Santa Rosa Increases Gas Tax

September 11, 2015

Filling up your tank in Santa Rosa County will cost more in taxes next year.

The Santa Rosa County Commiss2.ion voted Thursday to increase the gas tax levied by the county from 6 to 12 cents, effective January 1. The increase is expected to earn the county almost $3.6 million per year that will be used for road and transportation projects.

The current gas tax is 11 cents per gallon in Escambia County.


10 Responses to “Santa Rosa Increases Gas Tax”

  1. Tom Yanks on September 15th, 2015 4:04 pm

    If it’s for roads or a new Court House, the money has to come from somewhere. Stop being a tight-wad and give the county some money. Everyone wants something for nothing or keep everything at a millage rate from 20 years ago. You do expect a pay raise every couple of years to help with the cost of living right? Well Government needs the same. A dollar can only be stretched so far and when roads need to be repaired, no one wants to spend the money that isn’t there.

    Any easy solution to not paying the gas tax, ride your bike. Then you will expect a bike lane and proper lighting of course. You will then demand that the gas tax being accumulated by everyone else should go to your need of riding your bike safely? Do you get the point? Everyone wants something.

  2. john on September 14th, 2015 6:40 am

    Its easier to raise taxes, than to cut someone’s entitlement!!!

  3. bobinbusan on September 12th, 2015 9:54 am

    Vote them out,

  4. M in Bratt on September 12th, 2015 6:56 am

    Susan, you are correct in that the current gas tax grows with the population. Along with that, the sales taxes, property taxes, revenue from licenses, fees, and all other things our government charges us for grows. If it supposedly costs current tax payers for growth, lets put a moratorium on building permits, or a hefty impact fee on new construction so that the influx of transplants from other parts of the country will pay for some of the infrastructure improvements that they demand. By the way, most of this influx of transplants are running away from the northeast where all taxes and fees are far higher than ours, including income taxes. They run away from it there, then come here and want to impose some of the same things they ran away from on us. Figure that one out

  5. Susan on September 11th, 2015 8:43 pm

    “They say it’s for roads. To keep up with population growth.” Really? Just another lie and most people believe it. If the population grows, the new residents must also buy gas. Therefore, as the population grows, so does the revenue from the current gas tax rates. Give them an inch and they will do it over and over again. We need to remember who in our two counties have voted to increase our taxes and kick them out next election. TAXED TOO MUCH ALREADY!

  6. Betty on September 11th, 2015 2:32 pm

    Raising it ..but they are doubling it and that’s disgusting…I have no fight about a couple pennies per gal. but to double it is theft …IMO

  7. M in Bratt on September 11th, 2015 7:21 am

    “The increase is expected to earn the county almost $3.6 million”. To Earn would imply that they are going to do something “to earn” the money. They are not going to earn anything, they are going to take 3.6 million more dollars from the taxpayers. The voters in both Escambia and Santa Rosa need to send all the taxocrats packing. I’ll keep buying the majority of my gas in Alabama because I resent subsidizing the ECAT with my gas tax dollars.

  8. c.w. on September 11th, 2015 4:45 am

    Who cares. I buy almost all my gas in Mississippi where it’s cheaper but Mississippi doesn’t have salter and cole to support.

  9. chris in Molino on September 11th, 2015 3:59 am

    They say it’s for roads. To keep up with population growth.
    I wonder if it’s really for a new courthouse. Government is DEFINATELY NOT for the people. Since the people didn’t vote to build their new courthouse, i’m certain they’ll pay one way or another.

  10. Jason on September 11th, 2015 12:53 am

    I doubt the average driver in Santa Rosa County will even notice when the tax goes into effect. A comparison of pump prices (Gas Buddy app) shows virtually the same prices for stations in Santa Rosa County as in Escambia or Okaloosa counties. This just means the Tom Thumb and other retailers who currently appear to be gouging consumers at the pump will now be sending that money in for taxes.