‘Things Are Not Going Well’ – Century’s Last Doctor Continues Fight Against State To Stay

December 9, 2015

“Things are not going well.”

That’s how Century’s only doctor, Christian Bachman, sums up progress in his fight against a state agency to continue his medical practice from the old Century Hospital. In a letter dated August 26, Century Health Care Access (CHCA) and Dr. Bachman, president of CHCA and physician for Mayo Street Medical, were ordered to vacate the  facility by September 30 by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, current owners of 25,000 square foot building on Mayo Street.

The eviction date passed, with Bachman and his medical practice receiving much media attention that began with a NorthEscambia.com story. As a result, Bachman said, DEP shifted their position, which at first seemed like a positive breakthrough. But with time, he said he’s realized it appears the DEP has simply changed their strategy to making “impossible demands”.

Bachman said a subsequent letter from DEP gave his practice 60 days to fix a series of issues, some of which such as sprinkler and alarm panel inspections, were reasonable and are underway.

“Unfortunately the 60 day letter also includes a few issues which are almost impossible to surmount, including getting rid of the medical clinic sublease and also our research lab, both of which are the whole purpose of our mission in Century,” Bachman said. “This makes the entire letter a hollow gesture.”

The Florida State Fire Marshal’s Office is also demanding changes that the doctor says are impracticable to impossible. Demands in include repairs to large areas of ceilings that were patched by DEP or their contractors in the 1990’s to install a new fire sprinkler system. He said it would not be possible to obtain the permits for the work in a short time period, much less make the costly repairs.

“We have written the DEP asking for permits and permission to fix these defects that they themselves were  responsible for. They have not responded. Additionally we have sent correspondence begging them to allow the medical practice sublease to continue but we have not even received permission for this,” he said.

“It also bears mentioning that this building was inspected yearly for decades and these issues were never documented. The rules have not changed but the agenda has,” Bachman said.

Bachman maintains that a group of a businessmen from Jay took interest in the building and pulled political strings that has DEP set on evicting him from the building, finding any and all faults along the way.

“We, our patients, and the town of Century deserve better. We intend to fight to the very end, using every legal means to get simple justice – despite these great odds. We should not be held hostage by this kind of  dirty politics. We also intend to eventually expose the questionable and possibly illegal process behind this unhappy saga,” he said. “The entire medical staff is determined to continue serving this community, from this building, until or unlessthey are removed by force. We just want to be left in peace, to continue our mission – as we have for the last decade.”

Century Health Care Access acquired the lease for the Old Century Hospital in 2006 when a concerned group of citizens from Century formed a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing medical care to the community of Century and surrounding areas. They now host Mayo Street Medical, a family medical clinic which opened in late 2014 with Dr. Bachman at the helm, and previously hosted Century Family Practice, which closed in late 2013.

Bachman said the practice now provides primary medical services for hundreds of patients throughout Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. He has a reputation for seeing patients regardless of their ability to pay, and he’s even known for making house calls.

While Bachman is the only doctor that practices in town on a regular basis, Baptist Medical Group, formally Century Medical Center, operates a primary care facility in Century that is staffed by nurse practitioner Georgia W. Agrait.

Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


22 Responses to “‘Things Are Not Going Well’ – Century’s Last Doctor Continues Fight Against State To Stay”

  1. Tom on December 11th, 2015 12:06 am

    Well I was just in this building today and from my observation of this place it seemed pretty much average for a building of this age. I will say there are worse places in Century that serve the public and are not on the DEP’s radar. It is somewhat sad that Century has not done at least a little more to help keep Doctors and medical professionals for its residents unlike Jay which has no issues in that regard.

  2. JEAN on December 10th, 2015 10:47 am

    Come on people. Why should it be OK for Dr. Bachman to disregard safety guidelines that are in place for a reason? When all other healthcare providers are held accountable. Who’s going to pay when there’s an accident/lawsuit??
    And if he’s noncompliant with those issues; who knows how many more standards he’s not maintaining.

  3. David Huie Green on December 10th, 2015 10:21 am

    “What is that black stuff on the building’s bricks? Is that black mold? Could a application of muriatic acid get this off? Looks awful.”

    Doubt it, lichen, methinks. Regardless, bleach will kill it and restore it to look like brand new.
    Cut it, say 3 or 4 water to one bleach (Which is 5.25% sodium hypochlorite.), spray it on, leave 10 to 20 minutes, wash it off if you wish even though the bricks don’t care.

    Or leave it, all old masonry looks like that unless removed.

    David for “black is beautiful” concept
    (When the alternative is work)

  4. Audrey Cartwright on December 10th, 2015 2:29 am

    Dr. Bachman is a great physician and his staff is excellent and very professional. I would stand behind him and his staff anytime. This whole ordeal is just a crock of crap. The government needs to leave this exceptional physician and his staff alone. Let them do what they were trained to do (help people).

