Obama Commutes Sentences For Two Local Drug Offenders

December 19, 2015

Two local area men were among 95 people whose prison sentences were commuted Friday by President Barack Obama.

The Pensacola man was William James Griffin, Jr. who was convicted in 1999 of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine and cocaine base and possession with intent to distribute cocaine. He was first sentenced to 252 months in prison, 10 years supervised release and a $1,000 fine.  In 1989, his sentence was amended to 240 months imprisonment.

Obama commuted Griffin’s sentence.

Michael Reese Coffman of Milton was convicted in 2005 of conspiracy to distribute and possession with intent to distribute 500 grams or more of a mixture and substance containing methamphetamine. He was sentenced to life in prison.

Obama commuted Coffman’s sentence.

Both men will be eligible for release on April 16.


26 Responses to “Obama Commutes Sentences For Two Local Drug Offenders”

  1. john on December 20th, 2015 10:13 am

    Well you can still blame it on the Federal Government, because they set the sentencing guidelines that even a federal judge has to adhere to. Maybe this is something the states would do a better job at!

  2. Shay on December 20th, 2015 8:47 am

    Any person who says a drug is a drug has never seen someone overdose, lost someone to drugs or has never seen a meth head with no teeth and meth sores all over their bodies.

    These men weren’t sent to prison for selling blood pressure or cardiac medicine. To rationalize that more people die from alcohol and tobacco is a moot point. They are legal and what these idiots were selling wasn’t either of them. Apples and oranges. Just saying!!

  3. Karen on December 20th, 2015 8:33 am

    Good there is no reason to have people spending life in prison over drug crimes. If I could vote for President Obama again I would. Keep up the good work Mr. President!

  4. john on December 20th, 2015 8:18 am

    Has anyone thought about the fact that their drugs may of costed some poor soul their life, and also your local drug pusher keeps your Mexican Cartels and Central American Cartels in business, they have destroyed whole towns and thousands of lives there. Just remember when you sitting in your easy chair with your fix, and watching the ballgame you have their blood on your hands!!!

  5. melita blackman on December 20th, 2015 7:55 am

    Thank you so much for releasing Michael, he is not a bad person !!!! There is a wealthy man who killed 4 people and 2 more are paralyzed and he got 10 months probation , now tell me that’s right !!!!!

  6. john on December 20th, 2015 7:46 am

    Some of you people “And I’m not pointing anyone out” are fools, commiting a criminal act, and breaking some petty law like for example: some places its illegal to spit on a county side walk: are not the same, but many of you get this reasoning from you social progressive public school education.

  7. Robert on December 20th, 2015 4:16 am

    This is not my opinion but fact. Alcohol and tobacco kill more people each year than ALL illegal drugs combined. Also a fact, a drug is a drug. Why don’t we just lock everybody up except for people that don’t take ANY drug. There will be one or two people left and you can have the world all to yourself. Just saying!

  8. coseys corner on December 20th, 2015 1:17 am

    I’m in agreeance with Bobby C. Drug addicts need to feed their habits and don’t care how they do it. Stealing, murdering, home invasions,etc. Both these guys were convicted of selling drugs. They sold poison to drug addicts to make money. These are not the kind of people we need in our communities. Greedy,selfish individuals who have no concern for others lives as long as they are making money. They should’ve stayed in prison where they belong. The world is much safer with them incarcerated for their evil deeds.

  9. David Huie Green on December 19th, 2015 11:06 pm

    “Im tired of the judgement I see this is whats wrong with America.”

    You judge the judgmental to be what’s wrong with America, rather than the criminals committing crimes against America?
    So if we forgave all crimes and blessed the perpetrators, all would be good in America?

    “How many of you have committed crimes.”

    You treat all crimes alike?
    Going 1 mph over the speed limit, for example, is equivalent to murder and making money for murderous crime lords who will use it to kill more?

    “Just because you made a mistake does not mean you are a bad person.”

    Scripture tells us our actions show what is in our heart.
    If by mistake you meant “unintended”, that wouldn’t count against you.
    If by mistake you mean intended and illegal but mistakenly thought they could get away with it, that shows evil in their heart.
    You are what you do. You do what you are.

    “One true statement I can tell you is this “never talk about the dark past always look forward to the future reguardless of what the past is””

    Versus “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”
    George Santayana

    People can change.
    Forgetting what they did is foolish because people often do NOT change and a person who has committed criminal acts often commits more.
    Safety of our children and friends requires us to remember.

    Please note that President Obama did not pardon them ~ which legally erases the memory of their crimes.
    He shortened their punishment.
    He has the power to pardon and free ALL federal convicts.
    He has wisely refrained to do so, not forgetting their pasts.

    David for reasonable mercy

  10. Ian on December 19th, 2015 9:38 pm

    Let’s face it, Obama is doing a great job so all you naysayers need to find something else to complain about.

