Century’s Leaders: Thank God, And We’ll Be Back Better Than Before

February 23, 2016

The Town of Century is resilient and will rise again following the destruction of an EF-3 tornado….that was the message relayed during a Century Town Council meeting Monday night.

“Oh God we thank you for sparing the lives of those that have been spared in this catastrophe that we have gone through. We just want to say thank you,” said Councilman Gary Riley has he opened the meeting in prayer.

“I was out there watching it as it went over my house,” Riley said. “(I) thanked God that he sent it over, but at the same time, as the mayor was saying, let us keep praying for the ones that were hit.”

Mayor Freddie McCall, his voice often cracking with emotion, continued during the meeting to offer praise to God for sparing lives during the tornado and offering thanks to the multitudes of people that have lent in helping hand or donated to Century’s hardest hit. Over five dozen homes in the town limits were heavily damaged or destroyed as the tornado swept through town.

“People have brought food, brought clothing, from every direction and it’s still coming. And I just want to thank everybody for what they’ve done in that way,” McCall said. “We are going to stay together, and we are going to come through this. We are going to be better than we were before.”

“I just can’t think everybody enough for what they are doing for this little town,” an emotional McCall said.

“It’s bad what happened to our town,” Council President Ben Boutwell said, “but it could also be a gift from God….Just be there for each other, and be good neighbors.”


6 Responses to “Century’s Leaders: Thank God, And We’ll Be Back Better Than Before”

  1. Kevin on February 24th, 2016 10:54 am

    To see the response from the community, the compassion of the local government, and the ongoing efforts to stabilize, support, and rebuild speaks volumes of the quality of life here in Century. Good people, good leadership…I can’t imagine anywhere else that I would want to live. Thank you, Mayor McCall, the Town Council, the local and county agencies, the local churches, the Red Cross, Salvation Army, and many others with a special thanks to the first responders and the people of this community and surrounding areas. Together, WE are making it work!

  2. john on February 24th, 2016 6:45 am

    I like what Ben Boutwell had to say, so true, which brings me to my next point, God’s desire is that we will worship him, and the only way to the father is the Son (The Christ) The Son of the living God, God will often allow tribulation in our lives to get our attention, people should be praising God “On their Face” that he didn’t utterly distroy the town. God’s desire is our daily devotion to him, not just on Sunday morning! And living like the heathen the rest of the week. Those that are in his fold should examine themselves and see if they are in God’s Will!

    God Bless the people of Century, and that they may serve him.

  3. Rodney on February 23rd, 2016 4:15 pm

    To read about a politician and his praise God is an awesome sight. He may not be politically correct to some we need more like Mayor McCall in every political office in the government.

  4. Thoughts on February 23rd, 2016 1:23 pm

    Lead Follow or Get out of the Way…

  5. Molino, FL resident on February 23rd, 2016 8:58 am

    You seem to have some good people leading in Century. Because you seek God, and thank him in good times and in bad, you folks will do fine in Century. So happy no one was seriously injured……just property.

  6. The DOER on February 23rd, 2016 5:45 am

    When leaders seek God’s guidance and give praise to God, there is no way to lose. Thank you, Town of Century for speaking up and stepping out. Century will rebound!