Amtrak Confirms VIP Train Will Roll As Officials Study Rail Service Return To Gulf Coast

January 26, 2016

Amtrak and the Southern Rail Commission have confirmed in a press release what was first to publish about two weeks ago — a special “inspection train” will ride the rails from New Orleans to Jacksonville next month in advance preparation for the possible return of passenger rail service to cities like Pensacola and Atmore.

The inspection train, hosted by Amtrak President and CEO Joe Boardman, will carry elected officials, industry representatives, community leaders and federal stakeholders. The goal of the invitation-only trip is to examine the existing CSX railroad infrastructure and to better understand rail’s economic, cultural and mobility opportunities. It it designed to provide an unparalleled perspective on reintroducing intercity passenger rail along the Gulf Coast.

The SRC recently released a study by Amtrak detailing the range of feasible service options accompanied by an analysis of ridership levels, projected revenues, and associated costs for passenger trains between New Orleans and Orlando. The models in this new study present the range of service options that will support regional economic resilience and projected population growth.

Better connections and financial performance has been projected in these models – with higher ridership and lower costs – than Amtrak services previously considered or operated in the region.

“We want to work with community leaders and CSX.” said Boardman. “Additional regional economic development can come from shared infrastructure investments on a timeline to better connect the region to the rest of the country and more than 500 other Amtrak destinations.”

Connecting the cities and towns along the Gulf Coast with passenger rail is one of the top priority projects for the Southern Rail Commission.

“The Southern Rail Commission is committed to working with local and federal partners, and Amtrak to make this service a reality in the near future,” said SRC Chairman Greg White. “We are continuing to align the necessary support for the project.”

The train is expected to arrive in Atmore about 2:41 p.m. on February 18. Passengers will board buses to spend the night at the Wind Creek Hotel in Atmore, while the empty train will continue toward Pensacola. On the morning of February 19, the passengers will be bused to Pensacola to re-board the train at 8 a.m. and continue on to stops in Crestview, Chipley, Tallahassee and Jacksonville.

Atmore officials are planning to make a huge impression on the VIP passengers when the arrive in the city for their overnight stay on February 19. The plan to meet the train with huge fanfare — high school bands, color guards, school groups and thousands of local residents.

The city is also asking residents to clean up  their homes and businesses prior to February 19, according to Mayor Jim Staff. The city will use plywood to re-deck the aging train platform at the Atmore train station, which also services as Alabama’s Official Rail Welcome Station.  The town will install new flower boxes, flag decorations and more in their beautification efforts.

For a previous story, click here.

Pictured top: Jerry Gehman, Atmore’s representative to the Southern Rail Commission, announced two weeks ago that a special VIP inspection train will roll into the Atmore train station with invited passengers to spend the night of February 18 in Atmore. Pictured top inset: Gehman discusses a Southern Rain Commission report during a January 13 press conference at the Atmore City Hall. photos, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Amtrak Confirms VIP Train Will Roll As Officials Study Rail Service Return To Gulf Coast”

  1. Kim on February 18th, 2016 8:04 am

    I’ve been to several countries in Europe and Austrailia and instead of renting a car, we always take the train to tour the country with a rail pass. It really makes me sad that in a country like the USA we don’t offer a similar experience. I’ve used what limited service Amtrak offers when planning conference trips with my church ladies group. Its way cheaper than renting a bus. And if we could get service to Pensacola, where a yearly conference is held, and our youth groups go to camp, you can bet we’d be on it, especially if it’s not connected to the train that goes to California (I wish they’d add a train to this service, since it makes it impossible to book a two day trip without daily runs) And if we could use it to connect with the train in Jacksonville to go to Disney World, so much the better.
    With enough promotion, I do believe train service could make a comeback. My family and church would surely make use of it. Now if they could connect North and South Louisiana….

  2. Richard on January 29th, 2016 9:36 am

    The old service here had such irregular stops it was impossible to travel by train for anything but the occasional pleasure trip. For a train to be successful, it needs to have practical daily stops. Here’s hoping the schedule isn’t a silly one.

  3. M in Bratt on January 29th, 2016 8:22 am

    @Russell and the rest of the Amtrak fans. I am all for Amtrak providing efficient, cost effective service. What I am not for is the unending government subsidies of an Amtrak that insists on running nearly empty trains (sometimes with more staff than riders) on unprofitable routes. So you are right, I don’t want to subsidize your train ride. All you train buffs that obviously didn’t ride it when it ran before, go to Dollywood, or Disney World, they both have trains running that pay for themselves.

