Barrineau Park 4-H Club Wins State Community Pride Grant

November 23, 2015

The Florida 4-H Foundation has awarded a statewide 4-H Community Pride Grant to the Barrineau Park 4-H Club. The grant focuses on youth exploring the needs of their community and encouraging them to improve the quality of life of those around them.

The Barrineau Park 4-H proposal addresses needs of hunger, mentorship, and agricultural education in our community. With funds given through the grant, the club will purchase a hog, and the supplies for its care, to be raised by an urban youth in conjunction with a 4-H youth seasoned in animal science projects. These youth will work together to monitor the health and nutrition of the hog through a 100 day project that ends with the  GCA & NRYO Spring Livestock Show.

During the 100 days, the youth will hope to obtain a buyer, or group of buyers, that will sponsor the project’s final component, having the hog processed and the meat donated to local food distribution venues that serve those in need in the community. The meat will be given to families with a collection of other food items and recipes for preparing meals with their pork products. With these items will also be included information about local agriculture and the benefits of purchasing meat products that have been raised locally. The club hopes that the success of this project will allow for sponsorship of multiple hogs to be raised by mentoring teams for the livestock show in coming years. file photo, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Barrineau Park 4-H Club Wins State Community Pride Grant”

  1. david lamb on November 24th, 2015 1:22 pm

    Kiwanas, Rotary, Farm Bureau and others used to provide animals to 4Hers to raise and show, then sell, pay back original cost and then remaining went to the 4Her. Someone needs to try to revitalize this team effort.

  2. Sarah-Jane on November 23rd, 2015 8:54 am

    Barrineau Park 4-H is so grateful to be able to partner with the local Community to help provide great quality pork to local food boxes. This is an opportunity for the Youth to give back to people in their own community. Thank you everyone for your support on this project.