Walnut Hill Home And Barn Burglarized; Stolen Truck Recovered

September 24, 2015

Authorities are searching for clues in two burglaries at a Walnut Hill home in which tens of thousands of dollars of items were taken.

Within the past two weeks, someone broke into a metal barn at a home on Kansas Road and stole a Kubota ZTR mower, all of the resident’s tools and fishing gear.  The home was burglarized Tuesday, with several guns, ammo, a 24-inch TV and a banjo stolen, according to the resident. His 2007 Toyota Tacoma was also stolen.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office recovered the Tacoma Wednesday morning, abandoned in a remote area off Kansas Road, not far from where it was stolen.

Anyone with information on the burglaries is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP or the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620.

Pictured top: This stolen Toyota Tacoma was recovered in a remote area off Kansas Road in Walnut Hill Wednesday morning. Pictured; A Kubota ZTR mower that was stolen from Kansas Road. Pictured below: Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies and a crime scene unit process the truck after it was pulled back to Kansas Road. Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Walnut Hill Home And Barn Burglarized; Stolen Truck Recovered”

  1. A Relative on September 26th, 2015 6:37 am

    Oak grove resident, someone stole from us & we couldn’t really nail a certain time or day, but we knew it had to be between a certain amount of time & certain days & from a said day between another said day, but since we did not take account of our property every day, we really couldn’t pinpoint exactly when or how much but we could say it was between certain, very few individuals, we kinda know who stole, one person & her kids had moved shortly after, & someone else in same family didn’t want their kid to talk to mine, I’m guessing they didn’t want their kid to maybe slip up, but having to let their time run, if you give a person a long enough rope, they will eventually catch themselves in a mess. To others who think people need to lock up, maybe you need to learn that we shouldn’t have to.

  2. No Excuses on September 25th, 2015 1:28 pm

    Expect the best, prepare for the worst. Keep your doors locked! Unless someone is outside, ours are locked at all times. My wise father used to say that a lock only keeps an honest man honest, so Richard E’s comment is on target too. Make it difficult for people to rob you undetected. Barking dogs, video footage, alarms – whatever works.

  3. Bob's Brother on September 25th, 2015 9:05 am

    It’s a shame people have the fruits of their labor taken from them in this manner. The only thing that foils this sort of crime is the fear of being caught. A good video surveilance system would help, but a fence and a large dog would also keep boogers away.

  4. richarde on September 25th, 2015 1:33 am

    first off, LOCK your doors. every time. cars, house, garage, barn. everything.
    second get some kind of alarm that makes noise. on every door. yes it’s a pain but this is not the old days. there are alarms that are battery operated. that hang on the door and if moved will set off a loud noise. Think about the worst in people and prepare. It’s the world we live in.

  5. Oak Grove resident on September 24th, 2015 8:40 pm

    An approximate time when this happen would be really helpful to area residents so we can be on watch! We need to start our own community watch. If anyone knows of one in this area we are very interested. These people need to be stopped and know its not happening in this area. Its sad that when thieves do this in our area we never hear if they were caught. We were robbed many years ago in our barn while we were sleeping and never heard back on anything.Although We are proud of our officers and know it is not there fault its that the northend has never had the amount of officers needed in the northend walnut hill area.Just because we have insurance it doesnt stop them from doing it again. People will do anything for drugs these days. So sad and scary. Although if someone comes in our house we are not afraid to defend ourselves

  6. barbara agerton on September 24th, 2015 2:45 pm

    This is so sad,people work really hard for what they have.This family might get the items returned,but they will never be the same mentally.My heart goes out to them. If some one had been home I wonder if the perpetrators would have hurt them, or even taken their lives, I have four dogs, I hope they are enough to scare any “Burglar”away.

  7. nod on September 24th, 2015 1:37 pm

    a bullet between the eyes of these kind of people would sure make it better for the rest of us. not that I’m saying to do it, but it might make the world a better place.

  8. Mike on September 24th, 2015 3:36 am

    That’s right, even out in the country, you can’t leave your stuff just sitting in your house without some lowlife cleaning you out.

    Lucky to get their vehicle back in what looks like decent condition, I hope they got everything else back, too.