Individual Health Premiums Expected To Rise

September 8, 2015

Florida insurance regulators said that premiums in the individual health-insurance market are expected to increase an average of 9.5 percent in 2016 — though changes will fluctuate substantially among insurers. The average is for major medical plans sold under the federal health-insurance exchange and outside the exchange.

Information released by the state Office of Insurance Regulation says the average monthly premium would increase from $379 to $415, though those numbers don’t account for federal subsidies that can reduce the premium amounts that many people pay.

Also, the rate changes have not been finalized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and are subject to change, according to the state office.

by The News Service of Florida


4 Responses to “Individual Health Premiums Expected To Rise”

  1. Bne on September 9th, 2015 9:35 am

    Remind me again about why socialized medicine is a bad thing. I’m not sure that’s the answer, but the current system stinks.

    Right now, unless it’s an emergency, it takes a month to get in to see the doctor’s PA or nurse practitioner.

    The insurance carriers already ration care. Want an MRI for an injury? You can’t have it until you’ve been injured longer than 30 days, and then only if you can demonstrate that it would make a significant difference in your treatment.

    Private insurers have just as much incentive to deny treatment as any government-run program.

  2. James G. on September 9th, 2015 6:44 am

    Kyle, I like your math skills, however you mentioned the government’s typical solution for a non-existent problem and a question of is this being the best this country can do. You never once mentioned Obamacare for being the cause of this healthcare mess! Good health to you for as long as you live. Remember this, the older you get, the less you have control of your health issues but you will always be in control of your ability to buy healthcare insurance.

  3. Kyle on September 8th, 2015 6:16 pm

    the tax penalty for having no insurance is 700 dollars, last time i checked.
    2016 penalty, single with no dependants…

    premiums of 415 a month? it’s not a criminal tax penalty, they can take it out of my refund, i never miss a beat and have a 4100 dollar a year pay raise by not paying the monthly premiums. it’s actually cheaper to pay the tax penalty – and with a law aimed at driving younger adults who don’t use the system into it so that it evens the cost out for the older people who do… the penalty isn’t high enough to offset the premiums of this socialized medicine ponzi scheme.

    is that the best this country can do? create a ponzi scheme to pay for healthcare for 20 million, when 200 million were doing just fine and the insurance companies were making record profits?

    it’s a typical government solution for a non-existent problem.

    anyone get the feeling this law was designed to drive everyone out of the insurance markets and cause the health care insurance industry to collapse, so that socializing medicine would be the only recourse?

    anyone else see the manipulation?

    keep in mind this law was the reason the Tea Party started.

    I can’t wait to see what law they pass that pisses off people so bad they start a Bullet Party.

  4. nod on September 8th, 2015 5:00 pm

    but I thought Obama said medical care was going to be free or cheap.
    the United States cannot be defeated from the outside, but it is being brought down from the inside thank you everyone that voted for Obama.