Local Water Company Reports Positive E-coli Test

January 25, 2016

One local water company is reporting a positive test for the E. coli bacteria back in December, and the company failed to take all of the steps required by the state after the finding.

In a notice sent recently via postal mail to customers, Walnut Hill Water Works said a December 2 raw sample taken at one of their three water wells showed the presence of E. coli. However, none of the distribution samples taken the same day were positive for total coliform or E. coli bacteria, and a single sample taken on December 4 was also negative.

But according to state regulations, the utility was required to take five additional samples within 24 hours of the positive result for E. coli. The five samples were not taken until December 29 “when the State finally learned of the December 2nd result,” according to the company notice.

The company said they also failed to notify the state by the end of the day when they learned of the first result, and they failed to provide the required proper public notice to customers and the media within 24 hours of learning of the result.

Walnut Hill Water Works also failed to remove the well with positive E. coli test result from production or issue a system-wide precautionary boil water notice until five additional negative sample were obtained.

The positive E. coli test may have been a warning of potential problems but may have been the result of a lab or handling error, the water company noted.  The company said they are reviewing their policies and procedures to battle handle any future positive results and working into minimize the possibility of contamination during the sampling process.

Walnut Hill Water Works is owned by Escambia River Electric Cooperative. The water company serves a population of a 2,384 people, according to the Florida Department of Environmental Management.


19 Responses to “Local Water Company Reports Positive E-coli Test”

  1. Just Me on January 27th, 2016 2:38 pm

    I wish I had some confidence in the Walnut Hill water (EREC). Not only did we not get notification of the test. They failed to take the five test that were required within 24 hours after the positive test. By the way I did not get notification about the positive test until Jan. 13th.
    At Christmas I woke up about 1:00 AM and was extremely sick. I could not understand why. I felt rather bad all day. When I received this notice I went on line and looked up the symptoms of E=Coli…….BINGO That was the very symptoms I had. Now I know what was in the water. Thank goodness my family
    drank bottled water. EREC needs to do better than this.!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. David Huie Green on January 27th, 2016 10:42 am

    “in McDavid the water has a white milky look for over the past week and it’s not air because it does not dissipate.”

    If a line is drained, full of air, then filled with high pressure water, a lot of air will disolve into the water. When the pressure drops from around 140 psig down to 0 psig coming out the faucet, the air can come out of suspension just like opening a bottle of RC Cola. It would be very small bubbles which would take much longer to leave than big bubbles.

    If that is it, pour a clear glass of your milky water and see if the water clears up in 5 or ten minutes, maybe even quicker.

    David for all members of the Anderson family

  3. Glennice Fryson on January 26th, 2016 7:00 am

    Whatever? on January 25th, 2016 9:06, I agree with yourpost. When out and when buying, younever now what you ae getting orconsuming. You cannot trust any company to care about your health and safety. It’s our responsibility to have common sense. If the water looks strange or smells strange, don’t drink it. Even bottled water is not completely void of contamination potential. And I could tell you horror stories regarding extra items found in my prepackaged salads or foods. Tripled wash is not safe and I tend to wonder what they wash it with because I have never had or found a package yet to not contain grit and most also contain little flying critters. We best first wash, cook, boil, desanitize anything and everything going into our bodies. And definitely, before consumption, pray over the food or beverages. It’s not a safe world anymore and definitely something that gets in can wreak havoc on your body causing grve illness or death.

  4. JustStop on January 25th, 2016 5:41 pm

    It is highly likely that the samples could have sat and been exposed due to mishandling at the testing facility. This is actually quite common, which is why they require the testing immediately after within 24 hours along with the required notice. However, they did not follow-up on their end for safety measures, which is quite surprising if the employees live on the system. Hopefully the publicity of this will bring more awareness on their behalf.

  5. Ponderosa hill on January 25th, 2016 3:33 pm

    Att Retired : Don’t think it matters what one “Thinks” all they have to do is follow directions……there are among us people with very depressed immune systems due to health issues….Sounds like oversight (management ) needs re-vamping. With our litigious society/system is would sure behoove the owners to be more demanding of following the regulations in place.

  6. Retired on January 25th, 2016 1:33 pm

    I think that since the distribution samples were all negative for total coliform it posed no threat. Hope all our local water suppliers will take note and be vigilant.