  4. Al on January 28th, 2016 11:48 am

    I would love train service between Pensacola if it was quick and reasonably priced, the savings on parking alone would be worth it.

    However, I remember when Pensacola had train service to NOLA, the service failed for a reason. Nobody used the service; The hours it ran were terrible, it was very expensive compared to driving, and the duration of tje ride was extreemly long (I want to say 7hrs)… One could literally drive to NOLA, eat lunch, and drive home before the train reached NOLA.

    I’d love to see a high speed line… But, I believe this proposal will fail, it’s just not profitable and we should use tax dollars to prop it up. I wish we had a train system like Europe and Japan, but it just isn’t feasable in this area.

  5. Ellen P on January 28th, 2016 9:31 am

    I have been a fan of Amtrak for years. We ride Amtrak at least twice a year. We have just returned from riding The City Of New Orleans to Chicago and connected with the Empire Builder to Seattle, Washington, and did it in reverse. Love It !!!!! We have rode the The Cresent to Washington DC and to New Orleans where we connected with the Sunset Limited to San Antonio, once again love it !!!!! We are keeping our fingers crossed that this train service will return to the Ms Gulf Coast and points beyond. I recommend to all people if they love to take the back roads and seen the country TAKE AMTRAK. We do not want passenger rail to fall to the wayside, we need to keep it going for future generations.

  6. Wharf Rat on January 27th, 2016 6:16 pm

    It sure would be nice if AMTRAK could arrange for some the “unofficial” railfans in this area to buy a ride on the empty train from Atmore to Pensacola. Not talking about a free ride, we don’t mind paying. We can worry about the logistics of getting our vehicles to Atmore and back.

    Some of us may never live to see the train run again.

    But, I do love to see an old time steam train in action.

  7. Russell on January 27th, 2016 11:27 am

    Don’ t fret the train “M” it won’t be stopping by your house to make you ride it. The rest of us may want to take a trip…

  8. Dianne Landingham on January 27th, 2016 10:34 am

    There are so many seniors in the Panhandle; how wonderful it would be if there was transportation for them. We want to travel, but don’t always want to go by car, too close for a plane, but ideal for a train.

  9. M in Bratt on January 27th, 2016 7:42 am

    Atmore can save a lot of money if they just tear that rickety, rotten platform down. I think somebody could find some temporary stairs to get the “officials” off the train.or better yet, let the train stop at one of the crossings they will be blocking and open the door. If Al. passed a law like Fl. is considering, the bar would be open for them when they get off the train, but where in that closet sized station are they going to put the bar? Have any of you that are supporters of Amtrak been in a Intercity train or bus station in the last few years? The majority of train and bus passengers are not tourists looking for a place to spend their money, they are comprised of a mostly non-english speaking people that probably couldn’t fly if they wanted too because of lack of ID or a credit card. This is a case of “be careful, you may get what you ask for”.

  10. Margaret Jones on January 27th, 2016 7:20 am

    I WANT TO RIDE IT!!!! How can I get on without being a “top tier ” money holder?? All good news. Aloha!

  11. 429SCJ on January 27th, 2016 4:35 am

    @Terry Bell D., I was about four years old, I remember Grandma and me walking to the old city hall for to pay the water bill, we were about to cross the tracks when the Humming Bird came roaring through, I remember the blast of the air in my face.
    Those were the good old days.

    Don’t give up, Atmore will be great again, she just has a few problems, that need to go by the wayside. Change is coming.

  12. Terry Bell Diecidue on January 26th, 2016 9:33 pm

    I have wonderful memories of riding “The Hummingbird” between New Orleans & Atmore, AL to visit my grand parents.
    Looking forward to a trip with my grand children.

  13. fred on January 26th, 2016 7:43 pm

    @Debbie – There used to be a little Amtrak terminal about a block north of Gregory, near 14th Avenue. I haven’t been over there in a while, so I’m not sure if it’s still there.

  14. Debbie Hodge on January 26th, 2016 4:41 pm

    Where will the Amtrak be arriving in Pensacola?

  15. CW on January 26th, 2016 12:25 pm


    I’m guessing the plywood is a temporary fix until we know for sure if this deal is going to happen.

  16. Puddin on January 26th, 2016 11:22 am

    I really hope they bring Amtrak back. I love riding the train.

  17. bmc on January 26th, 2016 9:27 am

    Plywood?why not fix it right.Re-deck the boardwalk.nothing says beautification like janky plywood.