Scott Signs ‘Unique Abilities’, Water Policy Bills

January 22, 2016

Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday signed a trio of legislative leadership-backed bills that set statewide water policy and offer more educational and job opportunities to people with developmental disabilities.

Scott signed the bills in his office, ignoring calls by a number of environmental groups and former Gov. Bob Graham to veto the water measure.

“This is a great start to session,” Scott said while flanked by lawmakers including House Speaker Steve Crisafulli and Senate President Andy Gardiner. “We’ve started with things that are very important to the president, speaker and other members of the House and Senate. Everybody knows my priorities.”

All three bills, which go into effect July 1, were approved by the Legislature last week during the opening days of the 2016 legislative session.

The water policy measure (SB 552), a priority of Crisafulli, R-Merritt Island, calls for establishing water-flow levels for springs and setting guidelines in central and south Florida

The measures focused on people with developmental disabilities have been championed by Gardiner, an Orlando Republican whose son has Down syndrome. One bill (HB 7003) is intended to provide job opportunities and financial independence for people with disabilities. The second bill (SB 672) includes programs that provide educational aid and higher-education opportunities to families whose children have developmental disabilities — or, as Gardiner calls them, “unique abilities.”

Pictured: Thursday, Governor Rick Scott was joined by Senate President Andy Gardiner, House Speaker Steve Crisafulli, their families, and other members of the Florida legislature to sign HB 7003 (Relating to Individuals with Disabilities), SB 672 (Educational Options) and SB 552 (Environmental Resources). Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Scott Signs ‘Unique Abilities’, Water Policy Bills”

  1. jeeperman on January 22nd, 2016 6:09 pm

    Maybe Jeff missed the last paragraph were it mentions three seperate bills were signed?

  2. FaithinUS on January 22nd, 2016 11:10 am

    THIS is what matters to our state government: “things that are very important to the president, speaker and other members of the House and Senate. Everybody knows my priorities.”
    WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT gets no attention whatsoever.
    “Yes man shill for the Obamaites”?? What planet are you on, Jeff? NO Democrat would have voted for this thieving, lying, Repugnican! The entire legislative body is dominated by his minions. How does Obama even come into play here?

  3. Jeff on January 22nd, 2016 9:59 am

    He just told you all you need to know in paragraph 3. He is a yes man shill for the Obamaites. This clown is a real piece of work and NEEDS TO GO. If you remember nothing else come voting season, remember this story, how that amongst strong opposition by constituents he acted on his own to support the agenda 21 initiative. Please tell me how a bill on water should ever include the items in paragraph 6?? This is a prime example of government deception and trickery. I think it is a given that everyone to a man is for clean drinking water, protecting the aquifers and not polluting the waters be they ground or surface however giving a bill a name that has nothing to do with the content is the age old government deceptive practice. What a crying shame that the crud always seems to rise to the top these days, or is it placed there????

  4. chillywilly on January 22nd, 2016 8:18 am

    Great Photo OP, drinking the Scott Kool Aid. With his corporate welfare giving millions to his corporate buddies. Since Florida has a surplus of revenue how about some relief for the taxpayer, reduce sales tax, reduce real estate tax, auto tag and registration fees. Gov Scott keeps all his assets hidden in a blind trust in his wife’s name. Gov Scott and his wife attended a special Olympics event and the same day signed legislation cutting funding to severely disabled children.
    Welcome to Gov Rick Scott’s world. He would rather veto all funding for disabled children and spend our taxpayer dollars to settle lawsuits against him for violating Florida Sunshine laws for open government to the tune of 1.3 Million dollars. Approves 2 Million dollars for a sea wall around a golf course in south Florida. This is the same Gov. that tried to put severely disabled children into Senior nursing homes by cutting funding for in home care . Thankfully the courts stepped in and stopped it.
    Such a disgrace.