Escambia Man Gets 23 Years For Burglaries

January 23, 2016

An Escambia County man on trail on for burglary pleaded guilty to nearly a dozen burglaries.

Michael Collins’ was tried before Circuit Judge Jennie Kinsey.  Collins was charged with burglary of an unoccupied dwelling, grand theft and criminal mischief.
This trial pertained to one of the 11 homes that Michael Collins burglarized in Escambia County during June and July 2014. Prosecutors said Collins would break into the homes during the daytime while the home owners were absent and primarily steal jewelry.

After the state presented their case, Collins pleaded  guilty to that case as well as 10 additional burglary cases.

Kinsey sentenced Collins to 23 years in state prison as a prison releasee reoffender and habitual felony offender.  He was also ordered to pay $121,034 in restitution.


5 Responses to “Escambia Man Gets 23 Years For Burglaries”

  1. Pat on January 26th, 2016 7:12 am

    @ BG – Would you please explain how he would serve only five years?

  2. BG on January 24th, 2016 9:33 pm

    The way the law works he will be out in about 5 years

  3. Me thinks on January 24th, 2016 7:50 am

    Me thinks Dan’s opinion may change someday if he ever has the misfortune to come home to find his front door kicked in.

  4. Dan on January 23rd, 2016 8:39 am

    @ John 23 years is along time it’s one third of the average life. I’m not being soft on crime but the guy didn’t hurt anyone physically. And he would have gotten less time if he would have killed someone you loved in a dui accident.

  5. john on January 23rd, 2016 5:37 am

    Two years for each house he broke into, seems like a slap on the wrist, and he was a re-offender, 23 years may seem like a lot to some, but its really not. A home invader should get the death penalty just like a rapist and a murderer in my opinion, the home. is sacred.