Bought A New Vehicle Recently? Police Say Check For This

November 13, 2015

Have you bought a new vehicle lately?  Did you check the owner’s manual for a valet key?

Pensacola Police said if not, please do, and if it’s in there, you might want to consider removing it from the vehicle to inside your residence.

The reason: Vehicle burglars have learned a valet key often is placed in the owner’s manual on newer model cars. If they can get the key, they can steal the vehicle.

Detective Darlene Loftin said over the past few months, she has investigated several  vehicle thefts where the valet key was removed from the owner’s manual and used to steal a vehicle.

“We’ll go to a scene and while looking around find the owner’s manual on the ground away from the vehicle,” Loftin said. “That’s because the burglar was looking for the key and didn’t find it…so they threw the book down.”

Or, if the vehicle is missing, they used the key to drive away.


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