Facing Eviction, Century Doctor Looks To Town Council For Help

October 20, 2015

A doctor ordered out of the old Century hospital by a state agency turned to the Century Town Council for support Monday night.

In a letter dated August 26, Century Health Care Access (CHCA) and Dr. Christian Bachman, president of CHCA and physician for Mayo Street Medical, were ordered to vacate the old Century Hospital facility by September 30 by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, current owners of 25,000 square foot building on Mayo Street.

Bachman has refused to budge, continuing to operate his medical practice, which will see patients regardless of their ability to pay and even make house calls.

“What we are trying to do is ask for community support and any advice that we can to try to keep health care in Century,” Bachman told the Century Town Council.

In the letter to Bachman, Cheryl C.McCall, chief of the Bureau of  Public Land Administration Division of State Lands for DEP, wrote that the eviction was due to violations of the terms of his 50 year lease, including violations of the Florida Life Safety Code and National Fire Protection Code. McCall’s letter also listed numerous lease violations, including purpose, unauthorized use, insurance and maintenance. (Cheryl McCall is no relation to Century Mayor Freddie McCall.)

Bachman does not deny that some terms of the lease may have been violated, but he said he has followed “the heart of the contract, which was to take care of the building and to look after, to provide medical services.”

“Have we fulfilled every single letter of that contract? No,” he said Monday night.

Freddie McCall, mayor, said he supports Bachman and his practice.

“We need a doctor in town. I need the citizens to speak up and do what they can and try to work through our senators and representatives so they can hopefully pull some strings for the man to stay here,” the mayor said.

While Bachman is the only doctor that practices in town on a regular basis, Baptist Medical Group, formally Century Medical Center, operates a primary care facility in Century that is staffed by nurse practitioner Georgia W. Agrait, GNP.

The DEP said recently that the department is determining its next step.

Pictured top: Century council member Ben Boutwell (background) listens at Dr. Christan Bachman addresses the Century Town Council Monday night. Pictured inset: Mayor Freddie McCall. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


26 Responses to “Facing Eviction, Century Doctor Looks To Town Council For Help”

  1. Joyce Day on October 31st, 2015 3:29 am

    My husband and I have been benefiting from the services of Dr. Bachman since we moved here 10 years ago and don’t know what we would have done without him. We sorely missed him when his practice was closed down temporarily and were thrilled when he opened his office again. When we had to pay our bill in installments he and his staff were very gracious and never once did we receive a reminder when we still owed money. Besides that, he is a warm and caring person who takes as much time with each patient as needed not rushing them out the door so that he can see someone else. Century needs a doctor like that around who makes time for everyone and even makes house calls which is unheard of anymore. Praying that he will be allowed to stay because all the higher ups seem to do anymore is take things away from this town.

  2. always sb bringing lil man down on October 23rd, 2015 6:47 am

    People need to quit talking about this Dr. What was century going to do with this building NOTHING let it get run down agsin just like all these other buildings. I dont get that while back century give u 25 k to start a business, well how is century pose to gain stride if all this money that was waisted we fixed up the schools just to shut it down, closes the Hope n Health ridicolous.

  3. just tired on October 22nd, 2015 1:37 pm

    I cannot believe some of the comments that have been posted. Obviously these comments are being made by people who don’t know Dr. Bachman or have their own agenda. Dr. Bachman is a good person and a great Doctor, the kind that you don’t run across often these days. It’s sad, but some people see only the worst in any situation. I’m sure he could be practicing somewhere else making a lot more money than what he’s making here, but sometimes God puts people where they are needed most.

  4. Pam on October 22nd, 2015 11:41 am

    The doctor should have maintained the building with his profits. He didn’t manage his money wisely and is asking for a bailout. The money he would’ve paid for rent should’ve gone into an account for maintenance, repairs and replacements. The doctor is wanting his cake and eat it too. Century needs a doctor not a Shyster.

  5. Century Biz Owner on October 21st, 2015 1:06 pm

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but Century Health Care Access is not a non-profit. It’s a for profit business just like the one I own in Century. No one is giving me a 50 year lease on a publicly owned building just because I give away some of my products/services to benefit the poor (and I do…thousands of dollars per month).

    No one gives Baptist Healthcare a state building for Agrait and their clinic to operate right there in Century, providing medical care. Plus she has privileges to admit and treat someone in the hospital; Bachman does not according to the state.

    If he’s not a legal non profit, he should play by the same rules and face the same financial necessity as the rest of us and play by his sweetheart of a deal lease.

  6. mq on October 21st, 2015 8:59 am

    If Dr Bachman was in it to get rich, he would have left Century a long time ago. He has been in Century for at least 10 years +/-. And as others have said, there must be more to the story concerning the building and lease. But, that being said, he is a much needed asset to the Century community.

  7. susan on October 21st, 2015 12:04 am

    I was just sent a letter from Jeff Miller in response to my letter to him about two weeks ago. He informed me that since this was a private contract issue he couldn’t do anything to help. I say if we keep writing someone is bound to try to help. Afterall, isn’t this what part of our representative is supposed to help with? I hope your letter along with others may help us. I do not want to change doctors, as I believe Dr. Bachman is a true asset to our community.

