Shots Fired Disturbance Leads To Fiery Crash On Highway 29

November 28, 2015

[Updated] A shots fired disturbance and a burglary in McDavid ended with a fiery two vehicle crash that injured five people on Highway 29 near Molino early Saturday morning.

Witnesses said two or three males were breaking into vehicles on Highway 164 off of Highway 29 in McDavid. They were spotted by residents of one home who reportedly gave chase southbound on Highway 29. Witnesses said as they followed the vehicle down Highway 29, they were on the phone with 911 emergency operators as someone in the suspects’ vehicle fired multiple shots at their pickup.  By the time the vehicles reached Molino, the distance between the car and the following pickup had reportedly increased substantially, with the pickup following at a long distance behind.

As the suspects’ southbound vehicle reached Barth Road, they reportedly pulled across the Highway 29 median into the direct path of another pickup truck.

Following the 5 a.m. collision, the suspects’ vehicle burst into flames with at least two people still inside. Bystanders said they used a bucket to retrieve water from a ditch and attempted to douse the flames. The three vehicle occupants were able to escape. One was airlifted to a Pensacola hospital in critical condition; the conditions of the other two people in the vehicle were not available.

The pickup truck involved in the crash left the roadway and overturned down an embankment, coming to rest on its side at the edge of a wooded area. The two occupants of the pickup truck were trapped until extricated by firefighters. They were transported to area hospitals by Escambia County EMS with injuries that were not considered immediately life threatening.

The pickup truck that originally gave chase from McDavid had at least three obvious bullet holes — one in the driver’s door, on in the side panel of the bed, and one in a taillight.

The vehicle occupied by the suspects had reportedly been stolen earlier in the morning from a home on Barth Road. A gun was recovered at the scene of the accident.

The investigation into the incident and the crash are being conducted by the Florida Highway Patrol and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

UPDATES: Story updated at 2:30 p.m. to reflect the vehicle occupied by the suspects was stolen. And updated to reflect that the pickup following the car was at a distance away at the time of the crash. Updated 3:30 p.m. to reflect a gun was recovered from the scene.

Pictured top and inset: Three people were injured when this vehicle crash and burst into flames on Highway 29 at Barth Road early Saturday morning. Pictured below: The vehicle collided with this pickup, in which two people were trapped. Pictured bottom two photos: Bullet holes in a pickup that was reportedly following the car down Highway 29 after an attempted burglar in McDavid. photos, click to enlarge.



56 Responses to “Shots Fired Disturbance Leads To Fiery Crash On Highway 29”

  1. Obama' almost gone! on December 5th, 2015 5:05 am

    Just my opinion but the alleged thieves got exactly what was coming to them. Don’t go getting the above statement twisted; I didn’t say I wished that scenario on them but playing with fire usually leaves you burned. Compounding the initial crime by shooting into the occupied moving vehicle only makes a bad situation worse.
    Those of you who’ve judged the victim of this crime for chasing down the crooks are just plain wrong and very obviously cowards. Not doing anything but calling 911 instead of reporting the crime,the thieves’ vehicle description, and the direction in which they are traveling, makes evident their big government reliance. If the deputies were available, more likely than not one would have been on the scene a lot sooner. (That statement is NOT meant to reflect poorly on the deputies). Due to the fast changing pace of our society, large city police chiefs have encouraged the everyday citizen to get involved in apprehending criminals. Historically as goes large cities so go the smaller ones.
    Last, again some of you attempted to make some kind of point (no one ever said what that point was), about the victim’s truck having bullet holes in an area that to talk didn’t make sense. Regardless of where the holes penetrated, the facts remain that the alleged criminals attempted to shoot the occupants in the truck. That fact alone makes those who are somehow doubting the legitimacy of the position of the bullets to be ridiculous.
    Unless one of you could handle such a situation as this in as brave and protective way I think a wise person would refrain from Monday morning quarterbacking and instead take a page out of this “victim’s” book.

  2. Libby on December 1st, 2015 12:27 am

    I am wondering if they are the ones that broke into my cousins place and took his guns and broke into my brothers best friends place on thanksgiving morning .Stole his guns and other important things. I admire the young girl and her Mother that they have a forgiving heart. My heart goes out to their Mothers because they may not live through this. If it were my son, I would not want to read some of these comments. No matter how good you raise your children it only takes one thing to give them a change of heart and they turn the other way, Divorce, death and abuse can change a person in a minute. Be very careful what you say because you may reap what is coming out of your mouth. Believe me I have. I pray for you all.

