Our View: Where Were You That September Morning?

September 11, 2015

We publish this piece on an annual basis, and we encourage you to comment below, answering the question ‘Where Were You That September Morning?

September 11, 2001. It’s been 14 years.

Life, at least when that morning began, seemed good. I’ve always been a work at home dad, so I was home with my two girls. The youngest was almost four months old, and the oldest was approaching her fourth birthday. It was a normal morning. The little one was asleep, “fat and happy” as we used to say, after a morning bottle. The oldest was in the living room just a few feet from my office watching PBS Kids on the TV as I worked on a project for a client.

Then this arrived in my inbox:

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 08:52am

– World trade center damaged; unconfirmed reports say a plane has
crashed into tower. Details to come.

I got up, walked to the living room and flipped the TV to CNN. They were talking about how a pilot could make such an error, hitting such a large building. They were speculating that it was just a small plane. But then as the TV news helicopters zoomed their cameras in closer, the anchors were beginning to notice what I had already thought….those holes the tower were to big to have been a small plane.

(continues below photo)

I called my wife at work in Atmore. She had seen the breaking news email, and had tried to visit the CNN website to see the story. If you remember trying to use the internet that morning, it was near impossible to get a news website to load; they were all overloaded. She was unable to see the pictures. I was describing what I saw on the TV to her.

I managed to grab a picture from CNN via my web server and then download and email it to her. We were speculating about how it could happen when the second one hit.

I remember saying “wait, hold on, wait…”. I told her what I just watched on the TV. The second plane had hit the other tower. We quickly decided that we were at war as the anchors on TV speculated again that perhaps there was a problem with some navigational system, causing jetliners on a beautiful, clear morning in New York to fly into some of the tallest structures in the world.

Another breaking news email arrived:

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:21am

– Second plane crashes into World Trade Center.

She and I began to speculate ourselves that we were at war. What would we do? What should we do? What about the kids? It was not panic, understand, but just that protective momma and daddy instinct, I suppose. Prayer. That was a good idea. Maybe go to the bank and get out a little cash. That seemed like a good idea. How would you prep for a war on American soil? We were not sure.

I continued to relay information about what I was seeing on TV to my wife at work, who, in turn, would relay the information to her coworkers. They had a TV, but no cable service or antenna. They ended up fashioning a homemade antenna to see a fuzzy picture.

Meanwhile, the breaking news emails kept arriving…

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:32am

– Sources tell CNN one of two planes that crashed into World Trade
Center was an American Airlines 767.

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:42am

– President Bush calls plane crashes at World Trade Center a
terrorist act.

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:45am

– Significant fire at the Pentagon. Details to come.

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:46am

– White House evactuated. Details to come.

The Pentagon on fire? The White House evacuated? Notice that in CNN’s email they were in such a hurry that they misspelled “evacuated”. One sentence at a time, the situation became more grave.

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:55am

– CNN confirms a plane hit the Pentagon

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:03am

– One of World Trade Center towers collapses; fire forces
evacuation of State Department

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:30am

– Second World Trade Center tower collapses in Manhattan

Over and over, we watched those towers collapse on TV, and we watched our Pentagon burn.

Our almost four year old asked a lot of questions. “Were people hurt? Did they need a Band-aid?” The magnitude of the event was lost on a four year old. Looking back at those first few hours, I think the magnitude of the event was lost on all of us.

Like many Americans, I sat glued to the TV that day, continuing to watch the video of the towers falling. Our almost four year old asked if another building fell down or if it was the same one. It was time to change the channel on the TV.

You might remember that many of the entertainment TV stations ran network news feeds. Others just simply ran screens about the day’s events. There was no USA network, no ESPN, no MTV. But on PBS, we found children’s programming at a time it was not normally on. For a little while, sitting in the living room floor holding my kids, the world stopped turning that September day, as we watched Big Bird and the Cookie Monster.

Country artist Alan Jackson later wrote a song “Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?”.

Some of those lyrics:

Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day
Out in the yard with your wife and children
Working on some stage in LA
Did you stand there in shock at the site of
That black smoke rising against that blue sky
Did you shout out in anger
In fear for your neighbor
Or did you just sit down and cry

Did you weep for the children
Who lost their dear loved ones
And pray for the ones who don’t know
Did you rejoice for the people who walked from the rubble
And sob for the ones left below

But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith hope and love are some good things He gave us
And the greatest is love

Where where you when the world stopped turning that September day? Your comments are welcome below.

NorthEscambia.com photos by Bethany Reynolds, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “Our View: Where Were You That September Morning?”

