Sheriff’s Office Rejoins Partnerships With US Marshals, FBI

December 17, 2015

After a meeting between the new Acting United States Attorney for the Northern District of Florida, Christoper Carnova, and Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan. the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office will be rejoining the Regional Fugitive Task Force with the U.S. Marshal’s Office as well as the Joint Terrorism Task Force with the FBI. The sheriff and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had continued to work together under a memo of agreement on a local “Gun Crime Task Force”.

In the meeting,  Carnova assured the sheriff that joint coordination and communication would be paramount in future relationships. The previous U.S. Attorney ignored repeated contacts made by the Sheriff’s Office to address issues that were occurring between agencies, according to an ECSO press release.

Joining the JTTF requires a deputy to be detached to work with the FBI. In the past, security clearances prevented management at the ECSO to be briefed as to what cases the deputy was working. Carnova has offered to have a member of the Sheriff’s command staff receive the same clearances so the ECSO can be assured that the cases being worked are beneficial to the local taxpayers, the Sheriff’s Office said.


7 Responses to “Sheriff’s Office Rejoins Partnerships With US Marshals, FBI”

  1. Bobby C on December 18th, 2015 7:03 pm

    I’ve worked for 5 Sheriff’s. 2 elsewhere and 3 here in Escambia County. The relationship with the Federal Agencies should’ve never been dissolved. If ANYONE can give me a good reason why it happened, I’d be willing to listen. David Morgan’s entire career has been abound making excuses, not finding solutions.

  2. coseys ex on December 18th, 2015 12:18 am

    Perhaps with the task force back on the streets we won’t see “murder” as a headline every day or sometimes twice a day.

    Morgan has always needed to be in the spotlight. Anybody remember when he used the word “humdinger” in regards to a couple being killed? A humdinger? Really? Somebodies family members were just killed senselessly by a group of would be robbers and all you can say is “It’s a real humdinger.” All I can say is it is a real humdinger how he ever got voted in in the first place let alone a second time.

  3. Retired LEO on December 17th, 2015 4:22 pm

    There are many fine and dedicated men and women who work for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, however David Morgan is one of the most ineffective sheriffs to ever hold that position. The public needs to know just how bad the SO has become under his watch. While all crime can’t be stopped you can sure make an effort to curb the efforts of the criminals. Jay Camac and Ed Hudson know how effective proactive law enforcement can be. Pro active efforts are not encouraged under David Morgan and officers are scared to do their job because of his random and retaliatory disciplinary process. The issues with the Feds started with Morgan not being the one to make all press releases for all cases, a very childish and crippling move to satisfy his ego. The general public just doesn’t know how much damage he has done to the agency since taking office.

  4. Jay Camac on December 17th, 2015 3:47 pm

    Morgan had a petty disagreement with the former U.S. Attorney and
    pulled the deputy assigned to the Joint Terrorism Task Force (FBI) ,
    and as a result compromised the safety of my family and yours. He also
    pulled the deputy assigned to the U.S. Marshall’s Task Force and lost
    the team of 10-15 well-trained professionals available to apprehend
    the most dangerous wanted criminals and as a result compromised the
    safety of my family and yours. As Doctor Phil says: “The best
    indicator of future behavior is past behavior”. Morgan will pull these
    deputies again if he gets his feelings hurt, like he did last time.

  5. Concerned citizen on December 17th, 2015 10:47 am

    Typical politician here folks! ! Let’s see, I’ll detach the narcotic team to help serve warrants so I can show the public how great I am…oh and then complain that the stats are low in narcotics. ….. Ray Charles can see what your doing!!!

  6. JJ on December 17th, 2015 9:18 am

    I am in law enforcement. Here’s how all task forces with any Federal agency works; The deputy/agent/officer assigned has to sign paperwork, that is required by federal law, which states that he/she swears to not divulge any information about anything involving all investigations. I have been on several of these task forces. On only one occasion did we experience a command staff member that got bent about not being allowed to “know” what’s going on. He was immediately told that he would be allowed to know everything, just as his officer did, if he completed the proper paper work. He declined, because the paper states that you will be prosecuted if you divulge any info to anyone not directly involved in the cases. He decided he didn’t need to know, that bad.

    I shared this information with you to shine light upon this “disagreement” between the Sheriff and the US Attorney. I can guarantee you that the previous USA offered the same thing, to Morgan, and he threw a girly fit. Morgan’s arrogance is too big to let some federal attorney tell him what he can or cannot do. Morgan thinks that he is special. He’s not! I challenge anyone to provide an example of another law enforcement leader that has gotten into a “disagreement” with the USA, over standard and known practices, such as confidentiality in ongoing criminal activities.

    Because of Morgan’s ego, he has caused harm to a much needed working relationship between the Feds and the locals. They have vast resources that they will gladly share, as well as offering local lawmen an opportunity to get some different types of training/investigative activity.

    The new USA told Morgan the same thing the old USA did. Morgan conceded and “accepted” their offer because he knows there’s an election coming and he hopes that the truth does not come out.

    See folks, I’ve been in law enforcement for 34 years and I have never seen the Sheriff’s Office this far down the tubes. The individual deputies are really good people (most) and are dedicated to their job. They just are not dedicated to their leader. Why? He’s not competent to do the job. Period. No experience equals failure. And (no disrespect to any military. I’m military family) being a Air Force security guard on the tarmac does not meet the qualifications to be the Sheriff.

    This is what happens when my neighbors vote for a guy (twice) with no experience. He dresses nice, speaks very well and the little old ladies at the karaoke bar love him, but he ain’t no Sheriff..

  7. Ed Hudson on December 17th, 2015 8:55 am

    You can tell an election is coming. Looks like the Sheriff has decided to do what he should have been doing all along. This lack of communication mentioned was when the U. S. Attorney did a press release without the Sheriff. Not a good reason to stop working with everyone.