  3. 429SCJ on November 30th, 2015 6:06 am

    I have to agree with A. Alex that it was correct for the homeowner to engage these people.

    If posses had not pursued bad guys in the old wild west, there would have been no law and order and let me tell you that things are not getting any better in today’s wild wild world.

    Law Enforcement is not omnipotent, there is a citizen element and sometimes the citizen has to act to protect family and property.

    Prayers for the recovery of the Enfinger family.

  4. First Miss on November 29th, 2015 7:50 pm

    My continued prayers for Randy and his granddaughter. I was the driver in front of Randy that morning and miraculously avoided colliding with the Mazda that shot across the median. By the time their car crossed, it had landed on its hood and debris was flying everywhere and coming at my vehicle. All i remember was crying out to God, stepping on the brakes and moving quickly into the left lane, praying that another car would not collide with mine. I avoided the MAZDA by mere inches and knew that the poor soul behind me would collide head on with it. My vehicle suffered minor damage in comparison, a bent inside rim and shredded tire resulting from the debris that i had to run over. This is a senseless act of violence and rage that has significantly impacted several innocent people, both physically, emotionally and psychologically. Thank you to Chris, and the volunteer fireman who assisted my boyfriend with changing the flat. We were visitors to the panhandle during Thanksgiving week, this has scarred our memories of the beautiful people from this area.

  5. Grandma on November 29th, 2015 6:50 pm

    We who live in the north end of the county have lost the freedom to live with unlocked doors and windows opened, trusting the integrity of others. After they took the Bible out of schools, two generations later, we must lock all doors, including car doors, barn doors, shed doors, garage doors. There are many, = who truly, honestly believe if they can see it, touch it-it is theirs for the taking! They believe if we cannot hide, lock away, put in a safe or stand guard over, it belongs to whoever can take it. It is the have not but entitled mentality. There is no pride in working to own; no respect for others.

  6. A Alex on November 29th, 2015 5:57 pm

    Re. VERY SAD… really, you want to blame the good citizen for the actions of these thugs. I hope you aren’t raising any kids now or never. People needs to take the blame for thier own thug ways. All three needs LOOOONG PRISON times. Stolen car and firing at the red truck. Bet we might have had a dead LEO if they were chasing them.

  7. David Huie Green on November 29th, 2015 2:52 pm

    Debra, Actually, the bible does not say “God helps those that help them selves” at least not in any translation I have read. This is not to say people shouldn’t, just that it should not be added to the scripture. (Also, people should not help themselves to what others have not offered.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David for better people

  8. jeeperman on November 29th, 2015 2:31 pm

    WOW, victim pulls up along side and gets at least three bullets in the side of his truck. Some people would be needing a change of pants after that.
    To bad the perps crashed and burned.
    The other three will claim innocents forced to ride along and get a year of probation.
    Maybe the po-po will find a spent joint in the vehicle and they will get ten years in jail instead.

  9. Nancy on November 29th, 2015 9:52 am

    There is the attitude of, if you can get away then no crime that can be without reasonable doubt, ever happened.
    If there was NO CRIME COMMITED you would not be in a shoot out and crash into a fiery blase putting innocent in jeopardy.
    I still see the locked up convenience store as I drive down Michagan.where the owner was killed and the thieves still have their lives!

  10. sam on November 29th, 2015 9:52 am

    deputies can’t be everywhere and in the north end we have a large area that is rural. where do you put your assets? in the more populated areas of course. it will take time to get help. we have to depend on ourselves.

  11. Seriously?? on November 29th, 2015 9:30 am

    TreDarrius Bryant – if the “cuzzins/cuzzos” you mention are the criminals in this story, they are lucky to be alive and deserve whatever comes their way. Physical pain and jail time are not enough for the damage they’ve caused. Their intentions were proven when they stole the vehicle then began shooting at the victim. None of this would have happened had they kept their greed in check and left other people’s homes and property alone. Running away like babies didn’t make it ok. Fortunately for the families of these criminals, someone with more morals than these thieves SAVED their lives because of their respect for mankind and their wellbeing.