  1. Susan on September 12th, 2015 6:30 pm

    We were stationed overseas in a small town in Italy. I picked up my son from the American elementary school which was on a street with an Italian H.S. and preschool. We went to the next town over to run some errands. We returned to the school 1.5 hours later and the street which usually had tons of kids of all ages playing and hanging out was totally deserted. There was a barricade in the street and U.S. Marines with AK 47s on the school property, and the Carabinieri all over the street. A Marine came over to my car and told us about the Twin Towers. We went home and that evening the our Italian neighbors stopped by to offer condolences. Our daughter went to school in Rome and their school dorms were locked down for several days. It was very scary not to have her with us but the Italians took excellent care of the students.

  2. Richard on September 12th, 2015 12:29 am

    I had just got off a 24 hour shift from the Pensacola fire department. and was watching fox news. I saw the first plane hit the tower. I called my wife, she was at work. to let her know what was happening. after many phone calls we were on the phone when the first tower collapsed. I remember saying to my wife. All of those firefighters are dead. and although there were many others that died in that collapse. I thought of the 343 fellow firefighters that died that day. and I pray for all of the souls that perished that day.

  3. Bonnie Exner on September 11th, 2015 11:26 pm

    I was teaching eight grade Civics at Ransom Middle School in Cantonment.. Went into the front office and saw the second plane hit the South Tower and could not believe my eyes.We were glued to our classroom TV for the next 3 hours seeking many answers that did not come. I remember seeing the Pentagon with a big gaping hole and fire pouring out and also a missing plane that crashed in a Field in Pennsylvania.. At that point we turned off the TV,I saida silent prayer and we ccontinued with my scheduled lesson plans..But I also realized that day that America lost some more of its innocence and our country would be changed forever.

  4. Jeff on September 11th, 2015 7:37 pm

    I was living in Knoxville, TN managing the landscape division of a small company. We were doing a maintenance visit on one of our properties when I got a call from my wife who told me a plane had hit one of the towers. I piled the whole crew into the truck and we listened to the radio coverage as long as we could.

    We had to get back to work, but confused & numb, not a lot of work got done as we kept checking the news reports. At lunch we finally were able to see footage of the terrible events of that day and after that we did not go back out into the field.

  5. BW on September 11th, 2015 7:33 pm

    I was in the basement of the Central Booking and Detention Facility (new jail) attending an employee benefits meeting for re-enrolment in the meeting room. This was after the 1st plane crashed, and because of this a TV was on a news channel. During that meeting the second plane hit the other tower and everyone was speechless. The presenter adjourned the meeting and everyone went back to their post’s in silence.
    We all knew at that time that we were under attack.

  6. Missysmom on September 11th, 2015 4:03 pm

    My husband & I were working in North Carolina on a large road construction job. I remember walking in Popeye’s to pick up breakfast, the entire room was still, silent, watching the news feed. I watched, horrified as the second plane attacked Tower # 2. Then I was heartbroken. My children, grandchildren, hundreds of miles away, all I wanted to do was hold them.
    What do we do? What has happened to our country? In a daze, we continued our day with work, more quite than any of us had been in a very long time.
    Our entire crew did our job that day and many days to come, shocked, unable to understand such a despicable act against America, our beloved country.

  7. Momof3 on September 11th, 2015 3:13 pm

    I was out selling cookies for my sons elementary school when the first plane hit. By the time I made it home, the second plane had hit. I went to my Mom’s to check in on her and we both sat there in stunned silence. The only thing we could do at the time was pray and that’s exactly what we did. I remember thinking that I had to get to my son to make sure that he was ok. He was in the second grade at the time.

  8. melanie on September 11th, 2015 12:59 pm

    5 yrs ago today i lost my mom and it was her birthday as well and i remember when all this hapended my mother kept saying i hate this day and i want it to past. and sure enough her life was taken and its offically not a good day each year.

  9. Kristi on September 11th, 2015 12:29 pm

    I was sitting in Spanish class at Northview High School in my senior year… I remember watching the 2nd plane hit and the rest of the school day was like living in slow motion. The entire student body, faculty, and staff were solemn and in complete disbelief.

  10. just me on September 11th, 2015 11:17 am

    I had just finished my medical terminology class at Jeff Davis in Brewton. I walked to the student with a girl from my class and we heard people talking about what had happened and we gathered the group around the tv and watched the coverage and cried with every who was sitting there. someone lead the group in prayer and then we sat in silence for a few moments trying to understand what was happening. Once I was able to think somewhat clearly I went to the parking lot and got my phone and called my boyfriend (now husband) and some of my family members and talked about what was going on and told them how much I loved them. It was a very sobering moment for me as a (then) 20 year old girl who truly had never questioned the security of the United States and had never imagined anything like this could happen here. I knew my life and the United States and World had changed forever in the blink of an eye.

  11. JW on September 11th, 2015 9:05 am

    I was pulling into the gate at Hurlburt Field. I heard the first crash report on the radio. I didn’t think a whole alot about it at first. We didn’t have a TV at work, so I kept refreshing the internet site I had pulled up. Then the other reports started coming in about the other plane crashes. The Pentagon on fire, crash in Pennsylvania. When I got home my eyes were glued to the TV all night long. Life changed. The way we did business changed. Always remember! Thank you William.