  8. Audrey Cartwright on October 21st, 2015 12:02 am

    Dr. Bachman is a great doctor. I don’t care what anybody says he is a good and fair doctor. I will help him anyway I can.

  9. Jennifer on October 20th, 2015 10:31 pm

    I have submitted my email to congressman Jeff Miller in support of Dr. Bachman, the town of century needs to enlist any means necessary to assist Dr. Bachman jn keeping this practice open. Yes he does see patients who can’t pay, yes he makes house calls when a family cannot get a member there to see him. Did he violate certain terms of his lease I guess so he admitted he did but if possible we need to help get this building up to code or find another building for his practice. There are so many empty buildings where everything keeps closing it shouldn’t be a problem.

  10. Jean on October 20th, 2015 6:08 pm

    His rent is a $1 a year. He is not meeting the terms of his lease that he signed and agreed to. If someone were to get injured or if as fire occured; I’m sure it would be quite expensive. This doctor loves drama.

  11. Just thinking on October 20th, 2015 6:07 pm

    So he fails to keep the contract of his lease and hes wanting help to keep him there? Doesn’t make sense to me. Also for those that keep saying he isn’t in it for the money your obviously blinded. No one works for free. With all of that being said, I do hope he can stay in Century and get all of the lease obligations corrected.

  12. Avis on October 20th, 2015 3:07 pm

    1. It costs a lot of money to operate a business. Any kind of business. Last time I checked medical malpractice insurance alone cost more than most of us make on a regular job. No one can afford to provide a service for free indefinitely. Bills have to be paid and no one accepts “good intentions” as payment.
    2. How does one get a 50 year lease on a building?
    3. I think there are some pertinent details missing from this story.

  13. citizen on October 20th, 2015 2:21 pm

    This doesn’t make sense to me either. If he has violated state and federal laws, used the building for other purposes, not let them inspect it or not insuring it, I don’t see how he can expect us to write our representative and congressman to remedy the situation. Is he looking for the town council to provide him another rent free location.? Is he running a lab without proper QC. I hope the best for him but DEP will require the letter of the law. I hope he finds another location if he truly wants to continue to practice here.

  14. Be more Specific on October 20th, 2015 12:48 pm

    OK, we want him here, he has our sympathy, I suppose, and support.I could write Jeff Miller but I need more info and specific information as to what is required, in my opinion my feelings are not what they act on but need specific info and in what power they can act. Miller won’t circumvent the law or a failed contract just because I want him to.As far as advice if DEP has issued an eviction, you need to get aa legal document to postpone it, not ignore and wait for DEP to make the next move. If you let the policy lapse on fire and insurance, get them. If you want free rent for free heath care barter with no maintenace or insurance can you operate from your home? What what you are.asking for? Are you wanting to go to greener pastures and blame it on the government?

  15. Ladyrebel on October 20th, 2015 12:03 pm

    We need a doctor who can help when others can afford to pay. People need him here. I wonder if he is accepting new patients because my doctor of many years refuses to see me anymore because I am chronic pain patient.

  16. Susan on October 20th, 2015 10:51 am

    Independent doctors not affiliated with the big medical companies and hospitals, don’t get a lot of help. I agree that the community needs to get behind him.

  17. dman on October 20th, 2015 10:06 am

    Typical bureaucratic BS. Let the good doctor do his thing and get off his back!

  18. shaun on October 20th, 2015 9:52 am

    This Man does his job cares bout every patient sits n talks n listen helps people including myself not being able to pay helped me get my life turned around especially with my epilepsy getting my health in order. I dont get this he is a very professional goes out his way. If it wasnt for this man I wouldnt have got the help i need now think about all these patients he helped even worked gelping others at hope n health which shut down. Is there anything as a town can do as to help get this building up to code?

  19. Kathy on October 20th, 2015 9:33 am

    Why can’t he find another building, it doesn’t make since. Maybe he don’t want to pay rent,

  20. MQ on October 20th, 2015 9:17 am

    I agree with all three of those who have commented. Sean, Westside, and Jane so much could be done if people pulled together and tried to help one another rather than wait for state or federal agencies to help. Dr. Bachman is a wonderful man and doctor and has been in Century for many years. Money isn’t his first objective, helping his fellow man is. So refreshing.

  21. RACECAR12 on October 20th, 2015 9:08 am


  22. Sherry on October 20th, 2015 9:05 am

    Century needs this doc a whole lot more than a “splash pond.” Why not divert some of the water funds to bring the building up to code?

  23. ron on October 20th, 2015 8:50 am

    We need him look at the big picture

  24. SEAN on October 20th, 2015 7:53 am

    Mr. Freddie McCall instead of “pulling some strings” why don’t you pull the community together and help him get the code violations repaired ?

  25. Westside Gal on October 20th, 2015 7:50 am

    Can he move to the facility vacated by health and hope?

  26. Jane on October 20th, 2015 3:34 am

    So there is a doctor who isn’t in it just for the money, and they want to kick him out? Since it seems he is the only one in town and also seems to be a good person, why don’t they just help him find a different building?