Christmas Gift For Flomaton — No Major Flooding

December 26, 2015

It was a welcomed Christmas gift for Flomaton residents…forecasted major flooding never happened.

Big Escambia Creek was near the forecast crest of 19 feet by mid-morning.  But the level of floodwaters, based upon historic precedents, simply wass not that high according to local officials and photographs. A “human read’ flood scale showed the river crest at below 15 feet.

The National Weather Service is investigating a possible problem with the automated USGS sensors that measure the water levels and inaccurate readings led to a forecast that was too high.

Major flooding of homes and businesses along Highway 31 did not and won’t occur. Both Highway 31 and Highway 29 remained open, with no closures.

Pictured: The Big Escambia Creek at or near high water level Christmas morning, leading to minor flooding in the “usual” areas around Turtle Point and Hurricane Park in Flomaton. photos by Katie Fowler, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Christmas Gift For Flomaton — No Major Flooding”

  1. 429SCJ on December 29th, 2015 12:18 pm

    Glad that this was not more severe.

    I have lived within twenty miles of Century and Flomaton for most of my life, but never really explored these towns in depth, I am curious to know if these towns have river frontage, similar to that of Milton Florida?

    A river front entertainment area could bring dollars into these towns?

    I suppose that I could just take a look a Google Earth.

  2. Ellen on December 26th, 2015 11:40 am

    So thankful there was no flooding in Flomaton. God sure answered some prayers there. had flooded it would have left many people including my lo .ved ones with no gifts for their children , no place to go , damage to their homes, and lost too many of their belongings. so thank you God. let us keep .praying cuz more rain is coming in
    At this time of the year there’s no money left to fix this kind of devastation in your lives. so thank you again God.

  3. Bob C. on December 26th, 2015 7:52 am

    Glad to hear things are much better than predicted.

    NOW….if we can just get something done about this foggy, soggy, warm, funky weather…even the cats are trying to use the kid’s hairdryer to get dried off.

  4. Dixie on December 26th, 2015 1:51 am

    I’m so glad it won’t be as bad as it was originally predicted. I was really worried about those around the rivers and creek areas.

  5. DJC on December 24th, 2015 11:11 pm

    So sorry for anyone withing flood range of big Escambia.

  6. Gene on December 24th, 2015 5:43 pm

    any word if hwy 29 will be effected?