  11. Dam on December 19th, 2015 9:30 pm

    Kevin enfinger if what you say is true then our justice system works you were sentenced. You served you sentence and know you are a wonderful person. Why should we not let these people serve

  12. Bobby C on December 19th, 2015 8:44 pm

    The reason sentences are so harsh for drug dealers is because narcotics are a root for much more crime. A lot of it violent. How does a person with an eighty or hundred dollar a day habit pay for it? Robbery, burglaries, etc. How many murders in town are drug related? The punishment has to be harsh for drug dealers, just like the 10-20-life law for criminals that use guns. I know some y’all with your bleeding hearts think these men should be released. I disagree. They knew what they were doing and chose to do it anyway. Most first time offenders don’t get harsh sentences. I’d bet these guys were not first time offenders. It sends a bad message. Keep them locked up.

  13. Kyle coggins on December 19th, 2015 8:24 pm

    King Obama does what he wants. We don’t need a judge or jury..
    His socialis parade is almost over..thank god!!

  14. Dan on December 19th, 2015 7:03 pm

    @kevin enfinger
    these are drug dealers just because they haven’t killed anyone yet just means they didn’t have to or they didn’t get caught yet I’m sure they wasn’t nice drug dealers like oh you don’t have any money just pay me later. I remember you to quit defending criminals let them pay ther debt that the court imposed and then let them prove themselves

  15. Kci on December 19th, 2015 11:16 am

    These inmates were released because they were non-violent offenders who had excessively long sentences. The point is to reduce some overcrowding in the Federal Prisons without releasing inmates who were charged with violent offenses. Truthfully, it needs to be done at the state level also. As far as PRESIDENT Obama “disarming” law abiding citizens…thats ridiculous. PRESIDENT Obama has never tried to “take your guns”. He hasn’t armed Mexican Drug Cartels. Please let these lies die. Just tell the truth and admit that despite all of the negative comments, lies, and attempts to keep him from being successful by a Republican led Congress, he is succeeding. Unemployment is down to 5%, housing market is back, automobile industry is thriving, majority of Americans have access to affordable healthcare, Dow Jones is up, gas under $2.00 a gallon. Whether you like PRESIDENT Obama or not, the facts speak for themself if you choose to pay attention to them.

  16. Kevin Enfinger on December 19th, 2015 10:31 am

    Some of your comments are ruthless. and heartless. Just because someone committed a crime and is now getting out does not mean they are a bad person. Im tired of the judgement I see this is whats wrong with America. How many of you have committed crimes. Dont Lie. Everyone has. Some get caught some dont. You speed in your car dont you? thats a crime. My point is I myself did some prison not jail but prison time. I was lost I had no direction in life. Now Im a walking testimoney. Just because you made a mistake does not mean you are a bad person. Sometimes its Gods way of getting you to wake up and realize what you have done and realize that is not the life you choose to live. Its up to the person who was incarcerated to realize that they need to learn and change their life. There are so many judgemental people out here against ones who have been jailed or imprisoned. So before you judge someone look in the mirror. Noone is perfect. God has interference and sometimes his interference is a prison sentence. Thes guys deserve a second chance. I got a second chance now im openign my own business. Not every criminal is bad. Passing judgemend and talking them down is only gonna bring them down. One true statement I can tell you is this “never talk about the dark past always look forward to the future reguardless of what the past is”" Have Blessed Holidays guys

  17. CW on December 19th, 2015 9:59 am

    Life in prison for a drug offense? That seems a little much to me. We have wife beaters, carjackers, and home invaders that barely spend a month in jail. I agree all crimes should be punishable, but let’s give the violent ones top priority!

  18. John on December 19th, 2015 9:50 am

    The problem with President Obama is he is not grounded in truth, and is swayed very easily with every wind of unsound doctrine, he trades terrorist ( that wants to cut off our heads) for a traitor ( that 6 hero’s died while looking for him) that deserves a firing squad. In Syria President Obama can’t make up his mind who he wants to fight. He has armed Muslim Terrorist, Mexican Drug Cartels, and wants to dis-arm law abiding Americans I can go on and on!! When he’s gone I pray we don’t get Hillery, I’m afraid she will be twice as bad. AMERICA WAKE UP!!! Democrat or Republican

    And in response to the above mentioned release I’ll bet a 70-75% re-offense

  19. Dusty on December 19th, 2015 9:37 am

    Thanks Obama! We are now so much safer!

  20. Sam on December 19th, 2015 9:36 am

    Maybe they are some of his “contacts” from the good old days in Chicago.

  21. southpaw on December 19th, 2015 9:31 am

    I guess he is running out of detainees

  22. Puddin on December 19th, 2015 7:54 am

    Great. Thanks so much. No, when they get out, lets get together and take up a collection to send them to his home town.

  23. traumaqueen on December 19th, 2015 7:02 am

    Merry Christmas and thank you to all those that put in all the hard work your President Obama

  24. Mark on December 19th, 2015 6:22 am

    That’s what we need drug pushers back on the street. He can not stop messing up. Will be glad when he is out of office.

  25. Dan on December 19th, 2015 4:39 am

    Good job Obama. Law enforcement risk there life to get these idiots off the streets and you set them free to do it again why do we have courts and juries

  26. Bobbie mccormick on December 19th, 2015 2:55 am
