Order A Free Tree From The Florida Forest Service

January 18, 2016

In honor of Florida’s Arbor Day last week, Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam announced that the Florida Forest Service is providing 10,000 free trees to Florida homeowners through a partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation’s Energy-Saving Trees Program. Florida’s Arbor Day is held each year on the third Friday in January.

Strategically placed trees can add extra shade to the home and reduce household electrical use by up to 30 percent. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a single healthy, young tree can provide the same net cooling effect as ten room-sized air conditioners operating 20 hours per day. In addition to providing energy savings, trees provide other benefits such as cleaner air and improved storm water management.

Florida homeowners can reserve their free tree today at arborday.org/FloridaTrees. Within seconds of accessing the website, an online tool helps homeowners find the most strategic location for planting and estimates the annual savings and benefits that will result from the tree. Homeowners may reserve one tree per household. The program will continue until all the trees have been reserved.

The Energy-Saving Trees online tool was created by the Arbor Day Foundation and the Davey Institute, a division of the Davey Tree Expert Co., and uses peer-reviewed scientific research from the U.S. Forest Service’s i-Tree Software to calculate estimated benefits. This program is funded by a grant from the U.S. Forest Service.

The Florida Forest Service, a division of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, manages more than one million acres of public forest land while protecting 26 million acres of homes, forestland and natural resources from the devastating effects of wildfire.


11 Responses to “Order A Free Tree From The Florida Forest Service”

  1. cynthia Mangiafico on October 3rd, 2017 2:41 pm

    Would love a tree to watch birds butterflys and other animals play in.

  2. Helen S on March 5th, 2017 7:05 pm

    This is my 2nd year that I am ordering a free tree. My SweetbayMagnolia from last year is doing great! I am looking forward to my newest addition.

  3. Marshall on February 8th, 2016 6:36 pm

    Last year Ala. gave me about 40 trees to plant no restrictions.

  4. Ann suarez on January 21st, 2016 11:02 am

    Maybe I am an idiot but I have spent far too much time trying to sign up for one tree. My Circle will not move to drag to space in yard. Ridiculous! Can’t submit request. Giving up. Have to draw outline of my house when the aerial view is right there. Don’t understand that either.

  5. jeeperman on January 20th, 2016 6:43 am

    Yes, I went and picked out a tree and when you get far enough into it you have to agree to someone from or hire by the state being allowed to inspect your property.
    To confirm you planted the tree in a good spot?
    Maybe, maybe more.

  6. FLA GIRL on January 19th, 2016 11:16 am

    Thanks for the head’s up, jeeperman. I also do not approve of the State of FL coming to survey my land for ONE TREE

  7. Just Saying on January 19th, 2016 10:47 am

    Is that something that is stated on the website?

  8. jeeperman on January 19th, 2016 9:25 am

    No thanks.
    The one tree is free.
    But I do not agree with the requirement that you have to allow the state of Florida to inspect your property.

  9. David Huie Green on January 18th, 2016 11:57 pm

    Sounds good, but I’d have to cut down the ones I have to make room.
    (Partly joking)

    This sounds very good and helpful, just remember to have ones which won’t fall on your house come the next hurricane.

    David for popcorn trees elsewhere

  10. Mertice Flanders on January 18th, 2016 9:54 am

    Need more trees to help the world!

  11. Sara on January 18th, 2016 6:02 am

    Love this idea! The more trees, the better.