Century Hikes Natural Gas Rates, Fees

January 5, 2016

The Century Town Council has approved a natural gas rate increase, and an increase in fees that will mean higher bills for most customers.  The increase may be nominal for those that use more gas, and 33 percent or more for infrequent users.

The increase, effective with January billing, is the first in over a decade.

A typical customer using natural gas in the summer for cooking and hot water will see the cost of 13 therms rise from $22.53 to $33.30. In the winter, a typical customer using 104 therms in the winter for cooking, hot water and heating, will see a 12 percent increase for 104 therm from $153.44 to $173.44, according to examples provided by Town Clerk Leslie Gonzalez.

Customers will pay a base natural gas availability charge of $10, plus the town’s actual cost of natural gas, plus an operating charge per therm. The operating charge is based on a sliding scale that decreases based upon the amount of gas used and ranges from $1.47 to $1.05 per therm.

A therm is equal to 100,000 BTU, or the approximate energy equivalent of burning 100 cubic feet (1 CCF) of natural gas.

“Natural gas still the better deal than electricity,” Gonzalez added.

Other fees will increase as well. The deposit for a homeowner for natural gas service will increase from $50 to $100.  A fee was added of $30 to turn gas on and $30 to turn off service, an effort to discourage customers from turning off service during the summer months.

A $5 late fee will be charged to customers who have not paid by the 15th, and a service fee of $30 will be added to unpaid accounts on the 25th of the month, and another $30 will be charged to accounts that are then disconnected for non-payment.

To read the resolution with complete details on the new rates, click here.

Century provides gas service outside the town limits, including in McDavid and Byrneville.

Pictured top and bottom: A Century gas department pickup truck  powered by compressed natural gas. NorthEscambia.com file photos, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Century Hikes Natural Gas Rates, Fees”

  1. jeeperman on January 8th, 2016 11:28 am

    Is there a spot to even fill that truck in Century?
    I am thinking they have to drive all the way into P’cola to do so.

  2. Wow on January 7th, 2016 5:35 pm

    Another reason I’m glad I don’t live in Century. If you can’t pay your bill, you will be charged a $5 late charge+ $30 late charge +$30 disconnect fee +$30 reconnect fee. Am I reading this correctly?

  3. Worker on January 7th, 2016 11:50 am

    If the new price is so the city workers can get a raise or better benefits I’m good with that. They only make 10 to 13 dollars a hour !! But if it’s to pay for that truck than NO!!! As far as being cheaper than electricity it is only if you add up the cost of changing from gas to electricity

  4. charlie on January 5th, 2016 7:05 pm

    ““Natural gas still the better deal than electricity,” Gonzalez added.”

    I’d be curious to see the math behind this statement.

  5. c.w. on January 5th, 2016 2:33 pm

    Century has to pay for the unneeded fancy truck in the picture. Ain’t government great? LOL

  6. LL on January 5th, 2016 12:29 pm

    This is unbelievable! My bill was going to up just a bit because of my NG Heater. Now is going to jump through the roof, because of what? I just don’t get it.

  7. John on January 5th, 2016 6:48 am

    Is this their reasoning”gas is still cheaper than electricity” if I lived in century I would see if I could get gas and a tank cheaper through a private gas company.

  8. Just saying on January 5th, 2016 5:12 am

    Why are rates going up in Century when tbey are going down everywhere else. Natutal Gas is down right now so someone give a reason why customers will be paying 10 to 30.00 more every month?