Northview High Needs School Advisory Council Members

September 2, 2015

Northview High School needs volunteers for their  2015-2016 School Advisory Council.

The council meets four times each year after school.  Any interested parents or community members should call (850)  327-6681 ext. 221 to express their interested to serve.


2 Responses to “Northview High Needs School Advisory Council Members”

  1. William on September 3rd, 2015 7:58 am

    >>I’d love to hear from the school what the purpose of this group is. What items has this council achieved in the last few years?

    I’m not from the school, but….

    Every public school in the state of Florida has a school advisory council as mandated by the Legislature.

    The group is mostly just what the name implies, an “advisory” group. Think of it as a round table discussion about what’s happening in the school and providing input. If the school receives state recognition funding, the group decides how it is spent (usually on extra equipment of some kind not in the budget).

    All SAC meetings are public noticed, open to the public and minutes are available for review as any other governmental body in Florida.

    Since they are advisors, they really don’t have accomplishments per se most of the time. However, Northview’s SAC was instrumental in pushing the school district for repairs to the heating and cooling system that had gone incomplete for years. Those repairs were made during this past summer.

    (I will disclose that I have served as a business/community member on the SACs at Ernest Ward and Northview.)

  2. In search of information on September 3rd, 2015 6:04 am

    I’d love to hear from the school what the purpose of this group is. What items has this council achieved in the last few years?