Cantonment Church Burglarized

November 2, 2015

A burglary at a Cantonment church is under investigation by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Damage to a rear  door and a burglary at Allen Memorial United Methodist Church on Pace Parkway was discovered just after 8:30 Sunday morning. Someone entered the church parsonage and stole about 100 pounds of food from a food pantry.

The food is given to the needy — anyone who asks — free of charge, according to church members.

This is the second time in two weeks that a burglary has been reported at the Allen Memorial United Methodist Church. The first incident occurred on October 26 during which an intruder, described as a black male in his 40’s with short hair and a goatee and weighing approximately 250 pounds, was seen fleeing the property. It is unknown if there is any connection between the two incidents.

Anyone with information on the burglary is asked to call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 733-STOP. file photo.


7 Responses to “Cantonment Church Burglarized”

  1. Michelle on November 3rd, 2015 9:30 am

    You’ve got to be kidding me! That is absolutely ridiculous!! This church does so much good for the community and someone has the nerve to steal from them?!?!? If you were hungry, this church would’ve probably given the food to you! There is absolutely no reason to steal it!!! The people who stole the food just stole food from a needy persons table! I seriously hope they get caught!

  2. JR on November 3rd, 2015 1:49 am

    Steeling from a Church is the lowest of lo’s.

  3. KathyBrady on November 2nd, 2015 3:37 pm

    That man could have ask for food and they would have given him food, you don’t have to come back and steal it, he’s very lucky on Oct 26th he didn’t get shot. Praying for the church.

  4. Barb Williams on November 2nd, 2015 11:46 am

    I agree with Billy, there is a special place for people who steal from a church. I know the people who run this food pantry and I promise you that there is no need to steal. If you needed the food, they would have given it to you freely! Shame on you…

  5. molino jim on November 2nd, 2015 10:18 am

    @ Billy D– Even worse than stealing from the church is that they stole food that others needed and was given free to the people who could use it. I guess they can try to trade the food for drugs or what have you. I’m with you that there are special places for people like this.

  6. Concerned on November 2nd, 2015 7:17 am

    “The Village” is seriously out of control with crime these days. Glad I don’t live around there anymore.The cops need to do another sweep in that area. How shameful that someone would break into a church. Hopefully their conscience (if they have one) will eat them alive. It’s probably some of those “hoodlums” down off well line road. Drive down in that area——worse place in Cantonment!.

  7. Billy D on November 2nd, 2015 6:37 am

    are you SERIOUS? Stealing from a church? Pretty sure the kind of garbage that would do that doesn’t read this stuff but holy crap man, give the stuff back to the church and admit your wrong doing in hopes of forgiveness. God has a special place in hell for people that pull crap like this. Stealing from a church….wow, that’s just unbelievable. Used to be that churches didn’t even have to lock their doors because it was a sacred place. This is sad.