Flooding Closes Barrineau Park Road At The Perdido River

December 24, 2015

Barrineau Park Road at the Perdido River has been closed due to flooded bridge approaches.

Standing water creates a serious road hazard, even when only a portion of the roadway is flooded, according to Escambia County. Motorists should always avoid crossing flooded streets and should never attempt to cross flooded bridges.

This is the only weather related road closure in Escambia County. Any additional road closures will be announced as they occur.

Pictured: The Perdido River crosses Barrineau Park Road late Thursday afternoon. Photo by Rhonda Corley for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Flooding Closes Barrineau Park Road At The Perdido River”

  1. chris in Molino on December 24th, 2015 9:01 am

    That’s my truck on the bridge. Surprisingly, a few cars tried to cross through. Had to put on hip waders and pull two out from stalling. One got pushed towards the ditch as the water was flowing fast. My truck sits high with 35″ tires and I was a little apprehensive once it got over 2ft. deep through the flowing part.
    I’d have thought the road would’ve been closed long before I got there. Normal level is about 1.5 to 2′. It was at 12′ at the time of this picture. Thankfully no morons took kids kayaking this time (-: