they need to just move in order to better their situation or just get a job. If you are a child in a low income poverty situation then you are automatically behind the curb. No money coming in because no job. No jobs available to apply for because business does not want to invest in poverty areas. Don’t have a car to try and find job elsewhere because you have no money. If you are a single mother who is going to babysit? Day Care’s only operate certain hours and they are expensive. If by some miracle you land a job you have to have appropriate clothing, but you have no money to buy it. Of course there is also the problem of filling out an application. No previous work experience which puts you farther behind on chances of employment. I can’t think of one business who wants to “take a chance” on someone with no work experience, little education, no idea of how to address customers etc etc etc.

    So what is the answer? Not realistic to just throw out that “they just need to get a job” or “they just need to move” or “they should have insurance”. If you can solve the problem please feel free to share.

  16. Kevin on February 17th, 2016 7:11 pm

    @Jon you should try driving through and see all of the people helping themselves and their neighbor’s. There’s also many churches that have come to help everyone. @ Taxpayer do you know how many people have insurance? I know a lot of people in this area that have insurance and they’ve lived in their homes for 30 or more years. So when their home gets old they’re supposed to sell it because of high insurance. A lot of the older homes can not be insured because insurance companies want insure them.Think about what you say there is more people in this area than you realize that has a job. Some are way past retirement age still working to pay their way. There is some waiting for hand outs but not the whole area. Everyone needs to be thankful that all lives were spared because material things can be replaced whether they’re bought or given.

  17. sam on February 17th, 2016 6:02 pm

    we do need to thank the utility workers from the power, telephone, city and county that showed up and worked to restore service. don’t think there is a lot to hook back up to but the foundation will be there.thank you!

  18. Citizen on February 17th, 2016 5:45 pm

    Wrote Gov Rick Scott about Tornado Relief. He had a reply that Red Cross at community center til 7pm and additional resources at Abundant life church. Period.

  19. Juanita McCaw Watson (Armymajorswife) on February 17th, 2016 5:44 pm

    I’ll start with “taxpayer”. First of all, “taxpayer” is one word, not two. Secondly, maybe the people you are sitting back and judging are elderly and/or disabled. A majority of people in that area are elderly, disabled or a combination of both. My father lives in the Historic District of Century, and by the grace of God he has insurance. Although, the insurance for historic homes is not like insurance for modern homes, but you probably do not know that as well.

    Moreover, maybe you should extend a hand to help someone, as oppose to extending your tongue with baseless opinions with little validity. Just because people are poor doesn’t mean it’s by choice and not everyone, to include my father, can work. Those that have families will depend on them. Some of these people could be making choices between medications, food, or insurance.
    What about those who do not have families? Why are you so quick to cast that stone? SELFLESS, there is a word that you need to incorporate into your life. Have compassion and more restraint on that raucous tongue.

    Now for “Jon”. Those are not harsh words; they are ignorant words. Words spoken by someone who doesn’t truly understand others economic misfortunes. Please see the aforementioned statement above for clarification.

    I have worked hard to rise above the judgmental comments like I have read here.
    You have no idea until you have lived it. Please pray for the town, or lift them up with a kind deed if you are not the praying type. Kindness comes in all forms.

    To quote the Dalai Lama “If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.”
    Sometimes the tongue is a powerful weapon.

  20. Facetious Bob on February 17th, 2016 5:16 pm


    FEMA was implemented by Presidential directive on April 1, 1979, by President James Earl Carter, Democrat.

  21. Safebear on February 17th, 2016 5:07 pm

    Has anybody heard from the republican governor? I don’t see anything here that he’s done anything and I don’t live in the area but my family does so I don’t get all the news.

  22. Quick to point a finger on February 17th, 2016 4:56 pm

    Its funny to see the comments about the president and muslims. When the $25 million cap was a law written and passed when the president before our current was in office. Before one makes racial or degrading comments please educate yourself or you will look even more stupid that you do for beung racist. Now tp the people of my home town/area. Hold faith. Go back to the teaching we were all raised on in that area. Blend together as a community clean as one and rebuild as one. Reflief will come but sitting waiting is the way. Put forth the effort and someone will meet you half way

  23. Rodney Thomas on February 17th, 2016 3:10 pm

    Several years ago before he died, my good friend and mentor, Jack Moran attempted to encourage the folks of Century (Teespoon) to enact such changes that would have moved Century further into the 21st Century. His efforts to get the city officials from the Mayor to members of the City Council to proceed on federal and state procedures that would have benefited were met with strong resistance, to put it mildly. Rev. Henry Hawkins, an associate of Mr. Moran, gave out the same cry yet he too was ignored and neglected. The folks from USDA tried to get Century to take advantage of certain funds and grants available or in some cases, loans that would have moved this city past its historical stalemate and made it a more modern and bustling city.
    I know hindsight is 20-20 but there are funds, programs and actions that can be undertaken to not only restore Century, restore the historical past of Teespoon and allow Century to serve as a shining star along the panhandle of Florida.