    If the “cuzzins/cuzzos” you mention were anyone else involved, I hope that they will come through this and be able to regain their lives and recover from the damage that has been done. Many thanks to all who helped, saved the lives and got these thugs into the hands of law enforcement. Such a shame that losers won’t work for what they won’t and take what belongs to others.

  12. Pat on November 29th, 2015 8:51 am

    wait, how can you be a “distance” behind and receive bullet holes in the drivers side door and tail light? that doesn’t even make sense.

    i have to say though, if i catch you breaking into my stuff, you best be prepared for the consequences. just sayin’.

  13. Dudley Herrington on November 29th, 2015 7:53 am

    The car that was stolen was my Grandson’s and now he is on foot. He sure didn’t
    deserve this , and my Sons truck was ransacked, with all his personal stuff stolen.
    I am thankful I did not catch them in my yard, there would be no Taxpayers having to feed them. I am betting they had criminal records, as this was not the first time
    and would not be the last !!!!

  14. Anne on November 29th, 2015 7:50 am

    Just a guess that these thieves have been stealing for some time and are pawning or selling their loot and are somehow all is Drug Related.
    Drug Related violence and crime in Escambia County is out of control.

  15. John on November 29th, 2015 6:16 am

    Just a little heads up, the first lawsuit from this accident will be the criminal’s families suing the family that chased the criminals, mark my words. “Their children would not have been hurt if it wasn’t for the chase.”

    I can only hope that the jury that gets that case will stand up for principal and the right moral standing and deny the criminal families that potential payday. Our system is screwed up when criminals are rewarded for their actions. I am sorry for the innocent people that were injured in this situation, it is really a sad situation, but honest citizens need to be able to stand up for themselves where the criminal system is failing us. The law does not necessarily support the correct moral position in many situations where good people are penalized for doing the right thing. I hope the innocent the people recover quickly and get back to their lives quickly. As for the criminals….I just hope hte good citizens are burdened with their medical expenses for too long.

  16. TreDarrius Bryant on November 29th, 2015 12:30 am

    Man 2 of them are my cuzzins i pray for my cuzzos in i played football with one of em

  17. Biscuit on November 29th, 2015 12:11 am

    No or limited LEO in our area creates alot of mischief, hopefully that will be changing soon. Sorry innocent folks got hurt, but…’s all due to the thugs wanting to prey on hard working people.

  18. Curious on November 28th, 2015 11:45 pm

    How did they steal the car? Was the garage open and keys in the car? Or did they break into the a secure garage and hot wire the car. In my opinion they are very bad criminals to break into an occupied dwelling and then shoot and someone who was attempting to report the crime. They deserved to burn. I pray for the victims and commend the person following them. I hate a thief.

  19. Jim P. from Molino on November 28th, 2015 11:37 pm

    My son and grandson were on their way hunting and came on the crash and were two of the several who literally risked their lives pulling the two unconscious robbers from the burning car they were trapped in. It took nearly 20 minutes to pry the men out of the crushed vehicle. I am proud of them and thankful that none of those who assisted were injured and that the innocent victims are not in critical condition. I am saddened by some of the comments criticizing the guy who chased them. Yes, there is risk in taking action, however, sometimes risk is necessary. We can see why it is necessary when a law enforcement officer (Leo) writes that the risk of stopping would be robbers may not be worth it. That is what is wrong with society. It isn’t the value of what has been stolen, but the principle that attempted robbery will not be tolerated by the general law abiding citizens. Sadly the police are afraid to protect us for fear of being sued or fired. Someone wrote that the guy who chased the robbers ought to be held accountable. Not so. Why not put the blame on the crooks? They are the direct cause of the entire incident. We have a generation of people who believe they have the right to steal and take what others have worked for and we have victims who lack the courage to stand up for their own protection and would allow the crooks to simply get away rather than incur any risk. Thank the Lord that the innocent received non-life threatening injuries in this case and my prayers are that the 3 robbers will recover and hopefully learn a lesson from it. I am really curious to know if they are repeat offenders who have a police record of preying on innocent decent citizens. If they do, hopefully this will send a much needed message to them.

  20. Debra Stone on November 28th, 2015 11:01 pm

    It is true, the Bible says, Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. But, the Bible also says God helps those who help them selves.

  21. A neighbor on November 28th, 2015 10:52 pm

    You don’t mess with the steadham hill!!!

