Video Released: Molino Pharmacy Burglarized

December 30, 2015

Scott’s Pharmacy in Molino was burglarized early Wednesday morning.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to an alarm at the Highway 29 business about 3:30 a.m. to find the glass front door had been smashed in. Surveillance video showed two people, believed to be males, entering the building and putting prescription medications into a trash can, according to Amber Southard, spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office. She said about $41,000 worth of medications were stolen.

Pharmacist Ron Scott said the suspects were completely covered-up by clothing and gloves, and there was no description of them available.

(The surveillance video is at the top of this page. If you do not see it, it is because your home, school or work firewall is blocking YouTube videos)

Anyone with information on the burglary is asked to call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.

Pictured: Scott’s Pharmacy in Molino following a burglary early Wednesday morning. photos, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “Video Released: Molino Pharmacy Burglarized”

  1. Becky on January 2nd, 2016 5:32 am

    Looks as if they new what they wanted. I would look at the camera a few days prior to see if the thugs came in to case the store. Sorry this happened to Ron and team very nice people. Hope they catch the thugs and put them in jail for a long time.

  2. james on December 31st, 2015 11:22 am

    All the controlled substances are locked up in every pharmacy, so unless they hit the lockbox, all they got was regular everyday drugs….. have fun selling those antibioctics and blood pressure medicine on the street…hope they get caught

  3. Bob C. on December 31st, 2015 7:38 am

    WOW….Agree with others posting here.
    These two sure knew right where to go, which aisle to hit and stay with until they got what they wanted to steal.
    Maybe all pharmacies are laid out the same way, I don’t know, but if so it points toward that they have done this same sort of robbery before.
    So Thankful that no innocent people were harmed.
    A LOT of Drug Related theft around here….my bet is these are Not locals but are out of the area and selling their loot.

  4. Diane Fitzpatrick on December 31st, 2015 6:50 am

    I am saddened that this happened to Ron and his fabulous team. It does appear the intruders new exactly where they were going and what they were after. That part is quite disturbing. I hope they are caught quickly and given more than a hand slap. I too am thankful this was not done during open hours and no one was harmed physically!!

  5. chris in Molino on December 31st, 2015 5:04 am

    When I looked at the end of the video, it read 2:07. That, to me, means two minutes, seven seconds. When a looked also, in the beginning and end there was a brief period where they were gone.
    So, my eyes tell me, let me know if I’m wrong, that these punks were in & out in under TWO minutes ? Can’t understand where
    Under 3 min & under 2:15 come from.
    Not being petty however, seconds could have gotten these punks caught, if there pride doesn’t.

  6. Wow on December 30th, 2015 11:22 pm

    Looks to me like an inside job. If you are a customer at Scott’s pharmacy you would know that when you are standing at the counter it is very difficult to see behind the counter. How else would they know exactly where to go and what to do and still get out of there in under three minutes? That’s crazy! I hope they are caught

  7. Dan on December 30th, 2015 8:01 pm

    Probably just some local drug addicts. I say travel east on molino road go about a mile and start looking to the right you will probably be really warm if not burning hot

  8. Tac63 on December 30th, 2015 7:43 pm

    Observation, FYI they’re not out of Cantonment. That precinct was shut down years ago when the Molino sub-station was opened. The deputies who work in Cantonment and Molino are out of the Ensley precinct. That decision was made by Sheriff Morgan last year. According to paperwork, it puts more boots on the ground. In real life, Cantonment and Molino are just a zone that deputies are assigned to not the ones who were permanently here and know the area and people.

  9. Stumpknocker on December 30th, 2015 7:33 pm

    @ Observation, I don’t know what Deputy you spoke with,they did not shift them to Cantonment, they were shifted to Ensley and the Precinct was closed in Molino except for restroom breaks. A lot of times there is only one Deputy for the Cantonment / Molino for evening shift.

  10. Doug hart on December 30th, 2015 7:14 pm

    Not the first time they rob somebody see how they went to the garbage cans first

  11. jeeperman on December 30th, 2015 7:01 pm

    They did not spend time running around looking for what they were after.

  12. angieb on December 30th, 2015 5:15 pm

    To just saying and observation, the sheriff sub station is not across the street its approx 2 miles down the road. Unfortunately there are people that commit crimes out there and hopefully they will be caught. Don’t make this about whether or not the police were just down the road or across the road, criminals don’t care about the police. As the pharmacy goes I praise God they weren’t there. I absolutely love this team and pray that the criminals are caught. To Scott’s Pharmacy keeping you guys in my prayers.

  13. Mimi on December 30th, 2015 4:58 pm

    Sorry the first guy jumping did not have a glove on his right hand. And he is white.

  14. Sage 2 on December 30th, 2015 4:17 pm

    …and boys and girls, friends and neighbors, criminal element…this is the way to rob any business in under two minutes, fifteen seconds.

    Let’s see how many years these “upstanding” thugs get, if caught, prosecuted, convicted and sentenced.

  15. Pathetic. on December 30th, 2015 4:14 pm

    Sure they’re covered, but they still couldn’t bother to fix their stupid sagging pants. Too bad they didn’t fall flat on their face with their pants halfway to their knees. I realize this is not the point of the situation. I feel bad for the owners and hope they get some justice. No where seems safe anymore.

  16. Observation on December 30th, 2015 3:54 pm

    “This place is nearly right across the street from the Sheriffs Department precinct building, I mean really?”

    If you notice there isn’t any sheriffs cars at that location normally. only thing i have seen there was a FHP cruiser parked in the space. When I talked to a deputy the other day he stated they all got shifted to cantonment. That office wasn’t being used anymore.

  17. MM on December 30th, 2015 3:30 pm

    Absolute disregard for private property. Hope they are caught.

  18. just saying on December 30th, 2015 3:20 pm

    This place is nearly right across the street from the Sheriffs Department precinct building, I mean really?

  19. Kathi Iannone on December 30th, 2015 11:32 am

    Unfortunate for the break in but so thankful none of the “Awesome Scott’s Pharmacy Team” were there.

    Sorry for the loss Ron, but you know I will drive to Molino for the great hometown service from Scott’s!