Northview High Teacher Barry Receives Governor’s Shine Award

October 28, 2015

During a meeting of Florida’s Cabinet on Tuesday, Gov. Rick Scott presented his Governor’s Shine Awards to four outstanding educators, including Northview High School teacher Anna Barry.

Barry was named the Escambia County Teacher of the Year. She teaches world history and honors world history at Northview.  Barry is a product of the Escambia County School systems, from kindergarten at Bratt Elementary School, to Ernest Ward Middle School through gradation from Northview in 2000.

Barry received a bachelor of science degree in health education and went on to become professionally certified in several areas. She has taught for 10 years — two years at Ernest Ward and eight years at Northview. She also works together with other teachers to improve the educational experience of students.

Pictured top: Northview teacher Anna Barry (third from right) and three other teachers were honored Tuesday by the Gov. Rick Scott and the Florida Cabinet. Photo for, click to enlarge.

“We are thankful for the commitment of our teachers to help students receive the best education possible in Florida. It is an honor to present four outstanding educators with the Governor’s Shine Award today and I look forward to seeing their continued success in the classroom,” Scott said.


4 Responses to “Northview High Teacher Barry Receives Governor’s Shine Award”

  1. Mrs. Ellis on October 29th, 2015 8:29 am

    Congratulations Anna!

  2. Northview alumni on October 29th, 2015 7:51 am

    Way to go anna. I know your parents are proud of you.

  3. Haley Smith (Knapp) on October 28th, 2015 8:52 am

    Yay Anna Barry!! You were the best teacher in middle school and the best cheer coach in high school!

  4. Jackie Johnson on October 28th, 2015 5:19 am

    Congratulations Anna! I know your family, Northview School Staff and Community are proud of you. We need more educators like yourself.