  22. Perry on November 28th, 2015 10:51 pm

    Just curious, if the red pickup was following the suspects down 29 (as stated in the article) how did it get bullet holes in the driver’s door, the side panel, and the tail light? Maybe they pulled up next to the suspects at some point?

    My prayers go out to all the victims.

  23. well on November 28th, 2015 10:21 pm

    So from McDavid area to Barth Rd and no LEO ?

    @ victims mom, so sorry for the pain and suffering your family is going through. Praying that all will be okay.

  24. Sandra kent on November 28th, 2015 9:25 pm

    People know right from wrong. People the world doesn’t owe you a thing. You have to work for it. If it’s not yours don’t touch it. I was taught to work and save Just in case someone sees this that know. If you do bad worst will come back to you. Losers never win…

  25. Lisa on November 28th, 2015 8:56 pm

    That was my sons car they stole and used . It makes me sick to know these Peaple were in my garage as I sleep . I’m surprised my dog didn’t herd and start barking . But if these thieves had guns . Mabey it was best not knowing . I’m praying for the family that was hurt . They are good friends of ours . My sons car . It’s gone . I know God will make a way .

  26. Karma on November 28th, 2015 8:53 pm

    Again my heart and prayers go out to the innocent victims in the incident. But for the life of me, I can’t understand how some are condemning the VICTIM who chased the thieves.

    To those who have never been robbed or burglarized, you likely won’t be able to understand. It is not the “material things” that they steal, it’s the piece of mind that you are safe in your own home. That is what is stolen and can never be recovered.

    My front door was kicked in recently during the middle of the day while we were at work and the kids were at school by thieves. They stole material things that can be replaced. Not a big deal, that’s what insurance is for right?

    But since the incident, none of us have had a decent nights sleep. My daughter jumps at the sound of any unusual noise, she cries for no reason other than being stressed and scared, my wife has had nightmares nightly and no longer feels safe in our home with windows or doors opened or unlocked.

    Material things can easily be replaced, but the feeling of safety in one’s own home may never be replaced.

    So again, kudos to the victim who gave chase and prayers for the innocent victims.

    For the thieves I still have no pity…..

  27. Mcdavid on November 28th, 2015 8:39 pm

    I personally know the robbery victims they are some of the best people you could ever know and be around they will give you the shirt off their back but but don’t tread on them I guess the thugs went a little to far north and got a surprise but even tho getting robbed shot at they still helped put the fire out running water back and fourth bare footed cutting their feet on glass and debris so they got my respect hats off!!!

  28. Maggie on November 28th, 2015 8:37 pm

    THESE SUSPECTS SHOT AT PEOPLE!!!!!! They didn’t “just burglarize”, they ATTEMPTED TO KILL PEOPLE to get away! OBVIOUSLY they were NOT GOING TO STOP their criminal behavior any time soon. Following your OWN STUFF at a safe distance to these DIRTBAGS should be considered rational. They were on the phone to 911 to get the “professionals” to take charge. Tragic that THE DIRTBAGS injured innocent people, don’t blame the VICTIMS for following them to try to get their OWN STUFF BACK!!

  29. Enilla on November 28th, 2015 8:08 pm

    My husband and I was behind the pickup truck that was involved in the accident and saw the crash, when one of the young men get out of the car and run, thanks to the men in the red truck that apprended him. And thanks to William kersey and others that dispite there issues with these three young men, saw fit to pull two of them from the burning car and saved there lives. Thank each of you, and may God send a blessing your way. Do unto others as you would like others to do unto you. Let’s leave the judgement to God, each of them will get what they deserve,

  30. Sad and Frustrated on November 28th, 2015 7:03 pm

    It shouldn’t matter the age of the girl, it is sad when anyone dies, especially because of someone breaking the law. But it frustrates me that some people are blind to the bigger picture. I see people saying “they shouldn’t have been chasing them.” How about “they shouldn’t have been robbing him.” Is someone’s life worth a few possessions? OF COURSE NOT. But, is someone’s life worth sending a message that taking what isn’t yours won’t be tolerated? Throughout history people thought so. Wars have been fought over it. Thousands of people have died rather than give up with is theirs.

    What if it was a cop chasing them, and as soon as they ran the cop backed off. What message does that send, except a certainty they will do it again? What if the next house has a mother and 5 innocent kids inside, and the criminals decide they don’t want anyone to know their face? How long before they recruit more people, because hey, no one is going to stop them. How long before it escalates beyond just breaking into peoples cars?

