Century Man Charged With Attempted Homicide For Shooting Into Vehicle

October 9, 2015

A Century man is behind bars on attempted homicide charges  for allegedly opening fire into a vehicle Wednesday night in Century.

Akino Jama Jackson, 23, was charged with two counts of attempted homicide, shooting into an occupied vehicle and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. He remains in the Escambia County Jail without bond.

A female driver, identified as Amanda Conner pulled into the Whataburger parking lot on North Century Boulevard with multiple bullet holes in her Dodge Charger.  A male passenger who been shot,  later identified as Roosevelt Dixon, fled the from the scene before authorities arrived. Dixon eventually made his way to West Florida Hospital for treatment; the female driver was not injured.

Deputies said the shooting occurred on Pond Street and stemmed from an argument between Dixon and Jackson over Conner.

The vehicle in the restaurant parking lot had numerous bullet holes visible in the trunk and in the rear passenger door area.

The back driver’s side passenger window and the rear window of the vehicle were blown mostly out of the vehicle. Trajectory rods place by a crime scene investigator seemed to indicate that the shots were fired from behind the Dodge Charger.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by the multi-agency Gun Response Team in the investigation.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


25 Responses to “Century Man Charged With Attempted Homicide For Shooting Into Vehicle”

  1. Dennis HE Wiggins on October 12th, 2015 3:42 pm

    Maybe everything about Jackson allegedly shooting into the car is a lie. I don’t know. Most, if not everyone, who commented on here really doesn’t know. But, I am relatively confident, the one charge listed that is completely factual is “possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.” While I suppose they could charge him with that simply because they have what they believe to be ample evidence to support their charge of “shooting into an occupied vehicle” (I mean you MUST have a firearm in your possession in order to do THAT, right?), I feel most likely when he was taken into custody he had a firearm on his person somewhere.

    If, in fact, he did, that may well be the gun used to shoot into the car. That would be a hard thing to explain – how a convicted felon, who by law may not be in the possession of a firearm, just HAPPENS to have in his possession the very firearm used in the even that happened, namely firing into an occupied vehicle.

    One of three hings will happen most likely. 1. It will be “nol prossed” for whatever reason. 2. It will go to trial. 3. A deal will be made for a guilty verdict. If the first occurs, it will be pretty evident there wasn’t enough evidence to link him to the shooting. Number 2 depends on what the finder of fact decides – “Did the State meet its burden of proof?” If the third transpires then one must presume the charges are as stated or Jackson had a pretty lousy Defense Attorney.

    Until one of those happens, maybe we all ought to just sit back and watch what happens. And make note ~ regardless of whether it was Jackson or someone else who shot into that vehicle, SOMEONE did. One more reason to exercise our 2d Amendment RIGHT to keep AND BEAR arms.

  2. David Huie Green on October 11th, 2015 5:47 pm

    “The way our justice system works is innocent until proven guilty.”

    We are not the justice system.
    We are people who don’t like folks shooting others for no good reason.
    (If they have good reason, we hope they are good shots.)
    We are free to talk even though most do it anonymously lest they be gunned down too.

    We are not passing down sentences or deciding eternal damnation.

    We may be a bit quick to believe those who claim they were shot by one person rather than another person, but to point at someone other than the one trying to kill you leaves loose the one actively after you. This would be a good way to die.
    It seems less likely than implied.

    “everybody is forgetting the fact that Dixon is on America’s most wanted and he fled the scene.”

    If someone is shooting at you, you have permission to flee the shooter.
    If he is one of America’s most wanted, he handed himself over to them when he called for help.

    Most of us don’t know what happened — I certainly don’t — or how many times he has been falsely accused in the past by mean people who just have it in for him, despite him being a perfectly wonderful person.
    Our main thought is that we would rather hotheads not be loose and/or on the roads endangering our loved ones.

    David for better people, justice, peace and love
    (and boiled peanuts)

  3. ChristianFaith on October 11th, 2015 12:02 pm

    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that she wasnt driving if the blood and bullet holes are in the driver seat…. And u can call it what u want escambia county sheriffs office or century police they still work and patrol century so there are police in century…. So many rumors going around its ridiculous but all these negative ppl will really be surprised when Akino is released due to NO evidence because he did not do it. It’s impossible for a person to be in two places at once and he was no where near the shooting.

  4. heart broken also on October 11th, 2015 11:16 am

    thank the police for catching your lil bro, it could of been worse if he stayed on the run.

  5. David Huie Green on October 11th, 2015 9:41 am

    Century has not had a police force in decades. Not sure if there has been one in Akino’s lifetime. Anyone knowing who was and was not in the car must be a witness.

  6. chris on October 10th, 2015 10:30 pm

    @ Jess: So if the gun was not legal, the gun laws really don’t help no matter how “tough” as you put it, they ought to be. In convoluted logic, tough gun laws would make law abiding citizens unarmed while felons have illegal firearms. Tell me again about how laws should be tougher.