  7. Danny on January 25th, 2016 12:30 pm

    If you have cloudy water you need to call the water company and report it. Not reporting an issue with your water not only puts you at risk but your neighbors, and family as well. I know the people at the water company and they are not only employees but users, and have family that are users of the system. not only do they have a vested interest in their jobs but they are very conscientious and take the responsibility of keeping our water system functioning and safe very seriously. And for everyone that says ” I only drink bottled water” where do you think that water comes from? Then there is the cheap plastic bottles it is shipped in. Studies are being done to determine if the levels of VCM’s, released in the water contained in these bottles, are harmful to your health. Maybe we all should all put down a well. Oh how I remember those days. It was my job as kid to make sure the pump was wrapped and the light was on, and if it froze Momma wasn’t happy. NAH, these days, I’ll keep my CWW account and keep the wife happy. So to all the water systems employees that keeps the water flowing thanks!!!

  8. Real Issue on January 25th, 2016 12:19 pm

    The real issue is not the one bad test — we all understand that it could have been a false positive for any number of reasons.

    The problem is the lack of response, the lack of followup and the lack of notification to the state and public as required by LAW. Those laws are in place to make sure our drinking water is safe. They should be followed.

  9. Linda Kelly on January 25th, 2016 10:50 am

    I live in walnut hill and of course got the letter. Very late delivery after the findings. May explain sickness lately that I have never experienced before. It would have been nice since we do pay for this service to have gotten the notification sooner and there been avenues to take to safeguard who is consuming this water. The letter said there was nothing to do to safeguard. Well to the person who said other greater matters to worry about you must not be drinking the water. If indeed there is e-coli that is serious. Hope they get what is important together to provide the services to safeguard people’s health.

  10. Frank on January 25th, 2016 10:16 am

    How would you know, what are the side effects, I had to go to the Dr. several times during this with chronic stomach problems. would the Dr. have tested for this in test ran?

  11. James Formby on January 25th, 2016 10:01 am

    I am a Walnut Hill Water Works customer and I have every confidence in the staff that maintains our water supply. There are a number of ways that a sample could have gotten contaminated. Keep in mind that the sample was taken before any treatment or chlorination was performed on the water, that we actually get from our water tap. We have a Rural Community water system that is far better than a lot of systems and we have a good IFR rate because the water system has updated along with the Walnut Hill Fire Dept.

  12. Whatever? on January 25th, 2016 9:06 am

    When you go out to eat, or buy bagged lettuce, you never know what you are getting, do you???? They did notify, at least it does not look like Flint, and is being taken care of………There are bigger things to worry about, like ISIS>>>>>>>

  13. Just listening on January 25th, 2016 8:10 am

    Shame Shame on Walnut water and EREC. We are being suckered into depending on these Companies for clean water. State investigations should be made into all Water Companies now because of the lack-a-dazzle handing. City suppliers like Pensacola and Century should also be investigated. There are just too many suppliers that may not be following protocol and the public is caught in the middle. The state needs to tighten up on their end also. Seems like they have some don’t care attitudes by taking almost a month to act. just saying!

  14. sam on January 25th, 2016 8:05 am

    drinking water is not something that can be neglected. hope the local cities are on top of this. sounds like our rural areas may need more attention.

  15. Fyi on January 25th, 2016 7:52 am

    If the cause was a lack of chlorine then the distribution samples would have tested positive. The story reads the well tested positive which is a sample that is grabbed from the raw water being pumped before treatment. This can happen for many reasons, such as simply not properly cleaning the spigot you pull the sample from. But they should have followed state regs on notification and resampling.

  16. joy bryant on January 25th, 2016 7:09 am

    WHAT A DISGRACE!!! What are they looking for another Flint Mi.
    I have Molino Water – BUT I drink only bottled water and any water that is used for cooking is obviously boiled…..
    shame on Walnut Hill and Escambia River Electric and good for this publication

  17. SHO-NUFF on January 25th, 2016 4:19 am

    There is no excuse for this to happen. Rural people put good faith in a public water system in hope of having clean water and a dependable supply over the old pump in the back yard.
    E. coli is the result of a poorly treated water system, most likely the lack of Chlorine being properly added as a disinfectant, or run off from adjacent farmlands to a poorly designed well casing especially with heavy rains.

    I our area we have the benefit of having a good water supply at a shallow depth, 350 feet or less in most areas. The shallow depth of the well point also makes the water supply more suspect to contamination.
    E.coli, other than making you initially sick has long term effects danging the kidneys.
    The old pump in the backyard might provide better and safer water than the city water offered.

  18. Ponderosa hill on January 25th, 2016 1:54 am

    Not many facts disclosed yet……sounds like some heads gonna have to roll if they’re to stay in business…..can’t play around with drinking water.. It ain’t a game of “catch me if you can”.

  19. Isaac Anderson on January 25th, 2016 12:59 am

    Byrneville’s Central water works has something wrong in McDavid the water has a white milky look for over the past week and it’s not air because it does not dissipate.