  24. Lemons to lemonade on February 17th, 2016 2:52 pm

    County reevaluate property value. Form the CRA. Encourage New Apartments and parks with CTA. Change definitely blew through the area.

  25. My2Cents on February 17th, 2016 2:41 pm

    Some of these comments represent what is wrong with America. Okay, some people don’t have home insurance. Have you been to Century lately? This doesn’t surprise me at all. We do need to pitch in and help those in need. Is it possible to establish a fund so the money will go to those who really need it to rebuild or possibly build Habitat for Humanity homes in the area? I like the idea of using FEMA trailers that we all see being used as rental property or just sitting in a lot. There are resources out there and there are good people out there as well willing to help and to give to those that need it.

  26. Sunshine on February 17th, 2016 2:24 pm

    Spread the word.

    Century, the poorest town in Florida and no government help. The Gateway to Florida and the government is turning their heads away. Come on now. Im sure the locals and surrounding towns are helping out like they always do when disasters happen around here. One great thing about these little towns…there might be some crimes here and there but at the end of the day, we’re good people.

    What about Flomaton?? McDavid and Pensacola??

  27. Reality Check on February 17th, 2016 1:28 pm

    Sorry people, but now you have a glimpse of what the other side looks like. Hopefully, it helps you all to grow a more compassionate generation.

  28. dman on February 17th, 2016 1:24 pm

    Yes, of course, this is George Bush’s fault!!!! OMG, please, grow up and move on!!!! I will say this, however…I do agree with a lot of the folks on here…it’s sickening that we’ll send billions to Iran and Iraq and also bring a bunch of “refugees” here, but a paltry couple of million to the small village of Century is asking too much?! Heck to the NAW NAW!!!! That’s right, I said it!!! Remember this crap, come November!!! And don’t vote Hillary/Bernie!!!!!

  29. Objective thoughts on February 17th, 2016 12:21 pm

    New housing arrangements are in order. If the county has condemned them and they cannot be rebuilt. Was a CRA formed yet. Eminent domain alger sullivan land put in FEMA trailers run power water. Apply for section eight housing elsewhere. Perhaps FEMA will not rebuild but disaster relief is in order.

  30. Bart on February 17th, 2016 12:11 pm

    Wow but they can send all of this aid to Syria, but can’t help out American citizens in need. Many of our family and friends have been affected, but as usual we get ignored up here in Century.

  31. kathy on February 17th, 2016 10:29 am

    What about all of the people that lost. There homes, this is unreall. Were poor. No insurance. Please. Help our community.

  32. Sara on February 17th, 2016 10:00 am

    Say your thanks to George W. Bush who created this FEMA law.

  33. Truth on February 17th, 2016 9:29 am

    Yes, you that said if it had been Pensacola Beach are correct. They would have recieved emergency funds because damage would have surpassed the $25 mil requirement. In addition Pensacola Beach generates millions in tax revenue, and Century consumes millions. Some people are more fortunate than others and can afford insurance but that is life and it isn’t fair. Hopefully some help for these people will come but tax dollars are stretched already

  34. jeeperman on February 17th, 2016 9:28 am

    However, I do not understand this minimum dollar value of damage required before government disaster aid is available.
    Makes no sense really.
    Only thing I can think of is the carrot holders do not want to be bothered with small disasters because they might have to do more paperwork?

  35. jeeperman on February 17th, 2016 9:26 am

    The majority of disaster aid from the government is only for citizens that live in the residence damaged.
    Not to be subsidizing the landlords that are renting houses for a profit.
    Same goes for businesses.

  36. Concerned on February 17th, 2016 9:22 am

    Wondering if restoring a historic district would get any attention! Just a thought!

  37. just saying on February 17th, 2016 9:08 am

    No that’s ok we will just do it ourselves like we always do. Send another 10 Billion dollars to Egypt Mr. Obama they obviously needed it more than the people who pay your salary.

  38. Tax Payer on February 17th, 2016 8:32 am

    Why would you depend of government aid? You own the house, you should pay the insurance premiums for it. Why should you depend on tax payers dollars in order to rebuild or repair damages? If you can’t afford insurance, on your current income, then maybe you should find a job to be able to insure what is yours?

    Just saying.

  39. Linda Greer on February 17th, 2016 8:12 am

    They need to look at Escambia County as a whole….not just the North end. If they count it all together with the businesses that were damaged on 9th and Creighton, the damage to Scenic Hwy, the totals will surpass the $25 million. Century needs help. They should NOT be denied that!!!