    Anyone remember the 70s and 80s? There is a reason our country doesn’t negotiate with terrorists regardless the cost of human life. As soon as you give a criminal what they want, as soon as they get away with being a criminal, they want more.

  31. Puddin from Beulah on November 28th, 2015 4:56 pm

    “Think about it” asked the wuestion are earthly possessions worth a human life?

    My response to this is, what I work hard for every day to provide for my family is. When someone comes on property that does not belong to them snd tskes ehat is not theirs, then they are tsking the chsnce of alot. Lets go bsck further. If they would have been home would this of happened. I think not. I will shoot over my possessions because they are mine and not everyone else’s who decides to steal instead of workong hard to earn them. I am so sorry for everyone involved but to the ones who were up to no good, dont steal and you never eould have been chased and the accident would not have taken place.

  32. Alisa on November 28th, 2015 4:43 pm

    Other than attempted burglary they should also be punished with attempted murder of that poor little girl.

  33. Paula on November 28th, 2015 4:06 pm

    My heart aches for Randy and his granddaughter who are the innocent victims and I pray for their speedy recovery. To the thieving animals that are lying in the hospital fighting for their lives that caused this to happen…I hurt for your family, who are also innocent victims, but I have no pity for you. Karma!

  34. mike on November 28th, 2015 3:57 pm

    I have to say if it was my vehicle I would have gave chase as well..however I would return fire once I was shot at..The police these days cannot due much of anything to people anymore except write speeding tickets ..when it comes to criminals police most of the time can’t shoot.can’t chase .can’t say anything .why even be a cop .
    Sorry that people are hurt and in critical condition but crime doesn’t pay

  35. Molino resident on November 28th, 2015 3:55 pm

    Sorry that the innocent got hurt & will be praying for them. Thank you to the victim that took a stand to protect his property. That is what it is going to take folks to protect yourself, take a stand.Some people don’t raise their children to respect other peoples property , they have that entitlement mentality, but they are not entitled to other peoples property. And if it cost them their lives to learn that then I’m sorry there is no one to blame except their parents!

  36. Victim's Mom on November 28th, 2015 3:00 pm

    Can I just say thank you to everyone praying for my baby girl. As I sit here weeping over my baby and wishing I could take her place, I’ve learned a lesson. No gun, car, stolen goods, pride, etc is worth anyone going through this. “Be sure your sin will find you out.” “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord; I will repay.” Let God Almighty take care of it. I just praise the Lord that He had His sovereign hand on her. As she lays here with a broke neck, her first concern was that I go find the young men and tell them she forgives them and she isn’t mad at them. Two may not make it, but I found their momma and had her pass the word along. Stop and take time to talk to Jesus and be sure of your eternal destination.
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thy heart that Gid hath raised him from the dead thou shaky be saved.
    Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!

  37. Keith on November 28th, 2015 2:46 pm

    As a lifetime resident of Pine Barren I am very proud that the residents of our communities still look out for one another and believe in helping stop some of this crime!!!!!!

  38. Very sad on November 28th, 2015 1:30 pm

    I can see the urge to want to chase them down but had the chase not happened then the two innocent victims likely would have never been involved in the first place. They are a very sweet, younge girl, who I happen to know personally and her grandfather who were on their way to go hunting. Chasing them is no different that shooting them while they’re trying to run away. They are no longer a threat to you and you are in the wrong by chasing them and could face criminal charges yourself by doing so. The 911 operator should have told them to stop the chase and let law enforcement handle it. The insuing accident was the fault of the person giving chase just as much as the kids who stole the car and committed the burglary. They cut across the road at that particular spot probably trying to get back home cause at least two of them in the car live in the Barth area. Had the chase not have happened they probably wouldn’t have crashed at that point in a more desperate attempt to get there.

  39. Destaney R Knight on November 28th, 2015 1:27 pm

    This is sad all around :-(

  40. Oversight on November 28th, 2015 1:06 pm

    The problem with leaving the chase to law enforcement is that the sheriff forbids it and deputies would not be allowed to chase these suspects. “Esc co Leo” hints at in his or her post – when it was said it is a property crime and policy is a chase won’t happen by law enforcement in Escambia for that.

