Bill Would Shield Personal Hunting, Fishing License Info

January 6, 2016

Raising concerns about identity theft, Sen. Alan Hays, R-Umatilla, is seeking a public-records exemption for information that people submit to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission when applying for such things as hunting and fishing licenses. Hays’ proposal (SB 1364), filed Tuesday, will be considered during the legislative session that starts next week.

It would shield from disclosure information such as names, dates of birth, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, driver’s license numbers and Social Security numbers.

The exemption would apply to information submitted for such things as hunting licenses, fishing licenses, hunter-safety certifications and boating-safety certifications.

“Under current law, personal information that applicants must provide to the commission in order to apply for such licenses, permits, or certifications is a public record available for any purpose,” the bill says. “Such information can be obtained and used to perpetrate identity theft and other invasive contacts.

The public availability of this personal information needlessly increases the risk of identity theft and invasive contacts with those applying to the commission for such licenses, permits, or certifications.”

by The News Service of Florida


One Response to “Bill Would Shield Personal Hunting, Fishing License Info”

  1. Joel Muncie on January 6th, 2016 10:09 am

    I think the bill should not be about just Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission information collected. All personal information collected by any government agency should be protected. If a valid need existed, an exemption could be granted. This would cut down on the number of specific laws that leave so many loop-holes.