Florida Worker’s Comp Rates Reduced

November 13, 2015

Florida employers will see overall workers-compensation insurance rates drop 4.7 percent as of January. 1, according to an order issued Thursday by the state Office of Insurance Regulation.

The National Council on Compensation Insurance, while files proposed rates each year for insurers, initially called for a 1.9 percent decrease. The Office of Insurance Regulation rejected that proposal and said overall rates should go down 5.1 percent. But at the request of the organization known as NCCI, regulators looked again at some factors used in setting rates. That led to Thursday’s order for the 4.7 percent decrease in 2016.


One Response to “Florida Worker’s Comp Rates Reduced”

  1. Florida Worker on November 13th, 2015 5:16 pm

    They should drop it a lot more or what it worth in Florida thanks to Jeb Bush. He passed a bill just before he left office stopping anyone from getting anything for any pain or suffering that they had gone through if they got hurt on the job. Now he wants to be President where he can be for the big companies even more. I wouldn’t vote for him for dog catcher. He is all for the rich and doesn’t care about the working people. Not one damn bit.