  40. bartender on February 17th, 2016 7:58 am

    thank is heart breaking that they get no help.its not right and its not fair.those people cant help if they cant afford insurance.its funny.when the beach gets hit or a nice neighbor hood they get help.centuny is not thr richest neighbor hood and it breaks my heart to know they cant get no help from the goverment but i bet they still have to pay taxes.atleast the county can go clean up the debis whats left and someone could get them some fema trailers out there.poor people ar always the ones left out.

  41. sam on February 17th, 2016 7:31 am

    Old Century is gone. haven’t seen pond street, but if it’s like the rest, i just hope folks have insurance. NO help rebuilding will be coming.

  42. Jan on February 17th, 2016 7:22 am

    We should write to Jeff Miller, Bill Nelso and Marco Rubio. I’ve sent them all emails. Maybe it won’t help, but unless we make the effort, we won’t know. If this had been Pensacola Beach, there would be no problem. Just because these people’s real estate isn’t worth much should be no reason that they don’t qualify for help. Who could need it more? I think that if citizens are active about trying to get our federal elected representatives to respond, Century might be able to get some help. Worth a try.

  43. Jon on February 17th, 2016 6:58 am

    I am sorry, but waiting on someone to give you money is just plain ridiculous. Help out your neighbor! Help out the poor. But to sit back and simply hold your hand out hoping for money is the wrong message and thing to do.

    Take care of yourself and hope others can help. But don’t stand there with your hand out for federal money! If you were self insured, you should have been putting money back to rebuild if necessary. A risk you take! It should not fall on others and tax money to make you whole again! It falls on you!

    Rough words to hear in a tough time for a lot of people I am sure. And I wish everyone the best and hope that they can rebuild their lives and homes!

  44. John S on February 17th, 2016 6:42 am

    No Money????? What do you mean no money??? Why is there money to bring those raping, murdering Syrians to our country. Why is there money for that worthless president to give to his fellow muslim brothers. This is why our country is not great anymore. Our government will fund terrorist but NOT help it’s own. It’s a sad day in America!!!!!!!!!!

  45. Sam on February 17th, 2016 6:33 am

    I have had the feeling from the start that no federal help would be coming. As bad as the damage is the numbers aren’t there. A small rural community, no real tax base, very little representation politically. It all adds up to the same ol thing, we are on our own.

  46. Kimberly on February 17th, 2016 6:25 am

    How would we, as a community, get habitat for humanity to come in and get these houses rebuilt? I firmly believe that we have an abundance of people that would be glad to volunteer to assist with the building. Since the dollar amount of losses doesn’t meet federal assistance requirements, this would be a logical option .

  47. chris in Molino on February 17th, 2016 5:59 am

    I feel bad and will even donate some things however, everyone makes choices.
    If you have a home thats paid for and don’t have insurance, that’s a choice. If you can’t afford insurance because you live in the “poorest town in Florida”, thats a choice. Move to an area where it’s more economically feasible to live. A criminal chooses to steal and is punished. Why should people who’s choices put them in a circumstances that caused negativity be any different.
    But…..The USA gives so much money to poor foreign nations, why not it’s own. I disagree with that also. Why send food to people who live in the dirt dying from disease when for centuries they don’t have the presence of mind to migrate somewhere they can grow food.
    Before some moron responds, read my comment. I know the folks of Century didn’t choose a tornado to destroy their home, only the circumstances that prevents them from rebuilding on their own. I do take heed to elderly folks on a fixed income but not able bodied people eith a choice.
    In closing, it’s not the government’s responsibility. It’s the responsibility of the community, neighborhoods, local leaders, and churches. Yet the sense of that closeness amoung folks seems to have died, save for major trajedy. Yes sir, I am my brothers keeper. The government has such a stranglehold on its people because of the loss of that mentality.
    To local churches; this is one of the uses for tithe money, not your buddies family to trvel the globe as “missionaries”.

  48. Armymajorswife on February 17th, 2016 5:05 am

    My heart breaks for the community. Seeing my hometown destroyed, and knowing that federal funding will not come, is heart wrenching. I know the town is working very hard to secure as much funding as possible to help its residents. William, I am glad you posted a picture of the Methodist church. My father tried to describe it to me, but this picture speaks louder than his words. I am a member of the Baptist church right beside it; I grew up in the historic district of Century, and a lot of my family still lives in within historic district. I honestly don’t know how this town and the people will recover without federal assistance to rebuild. My thoughts and prayers are with the town of Century.

  49. linda on February 17th, 2016 4:06 am

    It seems to me the goverment would pull all the stock pile of fema trailers to these areas where people lost everything and give them a place to live. the trailers are stock piled in places and being sold. So why can’t they bring them in? A place to call home is very important, to not only the adults but the children involved in this horrible time of need.