Trump Campaigns Next Week In Pensacola

January 7, 2016

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will stop in Pensacola next week, little more than two months before Florida’s presidential primaries.

Trump is slated to hold a campaign rally at 7 p.m. January 13 at the Pensacola Bay Center, according to a schedule released Wednesday. Florida’s primaries will be held March 15.

Free tickets are limited to two per person and are available here. Doors will open at 5 p.m.  Pensacola Bay Center offers  parking adjacent to the facility. Lots at the Pensacola Bay Center are $10 cash only on the day of the event. Special needs parking and entry is available via the Alcaniz Street entrance.

Important information from the Pensacola Bay Center is listed below:

Prohibited Items

Guests are asked to arrive early and travel light, as you may be subject to search, which includes metal detecting hand wands upon entry. For safety reasons, prohibited items include but are not limited to:

  • Alcohol, drugs, illegal substances or any paraphernalia associated with drug use
  • Audio/Video recorders, professional cameras, tripods
  • Cans, bottles, coolers or other similar containers
  • Fireworks
  • Flags/Signs with poles
  • Umbrellas
  • Laser pens/pointers of any type
  • Noisemakers such as air horns
  • Outside food or drinks
  • Oversized bags, backpacks, duffel bags or diaper bags
  • Pepper spray/Mace
  • Weapons of any type, including chains, knives, firearms and spiked jewelry Any other item deemed unacceptable by event/building management.


Pensacola Bay Center offers convenient parking adjacent to the facility. Lots at the Pensacola Bay Center are $10.00 CASH ONLY day of event. Special needs parking and entry is available via the Alcaniz Street entrance.

Pictured top: Donald Trump campaigns in Biloxi on January 3. Courtesy photo for, click to enlarge.


27 Responses to “Trump Campaigns Next Week In Pensacola”

  1. paul on January 12th, 2016 2:20 pm

    I rest my case :)

  2. ED ROOD on January 12th, 2016 10:42 am




  3. Dudley Herrington on January 11th, 2016 8:26 am

    Remember one thing, How great this United States was when We had Prayer in Public School.
    No socialist like sanders or muslim like Clinton will ever let this Country be GREAT!
    I PRAY for a good Man to win and quit giving OUR Liberty and our Money away!
    Many Races of Mankind has made contributions to our Country, but no muslim has.
    This is still a CHRISTIAN NATION , for now.

  4. NOT for Trump on January 9th, 2016 3:16 pm

    Trump is a clown, and a dangerous one at that. If he says what you’re thinking then you should be ashamed and ask yourself why you think in such a hateful way. Trump has no interest in making America great. His one and only concern is finding new ways to stroke his ego. He’s discovered that fanning the furious flames of ignorance is his only path to the White House. He certainly couldn’t get there on merit. To call his supporters “useful idiots” is an insult to idiots everywhere.

  5. paul on January 9th, 2016 11:23 am

    Bernie is the only one looking out for the middle class.. Pay attention.. What trump says can never happen.. he just says what the low information voters want to hear.. It’s workin too :/

  6. MM on January 8th, 2016 4:21 pm

    Would be nice to have a president who will not cooperate with the democrats.

  7. George on January 8th, 2016 3:24 pm

    Obama said his presidential proclamations would be good if it would just save the life of just one child, I submit to the POTUS that if he really cares about our children then shut down the baby killing. Plan parenthood that slaughters our children. I believe we as a Nation should stop.this sin as God’s vengeance will be really bsd for us that did nothing to stop this tragedy,
    I believe Trump will fo the right thing with a Republican congress,

  8. Blonde on January 8th, 2016 3:10 pm

    I have read several of his books and am a supporter. Go, Trump!!

  9. jeeperman on January 8th, 2016 11:21 am

    Getting legal deferments “draft dodging” is a stretch.
    True draft dodging is when you willingly break the law and refuse to serve.

  10. jeeperman on January 8th, 2016 11:16 am

    Through out history the Republican party has never nominated a non-politician to run for president. They will not make history by doing so with Trump.
    When Trump does not get the Repub nomination, he will run as an independent.
    Pulling some Repub votes with him and thus giving the Presidency to Hillary.

    Can’t wait to have a President that has such little self esteem she does not kick her man to the curb after he gets some under his desk from another woman.

  11. Dishearted on January 8th, 2016 10:51 am

    Go Trump, we need someone different to run our messed up Country, and help fix the problems caused by both sides.. $10. to park, greed in our County. they all need to go, Local, State, Federal gov have got way out hand,..HELP the people….

  12. Ken on January 8th, 2016 8:37 am

    Trump wants all of these wars, but he himself was a draft dodger. I don’t want to hear any of the hate this man is spewing.

