Holiday Travel Up As Gas Prices Head Down

December 27, 2015

Gas prices for this Christmas weekend were below $2 per gallon for the first time in seven years, according to the latest numbers from AAA.

The average price per gallon of regular unleaded gas was $1.99 Saturday in Escambia County, compared to $2.29 one year ago and a slight increase from $1.96 one month ago. Several stations in Escambia County were as low as $1.89 per gallon on Saturday.

AAA projects the number of year-end holiday travelers will top 100 million for the first time on record. Nearly one in three Americans will take a trip this holiday season, with 100.5 million expected to journey 50 miles or more from home. This represents a 1.4 percent increase over last year and the seventh consecutive year of year-end holiday travel growth. The year-end holiday travel period is defined as Wednesday, December 23, 2015 to Sunday, January 3, 2016.

The increase in holiday travel this year is being driven by continued improvement in the labor market, rising incomes and low prices, including gas prices that remain well below last year’s levels. This is helping boost Americans’ disposable income, but some consumers continue to remain cautious about their finances as they head into the holiday season.


4 Responses to “Holiday Travel Up As Gas Prices Head Down”

  1. David Huie Green on December 28th, 2015 1:12 pm

    ” Even Trump has been quoted as saying that”

    As I understand it, Trump used to BE a Democrat.
    He is certainly benefiting whoever’s the Democratic nominee by his obnoxious lying.

    Servicing our national debt is taking up more and more of our income. Everybody keeps kicking it down the road, apparently hoping for Armageddon before the bill comes true. Who knows? They might be right. Sad they seem to be depending on it, though.

    Please note that having a Democratic president usually produces a Republican congress, like we have now, and having a Republican president usually produces a Democratic congress, like we had under GWB.

    Who is to blame or to praise?

    David for $20 trillion
    so I could pay off the national debt for y’all

  2. Reality Check on December 28th, 2015 12:51 pm

    It’s ok NikNak, some of us live in the real world.

  3. Niknak50 on December 28th, 2015 6:29 am

    Sara, you are right, I am not giving Obama credit current gas prices. What I am giving him credit for is the current mess he will leave us with……..all of his own doing.

  4. Sara on December 27th, 2015 12:01 pm

    But, you can bet your bottom dollar, that President Obama gets no credit for pulling this country out from under the mess that Bush left us with, including gas prices that were over $4.50 gallon. This country’s economy always fairs better with a Democrat in the White House. Even Trump has been quoted as saying that.