Century Council Can’t Do Business Due To Missing Members

January 20, 2016

The Century Town Council was unable to conduct business Tuesday night due to a lack of  a quorum.

Only two of five town council members attended — one short of the number needed to conduct regular business on agenda items. Council members Gary Riley and Ann Brooks were in attendance, while members Ben Boutwell, Annie Savage and Sandra McMurray Jackson were unable to attend due to illnesses or a conflicting meeting.

A special meeting will be called in the next few days to conducted pressing council business; the date and time will be published on NorthEscambia.com.

In addition to ordinary business Tuesday night, the council was set to consider five resolutions in order to advance a Community Development Block Grant and one resolution to allow the Capital Trust Agency to approve financing of a multi-million dollar construction project.

Pictured below: (L-R) Mayor Freddie McCall, Town Clerk, Leslie Gonzalz, council members Gary Riley and Anne Brooks, and three empty seats belonging to three absent council members. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Century Council Can’t Do Business Due To Missing Members”

  1. BG on January 20th, 2016 9:03 pm

    Get them Freddie Wayne

  2. chris on January 20th, 2016 10:06 am

    @Duke: Groundhog day, over and over again.

  3. Duke of Wawbeek on January 20th, 2016 5:58 am

    I do not suppose that they missed much.