  12. Pastor on September 11th, 2015 8:47 am

    I was on a bus with a group of Senior Citizens from Pine Forest A/G church in Cantonment, just outside of Washington DC, in VA. headed to D.C. When my wife called me on my cell & asked where we were & if I had saw the news.

    We found a truck stop & gathered with strangers around a T.V. with many in shock as the Towers began to fall. Calling our hotel across from Andrews air force base, & informed we could not get there, and Found a Hotel just south of Arlington VA. Began to Pray for our Nation & evaluate our plans & make our way back to Cantonment FL. with heavy hearts for the next couple of day on that bus.

  13. ProudArmyParent on September 11th, 2015 8:28 am

    I was vexed in front of a TV praying that the people I knew and loved that worked in NYC would get home safely.

    I was later to learn that 5 fellow graduates from Lynbrook Senior High School in New York lost their lives. Aram Iskandarian, Dennis Buckley, Michael Horn all worked for Cantor Fitzgerald and Patrick O’Keefe; FDNY Rescue 1.These men are greatly.

  14. Amy Caum on September 11th, 2015 8:26 am

    I had worked a midnight shift, came home, got the kids off to school and climbed into bed to wind down. When I turned on the tv, the first tower had been hit. I watched in horror as the other planes committed murder and mayhem. I thought of the depth of fear for those running for their lives and the courage of those running towards the buildings. I was sickened when I realized people were jumping to their death.

    I called my parents to see if they were watching. They were not and had no idea we were being attacked. My parents lives were very much impacted by World War II and years later it still strikes me how quiet they both were when this day happened. I can only think they thought it might lead to war and the heartache of losing loved ones.

    When my daughter, who was 10 at the time, came home from school that day, we were discussing what had happened and why. When she heard that the animals that did this thought they would go to heaven and get 77 virgins, she said, “I don’t think so. I think they may be in the devil’s waiting room.” That was our only laugh that day.

    Every year on 9/11 as I watch reruns of this sad day, I am overwhelmed with the same feelings we all experienced that day and know that prayer was all I could offer.

  15. Roll Tide on September 11th, 2015 7:57 am

    I was at work. My husband called and told me what was happening. About that time folks at work were also starting to hear about it. We gathered in our conference room and watched in stunned silence as the events of that day unfolded. I will never forget, and am sure none of my co-workers will either. Some of us went that day and donated blood as we felt there had to be someway we could help. I still feel the pain as if it was yesterday and I pray for the families of those affected by this tragedy.

  16. Air Force Mom on September 11th, 2015 7:35 am

    I was at work when it cane across the TV. My heart just dropped new my son was flying with the President. All I could do was cry in tears for the families and pray for my on son. My boss tried to talk me into going home but work helped me through the day. Finally late that evening my son called and said mom I’m fine but that’s all I can say. Will call you again when I get a chance. I pray everyday for the one that lost there lives and there families. hugs

  17. Matt on September 11th, 2015 6:56 am

    I was working for Molino Utilities at that time. My co-workers and I were working on our well on Chestnut Rd. that morning. We had to go to Hendrix Lawn and Cycle to get a part and when we walked in everyone in the store was just standing still, fixated on the tv. We were told what happened and then just a few minutes later the second plane hit. Eventually we left and went back to finish our work and then didn’t do much else that day but listen to the radio and watch it on tv when we could. By the time I made it home the pentagon had been hit and flight 93 had already went down. My wife at the time told me that her aunt worked in the second tower and she had been trying to reach her all day with no success. Eventually we found out from another family member that she had taken her vacation the day before and wasn’t there. We spent the rest of the day and most of the night watching it. It was very sad and very angering to watch all of the innocent people who were trapped and who were jumping to avoid being burned alive. I salute all of the law enforcement and emergency personnel and their families who made the ultimate sacrifice giving their lives to save everyone they could. It’s people like them and the many men and women in our military that help to make this the greateat country in the world to live in.

  18. Vicki on September 11th, 2015 6:29 am

    I was serving on federal jury duty. Court was in session when someone walked in and handed the judge a note. The jury was sent out. When we were called back into the courtroom the mood was somber. I will never forget that scene. There was complete silence. Men and women were wiping tears from their eyes. The judge spoke to us to break the news and we sent home until further notice.

  19. Jason on September 11th, 2015 1:02 am

    I was at Toys R Us when I heard the news of the first plane crash. Upon arriving home I tuned into CNN to catch an update when the report was of a second plane crashing in the the other Trade Center tower.

    Continued coverage and watching in disbelief of the towers collapsing. It was unimaginable that all air traffic was being halted and flights were being forced to land at the nearest available airport. Utmost shock to learn of other plane crashes at the Pentagon and that of Flight 93.

    May our country never experience a similar terroristic act like this again.