  5. Shaun Q on December 10th, 2015 1:57 am

    This is place was in terrible shape this place just sat now thatAll this stuff about bringing a business to century awhile back and will get paid why cant this be done. They want to turn this place for elders to come there to die. Im sorry this man actually cares. Glad he didnt fix the place

  6. Old Woman on December 9th, 2015 8:56 pm

    I’m not young enough to know everything but @fred your comments seems to make a lot of sense to me. Fighting and ego Will get in the way of real sincere progress. And once you get the eyes on you looking ie DEP. They will find all kinds of things wrong. Waiting to be physically escorted out may not be the best outcome.

  7. north end resident on December 9th, 2015 7:33 pm

    Doesn’t sound like we are hearing the whole story from either side. Wish someone would explain what is really going on! Although, it is odd that most all the doctors have left Century.

  8. been there on December 9th, 2015 6:18 pm

    I thought this doctor went out of business since a few yrs. ago he dropped his patients and sent their records to other doctors in century………..I’ve been in the building ………it certainly does need some major maintenance……not to mention the smell of mold in the building………

  9. Retired on December 9th, 2015 3:03 pm

    Hope you get to stay and continue your mission. The pictures of the office make me think the place is in good shape. Sorry for your difficulties. I’m sure once you started to be scrutinized it is very frustrating. I hope to see a good outcome.

  10. just tired on December 9th, 2015 2:29 pm

    This situation concerning Dr. Bachman is really disheartening to me, because he’s such a caring Doctor. We live in a “self-serving”, “it’s all about me” world nowadays and people don’t care about the fact that you’re doing a great service to your community and fellow man. All that matters is that you have something they NEED or WANT and they’re going to get it by any means necessary. I believe that someone wants that building and they’re going to do whatever it takes to get it, that’s the bottom line. I realize that nowadays most people don’t exhibit christian character because most people aren’t christians, but if you do claim to be one, then you should be doing just what Dr. Bachman is doing, being of service to others. That’s one of our main duties as christians.. I just want to tell Dr. Bachman that God has already gotten this worked out. Just be patient.

  11. gross on December 9th, 2015 1:03 pm

    Just by looking at these pictures, you can tell the building and facilities are not up to par.

  12. Mike on December 9th, 2015 11:13 am

    What is that black stuff on the building’s bricks? Is that black mold? Could a application of muriatic acid get this off? Looks awful.

    Seems like the rich folk in the area don’t want the good doctor in that building, good thing doctors can go anywhere & find work. Good luck to the doctors & staff that work in the building, where ever they may relocate.

    The last thing that someone, who has taken the time, trouble, & put in all the years of hard work to become a medical professional needs is a hassle over where to practice.

  13. Nicole Johnson on December 9th, 2015 9:21 am

    How can we as a community help to keep Dr. Bachman here in this town?
    in the same building

  14. DHG on December 9th, 2015 9:02 am

    The problem with getting government out of healthcare is that healthcare wants government to PAY for healthcare via Medicare, Medicade, subsidies, VA hospitals, Social Security, health departments, school nurses. Which ones we gonna ditch?

  15. fred on December 9th, 2015 8:45 am

    I don’t understand why both competing interests couldn’t be accommodated. It seems to me that Century is being served by this doctor, and the Town of Century could get involved to get the Jay businessmen to agree to develop the building with this doctor’s medical offices housed inside. He could also serve as the nursing home’s physician (which they all have, whether on site or not.) During the construction period, he could be located in a temporary building. Rather than beat each other up, why not try to find a way to serve the community’s interests and everyone involved?

  16. Kathy on December 9th, 2015 8:45 am

    I believe the Jay Doctors have a hand in this they want him out so they can step in, Dr Bachman has gone above and beyond for his patients. Leave him be.

  17. sam on December 9th, 2015 8:44 am

    don’t have anything against this doctor, but we still have doctors next to cvs don’t we?

  18. Mike on December 9th, 2015 8:34 am

    The problem with Health Care nationwide is politics. We have doctors, clinics, hospitals, private practices and other health care facilities that would like to offer or continue services to the population but when politics steps in, out they go. Look at what happened when Clinton was president and pushed his (Hillary’s) healthcare plan. Never happened. Look at Obamacare – it’s a mess. Let the medical society run healthcare and keep the politicians out of it. I bet it would run smoothly and the patients would be served and cared for. I hope Dr. Bachman stands his ground. It’s not everyday you find a physician committed to a community and serving the community’s patients for little to no pay. Keep on keeping on Dr. Bachman.

  19. EMD on December 9th, 2015 7:29 am

    This country does not belong to its citizens anymore. It is being taken over by criminals.

  20. Tarrance on December 9th, 2015 7:11 am

    I think the Mayor should do what the town elected him to do and that is fight for his city instead of building water parks.

  21. ProudArmyParent on December 9th, 2015 6:49 am

    Could this, ” group of a businessmen from Jay took interest in the building and pulled political strings that has DEP set on evicting him from the building, finding any and all faults along the way,” be the same group that wants to build a elder care facility in Century?

  22. Jane on December 9th, 2015 4:33 am

    This makes no sense. There is one doctor in town and they want to get rid of him? Can he relocate elsewhere in Century? There should be a solution to this issue.