  13. Lady on January 8th, 2016 1:20 am

    Folks get out and listen to the next President of the United States. People are tired of the promises that never come to pass. Donald Trump knows how to run a business,he knows how to get along with other countries and he will alleviate all the illegal people who come here and we give them food stamps,see that they have a job,treat them and their families with free medicine,doctor bills and whatever we have that we have worked hard all our life to receive. Go Trump and I will do whatever I can to get you in the White House!

  14. MomForTrump! on January 7th, 2016 10:34 pm

    Trump is not a payed puppet! He is not in a crooked politicians back pocket and owes none of them any favores for big donations to his campaign, for he is self funded. I truly believe he has the American people’s best interest at heart. I believe he can make America great again. He is a smart business man who will surround himself with the best staff, ever. He’s smart, strong, and has a backbone to say what most American people feel. Hillary is just another Obama. We need to appoint Trump President!!! I for one will vote for this great man. Our children are depending on us to make things right this coming election. I think he is our best option! May God bless you Mr. Trump!!!!

  15. chris in Molino on January 7th, 2016 8:06 pm

    Your spot on. Sure, everyone likes the way Trump talks. Realistically, he’ll never make it because the puppet masters won’t allow someone they can’t control. There is a plan in place, has been for decades. Their not going to renege on it now. Someone said something about Trump getting paid to destroy the republican party. How moronic. Whether your a Reb or Dem, it’s all the same exact thing. The parties are meant to divide the people.
    Nomatter, im ready for the destruction of this once great country. I couldn’t possibly turn my head and pretend like the gov’t isn’t running us in the ground (like most people do).

  16. Linda on January 7th, 2016 4:24 pm

    Let me know when Bernie Sanders comes to visit the Gulf Coast and I will be there. This family supports Bernie. Feel the Bern!!!

  17. Mike on January 7th, 2016 4:07 pm

    Buffet & Soros will make sure Trump doesn’t get elected. Americans don’t really want a president that will straighten things out anyway, they want one that will keep the checks coming in the mail & the food stamp cards activated. So, Hilly will be a shoe-in. She’s our next Prez, I’d bet my life on it. The powers that be have already decided, & everything else is just a front.

    Not that I don’t want Trump as Prez, I do, he would be great. :)

  18. Sara on January 7th, 2016 3:17 pm

    No thanks; I prefer the President of the United States to lead in a cool, calm & collected manner. Instead of an arrogant, belligerent & hot under the collar type. Trump is awfully war hawkish for someone that dodged the Vietnam Draft 5 times; despite being a high number on the list.

  19. Josh on January 7th, 2016 2:47 pm

    I can’t wait to find out how much Hillary is paying Trump to derail the Republican Party.

  20. Michelle on January 7th, 2016 1:07 pm

    Trump is saying exactly what everyone is thinking whether you want to admit it or not !

  21. Michelle on January 7th, 2016 1:05 pm

    I am looking forward to going and supporting Donald Trump with my family ! If Hillary gets voted in, this country is in major trouble. TRUMP 2016 all the way !

  22. trump/cruz2016 on January 7th, 2016 12:36 pm

    I’ve got my tickets, can’t wait to see future President Trump!!!! Will be nice to have some sense in the WH again!!!!

  23. 1942DJG on January 7th, 2016 12:33 pm

    I agree with Angelique, Donald Trump deserves to be heard. The problem is, and this is true when all persons running for any political elected positions speak, what you hear generally goes in one ear and out the other. We, and that includes me, hear but we don’t listen. Talk is cheap. When you really listen you start to question, can that person really do that? Is the person capable of getting others in our form of government to get on board with what they want to do? We like many of the one-liners that we hear. We like the, “Take names and kick butt,” attitude that is projected. Then we don’t stop and ask if that can realistically be done as well as how can that be done? Please, for any candidate, don’t just go and hear. Rather, go and listed, question, and take apart what is really said. Use our brains and separate the wheat from the chaff. Then and only then will a worthy leader emerge from the pack to put this great nation back on track.

  24. Angelique on January 7th, 2016 10:14 am

    it would be responsible to hear what the man has to say.

  25. Edward on January 7th, 2016 8:34 am

    I’m voting for Bernie.

  26. molino resident on January 7th, 2016 8:10 am

    I like this man. He is not politically correct, and that is a breath of fresh air. He also owes no favors. And, he is not part of the “Beltway Boys”. I like his saying, “He wants to make America Great Again”.

  27. 429SCJ on January 7th, 2016 5:15 am

    America may have sailed past the point of no return, but I feel that Donald Trump will make the rest of the voyage better managed.

    Who knows, something may happen and things could be turned around, Lord willing.