  7. Heartbroken on October 10th, 2015 6:50 pm

    Some people on here are so insensitive. Do you have any idea what it feels like to have a family member locked up and accused of something you know he didn’t do? The way our justice system works is innocent until proven guilty. You people on here act like you have some type of evidence that he did this. Just because someone says something doesn’t make it true. While some of you on here are googling Akino’s name and looking up his court records, if you want to know so bad and you’re that interested in his court cases, then why don’t you request the court transcripts and you will see how a Century police officer lied in court and threatened the victims in that case to say that Akino did it. How in the hell do you think he was exonerated from those charges. The victims told in court how they were threatened that they better say it was him. I know for a 100% sure Akino did not shoot into that car, and I am a God fearing woman I love my Lord and he will work it all out in the end. It’s so easy for people on the outside to look in and make judgments based on what they hear and read, but I promise you one thing I will never again assume a person is guilty of a crime until they are convicted with hard evidence. Akino may not be perfect, but none of us are, only God. I love Akino with all my heart and as his family I will stand behind him 100%. The sad truth about this, is the shooter is still out here and if you all knew so much you would know that the girl that was in the car when she pulled into the whaterburger was not in the car when the shooting happened. How do you think she didnt get hit when the bullets went though the driver side and driver Seat. And it seems everybody is forgetting the fact that Dixon is on America’s most wanted and he fled the scene.

  8. Pensacola pete on October 10th, 2015 4:21 pm

    10, 20, LIFE!

    Guess what, “poor lil bruh” is gonna get what he deserves this time!

  9. sam on October 10th, 2015 9:23 am

    a convicted felon, had been in prison for a violent crime and released. our sentencing of hardened criminals needs a major change. people like this should be in PRISON.

  10. Kathy on October 10th, 2015 7:05 am

    I would say he will get life in prison, convicted felon with a gun and trying to kill two people, its sad theses young people have know life other then drugs,and making a dollar.

  11. tomtom50 on October 10th, 2015 12:45 am

    nico … If i may. Your little brother has been in the Escambia county 9 times how many folks does it take to lie on him 9 times? i have seen the facts and just the facts as Joe Friday use to say. and it is not looking good sorry but the truth hurts sometimes

  12. TIFF on October 9th, 2015 7:32 pm

    I kno Akino and his background is not a great one and I’m pretty sure he just got out of prison on other charges not to long ago so I don’t think he will b gettin out anytime soon if ever!!!

  13. willis on October 9th, 2015 6:42 pm

    Free Lil bruh and give dixon da gun.
    Datll do it
    No dat

  14. Old Coach on October 9th, 2015 5:23 pm

    Akino was a very intelligent individual. He didn’t have to choose the life of a thug, but he did. No one is responsible for his criminal behavior but him. We all have choices to make every day. We can choose wisely and correctly or we can choose unwisely and incorrectly. His fault, nobody’s fault, everybody’s fault, his upbringings fault, his parents fault, societies fault, the guns fault, all these are excuses. It’s on him and it is so sad that individuals choose to be criminals instead of God fearing individuals. Oh what society could be if we all made right choices. I had a conversation with Akino about goals and being successful and he had the tools. He didn’t listen and now, well we know that prison life isn’t so nice. An inmate could have an opportunity to get right, but we know that being in state prison isn’t so good.

  15. Rebecca Barnhill on October 9th, 2015 5:00 pm

    When you yell free my bruh or no evidence, that’s what makes convicts go back and do the same thing over and over again.
    And when you say something about a female being the cause that’s just an excuse. You always have that moment in your head before you do something to ask yourself is this really the right thing to do? The moment when God is in your brain telling you NO!
    This man is dangerous and needs to be behind bars. Everything that pops up when you search this man is bad criminal acts. No acts of kindness or any good humanity acts. Just pure evil.
    The only way he will learn is when he actually has to set behind those bars of a jail cell and think about what he did!

  16. Amanda on October 9th, 2015 4:11 pm

    They need to keep this man behind bars for the rest of his life!

  17. nico on October 9th, 2015 2:24 pm

    All yall need to find out pure facts and stop listening to he say she say my lil brother is innocent no evidence it was him tht shot in tht car nothing but a female who obviously feel some type of way about my brother still free my lil bruh.

  18. Retired on October 9th, 2015 2:22 pm

    A Google search on his name is appalling. Articles shots he fired shots on an elderly couple and was also fled from authorities another time. There was time in my life where I felt I was to busy to serve on a jury but I believe we should do what we can to serve and educate ourselves about the accused past and Put them away for good. We do not deserve to live with this behavior near us. I mad and do not want to take this anymore. I do not support tightening gun laws. It will only disarm law abiding citizens. But if a person breaks laws he should be punished or exterminated.

  19. citizen on October 9th, 2015 1:59 pm

    Keep him off the streets and in prison. Get these thugs out of Our town.

  20. Jess on October 9th, 2015 12:50 pm

    @ Chris… those guns laws might not be tough like they should, but I can pretty much guarantee it was not a legal gun

  21. chris on October 9th, 2015 12:06 pm

    “possession of a firearm by a convicted felon” Yes sir those gun laws sure are effective!

  22. Sage 2 on October 9th, 2015 12:03 pm

    Just another individual, as a convicted felon, was turned loose one more time on society to commit yet more crime. He was studying to get his GED and had been to church all his life, sources relate.

  23. Daniel on October 9th, 2015 11:25 am

    Wow! I am surprised this happened. The back ground check and waiting period should have prevented this.

  24. Rebecca Barnhill on October 9th, 2015 10:59 am

    When will this Man be behind bars for good??
    He needs to be off of the streets, every time there is something with this guy its always dangerous like this.
    Next time it won’t be attempted homicide, it will actually be murder!!
    What happened to the justice system??
    People have turned in into the police are the bad guy, but in reality its convicts like this that just repeat, repeat, and repeat all these crimes because they know they can get a slap on the wrist and get away with it.
    Seriously wish it was like the old days… if you did the crime then you had to do the time.
    This man needs a wake up call & fast!!

  25. Crystal on October 9th, 2015 10:48 am

    Any news on where Dixon was shot and his condition? Praying that he is ok.