Molino Falls In Love With ‘KC The Library Cat’

December 14, 2015

Molino has fallen in love with KC MeowMeow the Library Cat…the resident cat at the Molino Branch Library.

He goes by the nickname “KC” and, well, basically rules his outdoor domain around the library. He’s quite the hit with library and Molino Community Complex visitors.  During his photo shoot, several children arrived at the library with their parents. The first stop was not the children’s book section, but around the outside of the library calling KC for a little love and attention. Once the children gained his approval for a petting well done, the kids were off for the library’s children’s section.

Library employees and patrons have raised the money for KC’s care and daily feedings. He has been to the vet where he was neutered and has had all of his shots. When we had our last cold weather, patrons became concerned that he was out in the cold, but a donor provided him with a small heated house.

KC provides outdoor security and mousing services for the library and can often be found at the side entrance serving as official greeter.

KC is also a hit with the children at the neighboring Head Start program.

Pictured above and below: KC The Library cat at the Molino Branch Library. Pictured bottom (submitted photo): A heated cat house was donated to keep KC warm on cold Molino nights. photos, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Molino Falls In Love With ‘KC The Library Cat’”

  1. david lamb on December 15th, 2015 2:19 pm

    Good picture of Freddie the freeloader! Smart Cat! Hang in there KC!

  2. Blondie on December 15th, 2015 10:01 am

    KC is adorable!

  3. just me on December 14th, 2015 7:01 pm

    The cat in the hat!! So sweet!!!

  4. Cat mom on December 14th, 2015 12:25 pm

    :) thank you. Wish more people would choose to know the pleasure of rescuing an animal. It’s good for the animals and the rescuers too

  5. northendbratt on December 14th, 2015 11:10 am

    Love this,thanks William for bringing us these sweet stories to make the hectic Holidays lighter!

  6. Mike O'Farrell on December 14th, 2015 10:56 am

    I went by the library the other day to drop off some books and met KC at the front entrance. Someone had just given him an open can of Friskies cat food. He greeted me politely, and then went back to finishing his lunch. He is definitely friendly and healthy. It is nice to see a story like this every once in a while.

  7. Kathy on December 14th, 2015 10:55 am

    Everyone needs a cat, even a library.

  8. AWW on December 14th, 2015 8:30 am

    Oh i love this story! how sweet!

  9. No Excuses on December 14th, 2015 8:26 am

    I had to chuckle at the “Heated Cathouse” reference! However, it does like he is very comfortable in it!

  10. Spmommy on December 14th, 2015 7:49 am

    Love this story. KC looks like he is well loved now:)