Boil Water Notice: Bristol Park, Devine Farms Subdivision

December 2, 2015

UPDATE 12/4/15 — The Precautionary Boil Water Notice (PBWN) issued by the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority (ECUA) on Tuesday for the Bristol Park and Devine Farms Subdivisions has been lifted.

A Precautionary Boil Water Notice (PBWN) has been issued by the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority (ECUA) for the Bristol Park and Devine Farms subdivisions following utility construction work in the area.

Residents located in the specified PBWN area are advised to boil water for one minute at a rolling boil or to use 8 drops of regular unscented household bleach per gallon of water, for water to be used for drinking of cooking purposes.

Two independent bacteriological samples have been initiated and the advisory will be lifted as soon as possible. This process routinely takes 48 hours. Precautionary Boil Water Notices are issued as a part of the standard protocol following any loss of water pressure, whether as a result of planned maintenance activities or unscheduled repairs. Precautionary boil water notice guidelines are available on the ECUA website at


2 Responses to “Boil Water Notice: Bristol Park, Devine Farms Subdivision”

  1. William on December 3rd, 2015 8:02 am

    >>>So, our own county workers contaminated our drinking water?

    Yes, and not really. The water lines serving the subdivisions were moved to make way for a drainage project. But it was not incompetence. It was a well engineered plan.

    Previous public notice:

  2. Pat on December 3rd, 2015 7:58 am

    So, our own county workers contaminated our drinking water?
    Fire the entire bunch. Talk about incompetence!

    Oh, but, we already have industries here that are polluting our water sources. Don’t see anybody doing anything about that!
    The paper mill is right up the road (couple miles) and have been polluting our waters for decades! Don’t forget the old monsanto plant (now called ascend). These are just a couple doing damage. now we have our own local government doing the same thing.