Big On Christmas Spirit: Century’s Boats And Floats Parade (With Gallery)
December 20, 2015
The Century Area Chamber of Commerce’s 3rd Annual Lighted Boats and Floats Parade may have been a little short in length Saturday night, but it was big on Christmas spirit. The parade traveled down North Century Boulevard from near the state line to Showalter Park where there was a Music in Park event and visits with Santa Claus. photos, click to enlarge.
2 Responses to “Big On Christmas Spirit: Century’s Boats And Floats Parade (With Gallery)”
We where wanting to enter but couldn’t find out any info, until last week when you posted it on By then we already made plans for something else. People need to know more in advance. And the town of Century needs to update there home page its way out of date.
Being a transplant from up north,who has been here about 8 yrs,I had no idea this parade took place until tonight. I took my children to the parade and they had a ball looking at all the floats. There’s just something different when you see something other than a float wrapped in lights. Great parade. Glad we discovered it