  41. Shar on November 28th, 2015 12:51 pm

    I agree totally with the law enforcement officer regarding his comments about this matter! He was using his common sense on all points!

  42. Lindsay on November 28th, 2015 12:26 pm

    For those of you who think they did the right thing by taking the law into their own hands, you’re 100% incorrect! Innocent people were injured and could have been killed! You don’t chase someone down a highway like that regardless of the situation. You call 911 and let the people who are TRAINED to do this handle it. You don’t put other people’s lives in your hands over a stolen vehicle or any other material possession. That’s absolutely ridiculous and irresponsible!!!! They should be held accountable as well.

  43. think about it on November 28th, 2015 11:50 am

    Are earthly possessions worth human lives? Even if the ones in the wrong suffer the most they are still someone’s children.

  44. mad and angry on November 28th, 2015 11:33 am

    Really Mr Hero or you think you were you are stupid, is your valuables that valuable?

  45. Stand Up Or Get Out Of The Way on November 28th, 2015 11:15 am

    Sad. Those that are saying leave it to the police or that they disagree with them chasing after them, perhaps if more people took a stand people would be less likely to do these things. We need to start fighting back, not leave it to a workforce that’s already overloaded with work and afraid to do their jobs because of backlash from society.

  46. Ronny on November 28th, 2015 10:33 am

    I was going north on US29 this morning and was detoured around the wreck. I just now found out what happened by reading the article. I feel bad for the innocent victims involved in the crash. But I think the folks chasing the burglars absolutely did the right thing. If they would not have followed them they would have gotten away. You should never ever back away from doing the right thing in fear of what may happen. Sometimes bad things happen to innocent people. A large majority of the people committing crimes like this are addicted to crack cocaine or crystal meth. These types of drugs will make a person do things they would never do otherwise.

  47. William kersey on November 28th, 2015 10:26 am

    I’m one of the guys pulling the Boys out of the car

  48. RL Knice on November 28th, 2015 9:54 am

    pray these people learned a lesson CRIME DOES NOT PAY and almost losing their life over robbing someone is CERTAINLY NOT WORTH IT …

  49. Willis on November 28th, 2015 9:48 am

    Sometimes the thieves have to know everyone will not just roll over and say do what you want.

    Dangerous yes.

  50. Jane on November 28th, 2015 9:28 am

    Hope all the people in the pickups are OK. As for the theives….I am surprised they weren’t shot at the scene! But they got a lesson on how country folks protect their stuff! Hope they all go to jail for a long time!

  51. Esc co Leo on November 28th, 2015 9:25 am

    As a law enforcement officer my heart agrees with the poster below that says “kudos” to the person chasing them in the truck. But my head says I have to disagree. Was a car burglary worth the guy possibly getting shot and killed and never seeing his family again? If the suspects had hit an innocent family head on and killed somebody, was it worth the family losing loved ones over a car burglary? Probably not. Think about the consequences of taking things too far. If the guy got a license plate, law enforcement had a very good chance of catching them.

    If law enforcement would have engaged in a high speed chase with shots being fired over a car burglary, most people in the public would be very upset and say that we were irresponsible and put people’s lives in danger. This was the same thing but done by a civilian. Please be careful when you encounter crime and make sure you have your priorities in mind.

  52. Suzie B on November 28th, 2015 9:14 am

    Although I know the Sheriff’s Dept. tells us not to chase them, I hope that the effort of this homeowner leads to tying these thieves into other burglaries and they are finally given what they deserve. Useless excuses for humans – go work for what you want instead of taking it from people who ARE hard working.

  53. Eugenia on November 28th, 2015 8:59 am

    It would have been best to have left up the chase and attempted apprehension of the suspects to law enforcement. That’s what they are there for. This incident could have ended much worse and other cars could have been involved. People could have been killed. Call the police and let them deal with it. Vigilantes often make things worse.

  54. Logan on November 28th, 2015 8:10 am

    I was coming home from fishing early this morning and came upon that wreck thank the God lord that noone was killed it looked horrible

  55. Karma on November 28th, 2015 7:56 am

    As a recent victim of a home burglary, I have zero sympathy for thieves. Looks like they might have just got a little taste of what their lives will be like after death in eternity.

    Kudos to the driver tracking them down and prayers for the innocent victims involved.

  56. Jimmy on November 28th, 2015 7:54 am

    Wth is wrong with people?